View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] CrossEPG Scheduled download issue.

27-02-17, 19:29

Hi folks,

First post and have tried my hardest to follow the posting rules, hope it has worked o.k! Also apologies if already answered, I've tried the search function to no avail...

I have had my VU+ Duo2 set up and working well for 5 months now, and I'm very impressed with OpenVix.

Since initial setup I have had the ABM scanning at 10:00 and then CrossEPG downloading at 10:15.

Recently (unsure of when as my wife just mentioned that she's had to manually download for a while), the CrossEPG data has not downloaded, and today when I was paying attention, the message prior to download did not appear either, as if the program failed to run. This could have been since re-flash to 4.2, but I'm unsure.

I've done some searching around the web, and found a similar issue (not resolved) where someone linked it to the Duo 2 not "sensing" that recordings have finished. This may be a separate issue, but after any recording activity, I cannot restart the box without the following message being displayed: "Recording(s) are in progress or are about to begin!". The issue was also thought to be linked to Timeshift for some reason.

The EPG is saved to the USB supplied from WOS when ordered... I never formatted prior to use though.

Below (I hope!) are shots of the EPG settings and CrossEPG settings:



Any advice would be much appreciated - Appreciate that a blank EPG once a week is nothing major!
