View Full Version : Will the epg update in deep standby

16-03-17, 19:17
If the box is in deep standby will the box turn on to update the epg guide then go back to deep standby

16-03-17, 19:49
Think in settings of EPG importer certainly there's option to tick to update/wake from deep standby to do this. Can't think for CrossEPG off the top of my head. What plugin you using?

16-03-17, 20:02
Think you need to set a power timer to wake the box before the time you have schedule the EPG download then the power timer to put the box back to deep standby post EPG download.

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16-03-17, 20:35
I used to do what garryboy suggests (and that works fine). Now I tell the box to update the epg every hour while in standby. I leave it in deep standby at night. During the day its usually in normal standby for a few hours so the epg is always up to date without worrying about the box updating at 6 am etc.

abu baniaz
16-03-17, 21:38
What do you mean by EPG guide? Do you mean the bouquets or EPG data? You have not said how you will be obtaining the EPG guide.