View Full Version : [TM-NANO-2-SUPER] Major Problem setting up vpn

24-01-17, 20:58
Just spent an eternity (well, almost) trying to set up an openvpn connection to hide.me vpn. Works fine with PC and Android devices but just can't get it to start on my Technomate. I've sent logs ref 1485285455.26. Support guy at my vpn provider wanted openvpn logs but none seems to exist (maybe because it's never been started?). I'm certain after all the to-ing and fro-ing and research that my files uploaded to the box are fine but still no joy. I get the following in the log when I try to start openvpn:

[eMainLoop::processOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 63(16). I haven't a clue what it means!

If I try to start from putty I get:

openvpn: FAILED-> client.

Can you help please? I haven't got much hair left to tear out. Thanks


24-01-17, 21:26
Add a line
log /var/log/openvpn.log
to the profile client, then you will get a log there.

Gesendet von meinem Siemens C25 mit Tapatalk

25-01-17, 17:42
Hi and thanks for the response. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on my box. When I enter that command in putty it says -sh: log: not found.
I'm beginning to wonder if something is wrong with the box as it also won't download latest software either. Thanks anyway... Martin

25-01-17, 17:48
It's not a command on the shell ...
... as I said:

Add it to the profile "client", most probably being in /etc/openvpn/client.conf