View Full Version : deleting bouquets

04-02-17, 12:05
A little help guy's. I keep deleting the unnecessary bouquets using 'open webif' but they keep re-appearing. is there a way to get rid of these completely?
I'm using 4 2 029 (release) Thanks.

I have noticed that this "Error: Bouquet /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.ukcvs08.tv could not deleted, OSError." is displayed at the bottom.

04-02-17, 12:12
If you are using ABM then you can't delete, as when the next scheduled scan happens, the deleted bouquets will just reappear. If you want to hide a particular section use the hide sections functionality. Or you could either stop a scheduled scan but any changes that sky/provider make won't appear in your bouquets. Another option is to create your own channel list, but you would need to solely maintain that yourself.

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04-02-17, 12:19
Thanks for your quick reply Andy, I have the used the 'Hide bouquets' but thats not stopping them, looks like I'll just have to put up with them :)

04-02-17, 12:37
Stopping them? Are you wanting to stop kids looking in certain bouquets or something?

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04-02-17, 13:48
What bouquet are you trying to delete.

04-02-17, 14:11
Hide bouquet should work I don't know if that will remove those channels from the all channels bouquet (if you have generated all channels bouquet) you could try to delete the channels via custommix I have done this for sky sports 1 to 4 roi as I dont see the need to have them.

04-02-17, 15:24
Also setting Place bouquets at Bottom ensures that your favourites bouquet is at the top of the list of bouquets. The settig is found at : - Menu - Setup - Service searching - AutoBouquetsMaker - Configure.

04-02-17, 20:01
Stopping them? Are you wanting to stop kids looking in certain bouquets or something?

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No Andy, no kids now mate,just me & the Mrs, just don't want to be scrolling through bouquets that I will never watch.

Thanks to all the others who have made suggestions,I'll give them a try when I have a little time :)
PS: always great help on here.

04-02-17, 20:10
If for example you want to Hide Adult or International Section Bouquets, then you tick the appropriate ones you want to hide and then Start Scan again. I prefer to not have the Main Bouquet generated, but just the Section Bouquet ones and then enable the Swap option. Try that and see if this is better for you. [emoji4]

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