View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Parental controls, crash after pressing 9

06-02-17, 15:15
Hi, Im having Issues with my miracle premium micro and TM Nano se on latest vix image 4.2 029. When i use the parental control settings and change the Protect Movie List to yes and save the changes all is fine.. But when i press the media button on both remotes the boxs crash. Any help would be great..

abu baniaz
06-02-17, 15:39
Can you upload/attach the crash logs please?

06-02-17, 16:11
Can you upload/attach the crash logs please?

Hi Sure,, This is the log file from the tm nanose ..52472

abu baniaz
06-02-17, 18:52
Posting for reference purposes

< 185.427> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 226
< 185.428> [ActionMap] InfobarActions showMovies
< 185.495> [Skin] processing screen MovieSelection:
< 185.575> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element chosenletter in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
< 185.582> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element movie_sort in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
< 185.592> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element DescriptionBorder in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
< 185.593> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element movie_off in <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>
< 185.648> [Skin] processing screen MovieSelectionSummary:
< 185.665> [Skin] processing screen PinInput:
< 185.691> [Skin] processing screen SimpleSummary:
< 192.312> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 ae 1
< 192.314> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 174 EXIT
< 192.314> [ActionMap] WizardActions back
< 192.319> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 ae 1
< 192.320> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 174 EXIT
< 192.529> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 192.529> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 228, in processDelay
< 192.530> callback(*retval)
< 192.530> TypeError: pinEntered() takes exactly 4 arguments (2 given)
< 192.530> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0x72818ee0>>,()) failed)

11-02-17, 14:07
Hi, Has the issue been resolved with both boxs.

abu baniaz
11-02-17, 15:46
I have changed the title of thread. From "Issues with miracle premium micro and TM Nano se on latest vix image 4.2 029" to "Parental controls, crash after pressing 9".

abu baniaz
11-02-17, 15:52
There was a commit to add the 9. Please try the following.

Navigate to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens
Rename the file called "MovieSelection.pyo" to "MovieSelection.pyo.bak"
Download the attached file and extract it.
Transfer the file to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens
Restart the receiver

EDIT: Attachment removed. Checked back a file from Dec 2015, same crash

11-02-17, 23:32
Where is the attached File..

abu baniaz
11-02-17, 23:40
Where is the attached File..

Attached now. Sorry.

12-02-17, 00:03
Replaced file provided - rebooted box - same issue - I have attached new log file.....


abu baniaz
12-02-17, 00:17
There were a few other chnges to movie selection. Please bear with us. Please reinstate original file

Can you give a step by step way to reproduce the issue please? All the way from beginning.

12-02-17, 00:33
The issue starts when i change the parental control settings,, I change them all to yes to protect the box, but when Protect movie list is changed to yes and i press the Media button on both remote controls the tm nano se and also the miracle premium mirco box they crash..

abu baniaz
12-02-17, 00:43
EDIT: I'm getting this crash just by entering movie list.

I tried a movielist file from Dec 2015, that still crashes

Edit 2:
Gone back to 3.2 037. That crashes too

24-02-17, 11:24
EDIT: I'm getting this crash just by entering movie list.

I tried a movielist file from Dec 2015, that still crashes

Edit 2:
Gone back to 3.2 037. That crashes too

Any sign of a fix coming out to resolve these issues..