View Full Version : [TM-NANO-2-SUPER] Cant Access recordings on hardrive from box

23-03-17, 18:35

since updating to 5 and now 5.0.006 i have been able to watch my recordings on the box when i click the hardrive from media scanner it say "no displayble files on this medium found" but i can still record and then using filezilia to watch on PC. Ive tried unmounting and mounting and have physically unplugged the hardrive but no luck.


abu baniaz
23-03-17, 18:41
Maybe your mount points got messed/mixed up. Issue this command and post back results

df -h

23-03-17, 19:55
Hi thanks this is what i got

root@tmnano2super:~# login as: root
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 208.0M 75.1M 132.9M 36% /
devtmpfs 279.6M 4.0K 279.6M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
tmpfs 279.8M 796.0K 279.0M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/sda1 465.6G 223.9G 241.6G 48% /media/hdd

abu baniaz
23-03-17, 20:04
What are your recording/movie paths?

Menu > Setup > System > Recording and playback settings

23-03-17, 20:20
hi they are both /media/hdd/movie/

abu baniaz
23-03-17, 20:32
Not sure what is wrong. I just use the Media/List buttons, not media scanner plugin.

23-03-17, 22:09
had the box a couple of years never used that button but it works.

Thank you