View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Where is the file that assigns channel numbers located for Auto Bouquet Maker ABM

13-02-17, 09:40
Okay, so I have added my security cameras to the bouquets so they can be viewed as a channel on my solo 2.

I did this by creating a new autobouquet.tv file called “userbouquet.camera.tv” with my rtsp links in and also edited the main bouquets.tv file to add the “userbouquet.camera.tv” file label in, and ftp’ing them to etc/enigma2 and then restart the box.

These camera streams now appear fine but they are located in the 4000’s channel numbers (where the favourites channel numbers start).

I would like to make them start at channel number 9000. Could someone tell me how I can do this? There must be a file somewhere that assigns channel numbers to each bouquet section file.

I’m guessing this file must list the ABM sections and says something like “userbouquet.camera.tv” starts at channel xxxx, and I just need to edit that?

Thanks in advance.

15-02-17, 08:52
Anyone? :confused:

15-02-17, 19:41
Try in abm providers generate main bouquet to no that will remove all channels bouquet also change others to no ie fta bouquet, hd bouquet etc if you don't want them. Once done press green to save then goto the hide section and hide unwanted bouquets ie none indexed etc green to save then start scan that should remove a lot of abm bouquets and hopefully your camera bouquet will be further up the list.

I'm not sure if you could do something with the custom.xml http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45828-CustomLCN-CustomMix-Favourites-List-Hacks

abu baniaz
16-02-17, 00:22
you cannot add another bouquet in between ABM's bouquets. You can put all ABM bouquet s before or after all existing ones. You can also select one bouquet to be used as the first/main one by ABM.

16-02-17, 14:18
But is it possible to do this without ABM? For example if I have two bouquets, Sport (with 17 channels) and Music (11 channels) then numbers will go in sequence from 1-28 but I'd like to have Sport from number 1 and Music starting from number 30. Is this possible?

abu baniaz
16-02-17, 15:24
You can place holders using your channel editor. Bouquet editor in openwebif also has this feature although numbers are not cumulative.

If editing, manually, you have to add these
#SERVICE 1:832:d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:

17-02-17, 11:59
going back to my original question, is there a file that has the channel numbers in that I can just edit directly through ftp rather than using dreambox edit etc...

17-02-17, 12:32
at the moment my cameras start at 4xxx, (cant remember the exact # as I have some iptv services in the 4xxx's also)
but I would the cameras to start at 9001. There must be a file to manually edit directly...

17-02-17, 13:09
at the moment my cameras start at 4xxx, (cant remember the exact # as I have some iptv services in the 4xxx's also)
but I would the cameras to start at 9001. There must be a file to manually edit directly...
Why would you make that assumption?!:)
I run ABM and then modify to get UK/German Bouquets/channels in the order I want ... typically I have to add line fillers to get correct channel numbers for me ....

17-02-17, 13:40
because for 28.2 sly, entertainment section starts at 101, movies section at 301, sports section at 401....etc.... so there must be a file in which these locations are set, no???

or are you saying that you have to edit the .tv files in etc/enigma2 and put in "#SERVICE 1:832:d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:" fillers for every channel you want to skip?
i.e. "#SERVICE 1:832:d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:" = channelnumber + 1?

17-02-17, 13:52
You need to ask Abu, but I always thought they downloaded from Sky the list of channels and channel numbers ... which is why ABM needs to be able to get a lock on the Sky default transponder so it can download the channel list.

abu baniaz
17-02-17, 17:20
There are no channel numbers in Enigma2. The numbers are a running total between the bouquets. However, if you have alternate numbering enabled, each bouquet will start at 1.

How bouquets are created:
Each bouquet file has file type .tv
All the individual bouquet files are listed in the bouquets.tv file.

If you want to have a bouquet file called cameras.tv With first actual channel in that bouquet to start at 9001, the cumulative/running total of all services/place holders before it, must total 9000. You can either create another bouquet full of place holders before it, or add the place holders in the cameras.tv file.

This will be a separate process to ABM

If you are also using ABM, I would suggest that you disable non-indexed channels. Non-indexed makes the total number of channels numbers vary non each run.