View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Timeshift fail

20-03-17, 19:09
Hi Guys

I've started getting a timeshift fail since upgrading to 5.0. series. When using the 'Timeshift save recording (stop after current event)', I get the message that the recording will be saved after event, but after the event I get the fail message stating 'no such file or directory'. The pause and rewind live TV facility is fine.

Its always been slightly buggy where occasionally it never recorded anything, but the event would always show up in my recordings

The timeshift location is the default setting and I dont seem to be able to change it.


Any ideas?

Many thanks

20-03-17, 20:46
I always setup my timeshift settings with 20 seconds as apposed to 2 secs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
20-03-17, 21:13
If you only have one storage device connected, you cannot select another location.

Did you have debug logs enabled by any chance? If so, can you upload them?

20-03-17, 23:07
Hi Abu

I didn't have the debug log enabled, but I've enabled it and repeated the timeshift. I've attached the log. Hopefully it will help.

Thanks for your help.