View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Vu+ Ultimo updated to 5.0.001 Vu+ Turbo tuner not recognised

05-03-17, 17:40
I've just installed 5.0.001 on my Ultimo.

Installed tuners are:
1 internal twin cable tuner
1 internal single sat tuner
1 Sundtek USB Sky sat tuner

I've installed the Vu+ Turbo cable drivers but this tuner isn't showing up in the tuner configuration list.

The above setup worked well on 4.2.030.

I seem to remember there was a kernel issue with the Ultimo and the turbo tuner a few months ago, sometime last year, is that the issue again?


06-03-17, 23:34

abu baniaz
06-03-17, 23:47
We started a thread in the developer section about USB tuners. Apart from the Xtrend issue (which may be worked around soon), others are working.

To look at your issue, someone with the same receiver and also with the same tuner has to attempt what you are doing.

When people have an issue that they can recreate, the best thing to do is to start from scratch, enable debug logs and restart. Then re-enact the problem. You then save debug log to PC and attach it to forum. Might be something simple, might not be. But more chance of someone looking at log and looking for error than waiting for someone else to test same setup as yours.

07-03-17, 00:39
Okay I'll set up debug logs when I get a chance, it just seems to be the same problem as in the thread I posted last year and wondered if the solution would be the same.


07-03-17, 21:22

Ok I've started from scratch, enabled debug logs & restarted.

I've installed the Turbo driver (it doesn't go through the install process properly I don't think)

I've restarted the box and the Turbo tuner isn't in the tuner list.

I've attached the debug log.

abu baniaz
07-03-17, 21:45
Your log does not show you installing the device. Please check the other logs. Search for "opkg"

abu baniaz
07-03-17, 21:49
Alternatively, paste this command and post the output here again

opkg install enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo

Like you did here

08-03-17, 07:51
Hi Abu baniaz

Like I said, it doesn't install.

I'll type in the command later this evening when I'm back from work.

Thanks for your time and help looking at this.

08-03-17, 20:49
Okay here are the results.

root@vuultimo:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo
enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-cypress-firmware
Installing enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo (1.0) on root.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo_1.0-r3_all.ipk.
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Collected errors:
* opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo_1.0-r3_all.ipk, wget returned 1.
* opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo.
root@vuultimo:~# vuultimo login: root
-sh: vuultimo: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Last login: Wed Mar 8 19:44:40 GMT 2017 on pts/0
-sh: Last: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-tu
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo: unsatisfied recommendatio
n for kernel-module-cypress-firmware
-sh: enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Installing enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo (1.0) on root.
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vuultimo:~# Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/
-sh: Downloading: not found
root@vuultimo:~# wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
-sh: wget:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Collected errors:
-sh: Collected: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix
bo_1.0-r3_all.ipk, wget returned 1.
-sh: logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download enigma2-plugin-drivers-
dvb-usb-turbo. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
-sh: logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-d
-sh: logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# vuultimo login: root
-sh: vuultimo: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Last login: Wed Mar 8 19:44:40 GMT 2017 on pts/0
-sh: Last: not found
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo_1.0-r3_all.ipk.
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-tu
* opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo: unsatisfied recommendatio
n for kernel-module-cypress-firmware
-sh: enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Installing enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo (1.0) on root.
-sh: root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-tu
syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vuultimo:~# Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/
-sh: n for kernel-module-cypress-firmware
-sh: enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Installing enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo (1.0) on root.
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
Downloading: not found
root@vuultimo:~# wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
-sh: wget:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# Collected errors:
-sh: Collected: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix
bo_1.0-r3_all.ipk, wget returned 1.
-sh: -sh: logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-d
logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download enigma2-plugin-drivers-
dvb-usb-turbo. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
-sh: logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-d
-sh: logs: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~#
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# vuultimo login: root
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: vuultimo: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# Last login: Wed Mar 8 19:44:40 GMT 2017 on pt
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: Last: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-d
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# rbo
-sh: rbo: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo: unsatisf
ied recommendatio
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# n for kernel-module-cypress-firmware
-sh: n: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo:: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# Installing enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turb
o (1.0) on root.
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/ope
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo_1.0-r3_all.ip
-sh: vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-turbo_1.0-r3_all.ipk.: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: Downloading: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: wget:: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# Collected errors:
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: Collected: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download h
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# .co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-dr
-sh: .co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.0/vuultimo/all/enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-tur: not found
root@vuultimo:~# bo_1.0-r3_all.ipk, wget returned 1.
-sh: bo_1.0-r3_all.ipk,: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: logs: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download enigma
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# dvb-usb-turbo. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
-sh: dvb-usb-turbo.: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: logs: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found
root@vuultimo:~# root@vuultimo:~# * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package
-sh: root@vuultimo:~#: not found
root@vuultimo:~# rivers-dvb-usb-turbo.
-sh: rivers-dvb-usb-turbo.: not found
root@vuultimo:~# -sh: logs: not found
-sh: -sh:: not found

09-03-17, 14:27
Does the above point to anything obvious?

abu baniaz
09-03-17, 15:14
Someone will have a look later. Subject to real life requirements not getting in the way.

Not sure how the kernel module issue transferred to this branch.

13-03-17, 13:15
Just wondering if anyone's had time to look at this and if they can see what the problem is please?

14-03-17, 07:49
Just wondering if anyone's had time to look at this and if they can see what the problem is please?

Not yet no. I'll try to look at it during this week.

14-03-17, 10:24
Hi Sicilian
Thanks in advance for taking the time to look at this, it looks to be the same problem that we had last year which was outlined in the thread linked here.



14-03-17, 11:57
I just installed Vix 5.0.002 on my Ultimo4K and turbo tuner is installed and working fine for me.

abu baniaz
14-03-17, 12:07
I just installed Vix 5.0.002 on my Ultimo4K and turbo tuner is installed and working fine for me.

He has the original Ultimo, not the new 4K one.

14-03-17, 12:10
He has the original Ultimo, not the new 4K one.
oops sorry, I should look closer at the title lol.

14-03-17, 13:19
blind as a bat...

21-03-17, 11:42
Hi Sicilian

Have you managed to have a look at this yet?


21-03-17, 13:58
Hi Sicilian

Have you managed to have a look at this yet?


So sorry, I'll check soon. Had a lot going on.

30-03-17, 10:36

Just wondering if this has been looked at yet and if there is a possible fix?

31-03-17, 17:54

Just wondering if this has been looked at yet and if there is a possible fix?

Very sorry for the delay. Fixed in next build running now. Will be in 5.0.009. Should be uploaded in the morning.

31-03-17, 18:02
Hi Sicilian
Thanks for coming back on this, much appreciated :thumbsup: