View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Crash

12-03-17, 19:26
Looking through the EPG, when I got a restart message.

abu baniaz
13-03-17, 01:42
That log file is not from the image your post says you are using. It is from 22 Nov 2016 too. Please attach the correct one.

13-03-17, 20:01


Thanks for the heads-up. Correct file attached.

13-03-17, 20:10
That's a debug log, not crash log :)

13-03-17, 21:15
Mine crashed doing the same thing... navigating the EPG

13-03-17, 21:25
Mine crashed doing the same thing... navigating the EPGThat is the unhandled fatal signal error. This error is (thankfully) very rare and don't think anyone has managed to track down why/how it's caused.

I haven't had this error (yet) with vix 5.0, but have had it with an older image.

13-03-17, 21:43
I've had it twice in 3 days. And the EPG is rather laggy in terms of remote response. Plus random reboots. The freezing has gone since .002, thankfully. Famous last words...

13-03-17, 22:23
Third time lucky

abu baniaz
14-03-17, 01:22

< 38596.255> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 38596.256> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py", line 395, in serviceChanged
< 38596.266> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py", line 404, in findBestEvent
< 38596.267> IndexError: list index out of range
< 38596.269> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method EPGList.serviceChanged of <Components.EpgList.EPGList object at 0x605512f0>>,()) failed)


<261609.506> Backtrace:
<261609.508> /usr/bin/enigma2(_Z17handleFatalSignaliP9siginfo_tPv) [0x466320]
<261609.510> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN8gPainter9blitScaleEP7gPixmapRK5eRectS4 _ii) [0x5018EE]
<261609.511> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7ePixmap5eventEiPvS0_) [0x516CE0]
<261609.513> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x51C2F0]
<261609.515> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x51C2C4]
<261609.516> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x51C2C4]
<261609.518> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN14eWidgetDesktop10paintLayerEP7eWidgeti ) [0x51DDD8]
<261609.519> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN14eWidgetDesktop5paintEv) [0x51DEC0]
<261609.521> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN6eTimer8activateEv) [0x46C5C8]
<261609.522> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop15processOneEventEjPP7_object 9ePyObject) [0x46CBE8]
<261609.523> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop7iterateEjPP7_object9ePyObjec t) [0x46D154]
<261609.525> /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop4pollE9ePyObjectS0_) [0x46D244]
<261609.527> /usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x53D5A8]
<261609.528> -------FATAL SIGNAL (11)

19-03-17, 08:14

Thanks for the response, but, what does that mean? What do I have to do?

19-03-17, 08:43
Same thing this morning. Is it a sking issue?

Crash log


19-03-17, 09:57
Same thing this morning. Is it a sking issue?

Crash log

53202It's looking like possibly corrupt EPG.

I would put box to sleep with telnet/putty "init 4" and delete epg.dat from HDD/USB, then restart box with telnet/putty "init 3"

What is source of your EPG? Do you use just openTV or multiple sources?

19-03-17, 11:33
It's looking like possibly corrupt EPG.

I would put box to sleep with telnet/putty "init 4" and delete epg.dat from HDD/USB, then restart box with telnet/putty "init 3"

What is source of your EPG? Do you use just openTV or multiple sources?

I use OpenTV.

May need a crash course in Telnet!

19-03-17, 12:59
I use OpenTV.

May need a crash course in Telnet!No need, @Abu posted a plugin that does it all for you. You will need to ensure you're not recording anything as it puts your box to sleep. Also remember you will be required to setup crossepg again.

Once done, remove the plugin as recommended to prevent accidental operation.
