View Full Version : [VU+ Zero] OpenVPN won't start

13-02-17, 12:33
Further to my problems with OpenVPN on the SF4008 it now seems there is a problem with OpenVPN on the Zero with the latest update, it won't start from UI or telnet.

root@vuzero:~# opkg install openvpn
Package openvpn (2.4.0-r0.1) installed in root is up to date.
root@vuzero:~# opkg install kernel-module-tun
Package kernel-module-tun (3.13.5-.4) installed in root is up to date.
root@vuzero:~# /etc/init.d/./openvpn start
Starting openvpn:.

13-02-17, 13:11
another issue i can see there is that you had to install the tun module separately
it should be installed with openvpn

13-02-17, 13:17
No m8, that was just to show both are installed and up to date.

13-02-17, 13:43
There appears to be no existing openvpn profile in /etc/openvpn
Put one there and repeat.
Keep in mind that OpenVPN profiles on Linux have the .conf extension, not .ovpn

Gesendet von meinem Siemens C25 mit Tapatalk

13-02-17, 13:49
No m8, that was just to show both are installed and up to date.

ahhh :D .

13-02-17, 15:42
There appears to be no existing openvpn profile in /etc/openvpn
Put one there and repeat.

You were correct, in my haste to get this box back up I stupidly put my backup openvpn folder inside /etc/openvpn instead of just the contents so it ended up as /etc/openvpn/openvpn

Mark thread as solved :o

13-02-17, 15:44
My suggestion to try is to telnet the following before attempting start:

update-rc.d openvpn defaults

Worked for me when I had similar problem.

Just spotted already solved....well done

13-02-17, 23:51
You were correct, in my haste to get this box back up I stupidly put my backup openvpn folder inside /etc/openvpn instead of just the contents so it ended up as /etc/openvpn/openvpn

Sorry, but I can't resist:
OpenATV would backup + restore the /etc/openvpn folder for you automagically when doing online/couch flash or when saving+restoring settings :)

14-02-17, 02:34
So does Openvix do that normally as well no problem but this was upgrading from a earlier old image where a settings restore is not permited by the system or recommended :p

14-02-17, 10:13
So does Openvix do that normally as well no problem but this was upgrading from a earlier old image where a settings restore is not permited by the system or recommended :p
Have a look in your settings file - it will tell you if any vpn folders are being backed up.
Or go thru backup manager and you can find out from there.

05-07-17, 22:20
Really struggleing with this one, no matter what tutorial I follow I can't get openvpn to start.
how do you get rid of the opvn extention when that's the original file format.