View Full Version : Big problems after power cut

08-02-17, 18:52
The electricity in our village had to be switched off for a couple of hours, so I powered down my VU+ Duo using the button at top right, so it just showed the clock. I have an openvix image on it and we have a 360V motorised dish with a Superjack positioner.
When I switched the VU back on after our power came back on, all my settings had changed, my favourites were gone and it appeared to have reverted back to the default settings.

That is not the big problem though.
I wanted to use the default epg plugin (which is not in my list) but when I go to the Plugin Browser and press the green button to download plugins, it says "there has been an error, please try again later or visit...." and mentions world-of-satellite. So I can't download any epg plugins or anything else.

Another problem is trying to access the VU using dreambox edit or VU+ control centre using Windows 7. I just keep getting the "Access Violation at address 0052B206 in module "VUCC.exe". Read of address 00000000".
The IP that is entered is 100% correct.
On the Menu....Information... Network page, the Link has a green light next to it.
A ping using cmd.exe in windows connects to the box, but I cannot access the box using VUCC.exe.

I have tried the latest version of VUCC, I have given the program permission in my windows firewall but I just can't get it working. So without VUCC I can't use Telnet, FTP or anything else.
When I try using my normal FTP program, it asks for a password, but as far as I remember, I never set a password in VUCC. I have tried all possible combinations but the Access Violation... keeps showing up.

So I have two big problems: 1. I cannot download any plugins and 2. I cannot access the box from my PC.

Can anyone help ?

08-02-17, 19:03
What version of ViX are you on? Menu > Information > About. For example 4.2.030 (release). What are you on?

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08-02-17, 19:47
3.2 Build 037 from June 2016 according to the list there.

08-02-17, 19:53
Updatwe to latest vix to get plugins back
Try using filezilla to ftp in to your box

08-02-17, 20:08
Yeah its because you are on 3.2 Image. To use feeds you need to be on a newer Image.

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08-02-17, 20:21
Sorry to sound thick, but I have never updated it myself. Do I have to download it on my PC, put it on a stick and somehow get it onto the VU from that ?

Menu > Setup > Software Update doesn't work (same "there has been an error...)
Backup Manager doesn't let me make a backup, it just asks me which one I want to restore (3.2 037 and Enigma) and even that stops halfway with an error before continuing..

08-02-17, 20:33
You can do a usb flash or you could try the Image Manager option "Couch Flashing". Are you familiar with ftp, using filezilla? If you can use filezilla you could ftp the vix image and place it in the image manager folder on your stb hdd. Then you would Blue button > ViX > Image manager and the zipped image will be listed and you would then press the Blue button to Restore.

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08-02-17, 20:48
Are you familiar with ftp, using filezilla?
Yes, I know filezilla, I use it for my own website (an academic website, not satellite stuff). But I don't understand the "ftp the vix image" bit - do you mean download it via ftp ?
And don't forget - I cannot access the box using VUCC - and when I put the Vu+'s IP into filezilla, it asks me for a password for the box.

08-02-17, 21:04
No. You would download the image from here >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/vu-plus-images/ , then you would transfer the zipped image from your computer to your stb using filezilla (ftp). You would place the image in hdd/imagebackups

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08-02-17, 21:23
Or just put the image on a USB and insert into one of the slots on the receiver and follow the steps. I don't believe you can do a settings restore going from the version of Vix you are currently on to the latest, therfore you will need to setup from scratch

08-02-17, 21:48
Well, my box crashed whilst I was writing the last message and so I called my son-in-law here (he knows more about the VU than I do). He flashed the latest version and the VU stuck on the coloured cube on the screen and the "double your expectations" message on the front of the VU. He tried a slightly earlier version, same thing, now he is trying an even earlier version.
We have discovered that none of the 4... versions work on my VU+, the only one that worked was 3.32, which of course does not have a working plugin download option. But at least it will hopefully allow us to download some channels.

08-02-17, 22:35
The original Duo is long in the tooth now and struggles a bit with the newer images.

How long did you leave it booting up when trying the newer images? I would give it a while and you will probably find it eventually sorts itself out.

Perhaps it is time to looking at a newer receiver that will cope with these more demanding images?

08-02-17, 23:19
If it's never had a vix newer than 3.2. Does that not point to a cloned receiver

As for the duo being out of date. My duo runs the latest Vix no problem at all. Maybe takes a bit longer than the modern receivers to boot up, but once running as far as watching sat TV goes it does everything as efficiently as my mutant HD51

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09-02-17, 00:16
It is definitely and 100% NOT a clone - I would never ever buy such a thing - I bought two at the same time, one for us and one for our daughter and son-in-law from an official VU seller - a satellite equipment shop who supplies most of the embassies - here in Switzerland. NO WAY is it a clone and sorry, but it is IMO improper to even suggest it without any basis.
I have an attic full of satellite receivers reaching back to 1997, obscure makes from France, as well as Technomate, Echostar, two Dreamboxes etc. (I don't like to throw them away) and for the moment I do not fancy having to add my VU+ to the shelf, so I will have to cope with what I have.
Thankyou all very much for your help and suggestions.

09-02-17, 00:22
How long did you leave it booting up when trying the newer images? I would give it a while and you will probably find it eventually sorts itself out.

When you say "a while", how long would you say ?
After removing the USB stick and restarting the box, we waited about 10 minutes each time. Should we have waited longer, do you think ? Apart from the "double your expectations" message on the front of the VU there was no action at all, no messages apart from the static long cube image and the name. It didn't switch the positioner on either, as it should have done.

09-02-17, 00:43
I believe the basis for the comment regarding it being "a clone" was based on the fact it will only work on a early image, this is I believe a common problem with clone receivers. Please do not take any offence, it was a justified question based on the information you gave. The clones are very good and quite hard to spot for anyone.

I do hope you get the receiver working to its full capabilities, as I said earlier, a ftp client like Filezilla will help you to access the vu without the need for any other client.

09-02-17, 08:30
How have you managed to obtain so many receivers yet not learned how to flash your receiver? Who does the updating for you? I think the shout about it being a clone was fair, not suggesting but I would also come to the same conclusion.

I really hope you can get it up and running though.

09-02-17, 09:43
Sorry if I caused any offence with my clone suggestion. I was merely going on the information you have supplied.

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09-02-17, 14:01
How have you managed to obtain so many receivers yet not learned how to flash your receiver?
I have a clever son-in-law :D. And on earlier (I mean much earlier) ones there was no such thing as flashing receivers. In fact there was no internet. (We got our first sat system back in the late 1990s). What you bought is what you got. The Echostar and a slightly earlier one (can't remember the make) had available apps (or "Taps") and there was an editing program you could buy from a German bloke - I bought it but only used it once.
I watched my son-in-law when he flashed the box with all the various images last night, so I might be able to do it myself now, but when something goes wrong I get into a panic and my husband leaves the sat system up to me (and my son-in-law). It's bad enough having to set all our satellites (no Diseq, no USALS otherwise the dish smashes into the chimney) every time we get a new receiver or a new image. At the moment I have a BH image on it but its not as nice as the OpenVix one I was using and I miss some functions.