View Full Version : transcoding not working anymore

12-02-17, 14:26
I did have transcoding working nicely some time before Christmas (Oct/Nov) but for the last few weeks I haven't been able to get it to work at all.

Using the Marusys 'official' VU android player I can stream fine, but as soon as i turn on transcoding, it simply refuses to connect. On this crappy player you cannot seem to select the transcoding port anyway so I am not surprised it doesn't work!

Using my preferred dream Player by Christian Fees, again I can connect and use it just fine when streaming, but after enabling transcoding, setting the port that I have forwarded on the router (8888), it just says it could not connect to the provided transcoding host and port.

I had trouble with openwebif before when they broke it with an update and I am wondering if one of the updates from before Christmas has broken it (again!) and it has still not been fixed?

The port must be forwarding correctly because otherwise the streaming/openwebif port (1222) wouldnt work either so it cant be my port forwarding (I tried changing transcoding to 1221 instead and that didnt help).

All of this is just trying to transcode it locally to try and make sure it works, but I was using it remotely previously and not it doesnt work at all.

13-02-17, 16:00
I did have transcoding working nicely some time before Christmas (Oct/Nov) but for the last few weeks I haven't been able to get it to work at all.

Using the Marusys 'official' VU android player I can stream fine, but as soon as i turn on transcoding, it simply refuses to connect. On this crappy player you cannot seem to select the transcoding port anyway so I am not surprised it doesn't work!

Using my preferred dream Player by Christian Fees, again I can connect and use it just fine when streaming, but after enabling transcoding, setting the port that I have forwarded on the router (8888), it just says it could not connect to the provided transcoding host and port.

I had trouble with openwebif before when they broke it with an update and I am wondering if one of the updates from before Christmas has broken it (again!) and it has still not been fixed?

The port must be forwarding correctly because otherwise the streaming/openwebif port (1222) wouldnt work either so it cant be my port forwarding (I tried changing transcoding to 1221 instead and that didnt help).

All of this is just trying to transcode it locally to try and make sure it works, but I was using it remotely previously and not it doesnt work at all.

Which receiver?

14-02-17, 09:08
Duo2, thats why its in the Duo2 forum :D

19-02-17, 11:03
Actually it's not just transcoding. Streaming works using the LAN but will not work over the net, transcoding won't work on lan OR over the net (but I have solved it not being able to connect to the port so it isn't that anymore). And after trying to do any of this, when I try to change channel on the box, it crashes with the VIX logo spinning non stop. They definitely seem to have broken something in openwebif/transcoding (again).

28-06-17, 03:12
Did you ever manage to get transcoding working as I have the exact same issue?

28-06-17, 15:40
transcoding over my LAN works fine here on duo2 with latest image version

29-06-17, 13:37
I can't even get transcoding working over the LAN. Works fine if I take the stream straight from the box on port 8001, but nothing on 8002.

Could there be a setting somewhere that I have missed?

I'm on the latest vid image: 5.0.020

29-06-17, 15:36
setup in webif and choose transcoding settings.There you can setup all parameters at your choice.