View Full Version : [XP1000] zgemma 2s question

27-02-17, 23:56
Sorry i know Rule 19 states that Zgemma is not to be discussed on here. But im new to this and have no idea what a CLONED reciever is can someone explain to me how this works. Because if its the case where its not supported I.E Zgemma boxes. i will promptly return my box and get a different one. i noticed the plugins are deactivated and googled it this forum came up and mentions of cloned boxes. if someone could explain and also recommend a replacement. this would be greatly appreciated thanks.

28-02-17, 01:14
Box is not officially supported by VIX team.
Box have some sketchy reputation to say the least,
Very popular with the ILLEGAL card sharing folks,

Visit WORLD OF SATELLITE and buy any box from there that matches your budget and needs and come back.