View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Changing Sky channels for Freesat

02-03-17, 19:52
I want to select the Freesat HD channels in a Sky EPG. ie. select BBC1 and get it in HD.
Unfortunately I can only receive Sky or Freesat. Would it involve making a custom Bouquet and how easy is that to do.
One other question when I select the record button ( red dot on remote ) two timer options appear is it possible to set it up to record immediatly.

02-03-17, 20:10
Running ABM for sky or freesat will bring up BBC1 HD. In ABM settings you need to set swap channels to yes. Then rescan.

abu baniaz
02-03-17, 20:12
Are you asking about changing HD channels for SD or using Freesat channls in a Sky bouquet

02-03-17, 20:24
Freesat channels in a Sky bouquet So in effect I get HD channels in SKY
Thanks for reply

02-03-17, 20:26
I thought I had that setting but will check again.
Thanks for reply

abu baniaz
02-03-17, 20:39
Which HD channels are on Freesat but not Sky?

You just need to enable the swap.