View Full Version : [ET10x00] Help restoring partial settings/backup on Major Image upgrade

06-02-17, 17:38
I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered a dozen times before but I couldn't seem to find it.

Is there any way at all, to partially restore some settings from the backup, when upgrading Major version (3.2.x to 4.2.x in my case) - I did not realise it'd Wipe Everything - plugins, tuner config and network config I can handle, but mostly it's my Timer & Autotimer config I miss the most, didn't expect it all to go, and have no apparent way to get it back.

Is it possible to extract certain bits from the backup tarball and restore them manually; and if so, what can be restored and what cannot?

06-02-17, 17:43
Have you got a settings backup? If not, and you have a 3.2 image backup, go back to that image and make one.

Many things can be restored "by hand", timers and autotimers are probably the easiest.

06-02-17, 17:53
I made a backup before I started the process. I couldn't use the backup with 4.2.x

So I rolled back to latest 3.2 and was able to restore most things, although it could not restore plugins, and access to plugins from the easy plugins menu is blocked/unavailable on 3.2.x

Is there a guide anywhere for how to backup each bit of config by hand? I've no problem going into the box with ssh and grabbing / editing config files by hand, I just don't know which ones to get / where various things are stored.

06-02-17, 18:09
Timers and autotimers are stored in /etc/enigma2/timers.xml and /etc/enigma2/autotimer.xml

You need to stop enigma first (telnet init 4 command) before copying them over. init 3 to restart enigma.

The file /etc/enigma2/settings can be easily read to view your 3.2 settings and at least give you a clue what you have changed.

Other files: posters need to chip in with advice.

06-02-17, 18:16
Well, I can configure Network settings by hand, that's easy enough.

Cam settings I know how to restore.

Timers I think its now basically covered, from your post (I recall looking at those files before but never realised the need to stop enigma first, that explains a few things - thanks)

Autofs mounts and storage settings would be good to be able to backup & restore somehow, but I suppose it's not that hard to redo by hand

various other Plugins I can do myself anyway,

Being able to backup/restore Tuner config would be good because having to rescan (service searching) after the 4.2.x install is slow and I really hope unecessary if I can restore some of it from the current config.

Ditto for my Bouquets, which were created with ABM but tweaked a lot