View Full Version : Gigablue openvix 4.2.30

28-02-17, 14:03
Hi I have a bluegiga HD UE receiver. when I updated the software from openvix 4.2.27 to 4.2.30 time shift and record done seem to work.... its just a black screen...

so I downgraded back to 4.2.27 and the time shift and record works as normal. But the problem I have now is the plugins don't work its says kernel need updating.

Please help.

Thank You

28-02-17, 14:06
You will have to wait until gigablue provide new drivers. You will have to stay on 4.2.027 without feeds. Sorry.

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02-03-17, 17:43
Hi, i have same problem with timeshift and recording with 800 se+
Really you think that gigablue release driver for this "old" decoder?


02-03-17, 17:49
This bug should not be affecting Quad+, only other models.

Any way issue found, GB will be release new drivers in due course.