View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Boxes always locking up, recordings stop working

21-03-17, 22:53
Hello all,

I've had an issue over the last year or so that has finally annoyed me enough to ask for support, it's plagued me over the last couple of years between from OpenVix 3.x to the newest release.
I have 2 VU Duo 2 boxes, both with a pretty standard setup, Picons and mgcamd138 are the only extra plugins I have installed on the base image. After a clean install things work great. After about maybe 1-2 weeks of use the image starts to deteriorate. I get random lockups; sometimes in standby, sometimes watching TV with the spinning VIX logo in the corner, the only way out of this is a manual reboot of the box. If I flick the power off and on I'll then lose my EPG data and need to re-download it all.
Autotimers/recordings then start to fail. Sometimes I'll get a blank recording of a 600+ minute black screen, other times I'll get a small portion of the recording complete but a large section is cut off. Sometimes my autotimers don't even add timers even though all the information is correct.
It's the final straw now, I know there are other images out there but I love OpenVix, when it works for me it's perfect.

This is a general run through of my config:

CrossEPG downloaded to internal HDD daily at 4am
AutoBouquet downloads daily at 4:15am
Timeshift recorded to HDD after 2 seconds and not saved on channel change
NAS mounted on boot, all recordings redirected to NAS folder. Both NAS's record to and playback from the same share.
256MB Swap file installed to HDD

What seems strange is the fact that it's happening on 2 separate boxes. I can't blame the hardware it has to be something behind the scenes. It can't be something to do with the NAS as the lockups happen no matter if there is a recording/playback happening or not.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


abu baniaz
21-03-17, 23:16
Can you upload your mg_cfg file? Zip/rar it before you attach it please.

22-03-17, 00:19
I found that file on a board when I first switched from cccamd to mgcamd, I wasn't too sure what I was doing. I didn't realise it could impact anything, it would be interesting to see what you think.

abu baniaz
22-03-17, 00:22
I was checking the logging option. That seems fine.

22-03-17, 07:39
Take the swap file right off both these boxes. Why on earth have you got swap files on these beasts?

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22-03-17, 08:08
As Andy says, no need for the swap files so remove them. This will not be a box or image issue. It will be a set up issue.

22-03-17, 10:58
I'll do that now, I thought that was just standard procedure. Last night I had an autotimer fail to record something. The little record icon was flashing and the file was created but had a playback time of 0:00.

22-03-17, 12:29
If I were you I would start from scratch. Flash with the newest image 5.0.004 (or if 5.0.005 is released.) and setup as new, so No settings backup or plugin restores and defo No Swap File!

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22-03-17, 13:04
I never restore settings anyway and have flashed so many times. I'll do it again tonight and not set up the swap at all. I'll report back.

27-03-17, 23:49
Ok, so here's my log for the past few days.

Both boxes flashed with v5.0.006 and set up as follows..
Static IP's set
HDD Initialised
EPG redirected to HDD, configured 4am daily updates. SkyUK EPG ticked and downloaded.
Timeshift configured to use HDD after 2 seconds. Turned off zap warnings.
FSTAB network mount added pointing to my NAS drive.
Downloaded mgcam 1.38 & picon plugins
Redirected playback/record settings to NAS share. Turned off warnings.
Changed movie location.
Scanned for channels.
Added cam files to var/keys via FTP.
Configured mgcamd to autostart.
Configured Autobouquets to download at 4:15am daily.

After 1 hour box 1 locked up. The TV channel continued to play with VIX logo spinning. Seemed to coincide with me switching from the XBox One to TV.

A 2 hour recording on box 1 stopped writing data at 70 mins. Coincided roughly as I finished watching a recording on box 2. Front display on box 1 still showed the recording icon but no data was being written.

Box 2 locked up in standby at 8:04am for no apparent reason. Power cycled.
Box 1 locked up whilst watching TV at 8:30pm, just as a recording was about to start. TV continued to play but VIX logo span in the corner. Power cycled.
Decided to try a different NAS for recordings. I'll update again in a few days.

28-03-17, 02:17
Right Here is my 2 nepenthe worth - if you are having the same problem on 2 separate Duo2 Receivers both showing the same problem and running with the same settings :confused: you have some of your settings seriously wrong

my Duo2 is running like a Dream without any problems at all and it is my Default Receiver and built like a Tank - out of the other 5 Receivers that i have the Duo2 just goes on and on without any problems so i would suggest that you check your settings, leave one of them as it is and do a Clean fresh Install and see how they perform separately for a few days :cool: even though you say you never restore settings :rolleyes: something is going wrong

i forgot to ask where did you buy them from and are they Original Genuine Duo2's and not Clones as you only seem to have had this problem since you moved from the Old Vix 3 :eek:

28-03-17, 09:21
Yep they are 100% genuine from Amazon.
Whilst I do agree with you it's going to be difficult to pin down. My settings changes are pretty basic, that's why I listed them above for you to see. I'm thinking it could be something to do with the mounts, I don't think a typical setup has 2 devices read/writing to the same location. Since moving to a new NAS things seem more responsive but it's too early to say for sure.

12-04-17, 00:25
Things haven't been as bad but there have been crashes. I presume this is down to using a NAS again so I'm wanting to try things a bit different. Both boxes will now record to their local hard drives but have access to each other for playback purposes.
From what I read the boxes should show up on the Network Browser list.... but they don't. From my laptops, tablets etc I cannot see any shares from the IP addresses of my boxes. Is this something I need to switch on manually?

12-04-17, 20:35
Worked it out. I needed to install Samba. It's worse than ever now, time to flash again :(

14-04-17, 22:00
Jesus this is getting too much now. I'm recording to the local drive now but sometimes (twice tonight) the box freezes up with the spinning logo when a recording is about to start. TV continues to play but clock stops and nothing else responsive.

15-04-17, 10:41
Must be how you have setup your receivers. Out of interest what softcam are you using?

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15-04-17, 12:25
I use mgcam138

26-04-17, 15:31
It looks like it's down to timeshift guys. Not had a single crash since disabling it.