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21-01-17, 10:20
Morning all. I am currently using the current vix image for 4.2 but cannot seem to download the EPG text. Is anybody experiencingredients he same problem? The list of channels is available but no EPG of what is showing now or next etc.

24-01-17, 23:26
Evening all, I am still currently experiencing the current problem with my EPG considering i am using the latest VIX image openvix- I am not getting any EPG when trying to download at all, having setup the relevant settings on EPG menu. Someone kindly advise if it has changed or what next can i do?

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 06:35
If you post the settings you are using and maybe any errors/faults shown, people may be able to help.

It is usually a tuner configuration error, signal issue or user selecting wrong settings.

25-01-17, 07:43
That's the problem there is no errors showing or I have not done anything differently. I am using the standard settings provided on openvix that my receiver has. So how I setup is I go to: Menu/setup/system/epg/crossepg/configure/enable csv inport-yes. Then I goto open tv providers and select Sky UK open tv (Astra on 28.2). I then click on download which is where I encounter problem. Ithe downloads channels there is a countdown of 100 normally it takes a while to download on older models like mine but for come reason it wizzez through the downloads and back to the main menu.

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 08:38
Why have you enabled csv import? It is not needed.
Refer to these guides/threads.

If you still have a problem, please answer the following questions. Please split up your answers so they reflect the questions asked and are easy to understand instead of one big passage. Sorry to have to say this, it is in your interest to provide what people need to know in order to help you, instead of what you think they need to know.

1. How many tuners do you have?

Example answer: I have two onboard tuners, one PNP tuner card which has 2 sat inputs. I also have a USB DVB-T tuner

2. For each tuner, describe what is connected to it.

Example answer:
Tuner A. Wire direct to 28.2 LNB
Tuner B. Wire goes to a splitter
Tuner C. Nothing connected
Tuner D. Nothing connected
Tuner E. Connected to to a splitter. One wire goes direct to TV, one to this tuner

3. For each tuner, describe the tuner configuration

Tuner A: Simple, single 28.2
Tuner B: Simple, positioner, usals
Tuner C: Diseqc A/B. Port A = 13.e, Port B = 28.2
Tuner D: Loop through to tuner A
Tuner E: DVB-T, enabled, Europe Middle East Afric DVB-T frequencies

4. Provide a picture of the Cross EPG providers start order.

Here is a guide to taking screenshots on attaching them to forum:

25-01-17, 11:00
Thanks for that i shall try the link you provided me tonight. I have always setup my epg enabling csv inport prior to selecting SKY UK in opentv options. Do you recommend i start ABM and then over ride channel list with my list?

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 11:04
Are we discussing EPG or bouquets/channel lists?

It makes no sense to run ABM then transfer your list. You just delete what was done by ABM before. You'd be better off transferring your list, then running ABM afterwards. make ABM appear below your bouquets, not above.

25-01-17, 11:26
Ok thanks. I will try the link you sent me for the epg and see how we go from there. I am hoping the epg does work.

25-01-17, 13:21
Does the downloading of the EPG apply to all VIX image versions? Like i said before i am currently using the latest VIX image openvix- And i mentioned about ABM because in the link you sent me as a PDF format it mentions setting ABM at a set time.

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 13:27
Best to run ABM first then Cross EPG downloader. They are two different processes, best to discuss one at a time instead of confusing things. Don't forget to answer the questions.

25-01-17, 21:53
Hi I tried what you sent me and no joy. Don't know what else to do regarding downloading EPG any ideas?

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 22:08
Hi I tried what you sent me and no joy. Don't know what else to do regarding downloading EPG any ideas?
That is the process that works for everyone.

If you don't want to provide the information asked of you, that is up to you. You are the one who needs the assistance.

Good luck.

25-01-17, 22:32
1. I am using 1 tuner
2. Wire direct to 28.2 LNB
3.Tuner A: Simple, single 28.2

Does that answer your question?

25-01-17, 22:35
Where are you saving your EPG data to?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 22:39
Does that answer your question?

Number 4 is still unanswered/unfulfilled.

6. Set your tuner to simple, single, automatic. It will check for what is connected to the. Does it find 28.2?

25-01-17, 22:40
I have been saving it to internal flash most of the time using enabled csv import-yes and then go to open tv providers and select Sky UK open tv (Astra on 28.2).

25-01-17, 22:48
Yes it finds 28.2 i cannot take a screen shot yet as i am trying to setup receiver

25-01-17, 22:55
It also says when i check in the settings in EPG /Media/HDD not /media/usb

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 23:12
Install the plugin from this thread, and run it. http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?52890-Remove-EPG

Then try CrossEPG again. Do not enable the csv import.

A USB stick will be mounted as /media/HDD if it is the only device connected. Do not try to alter the mount points please

25-01-17, 23:32
I tried crossepg without enabling csv import and it only scanned 256 channels whereas it should scan 900+

abu baniaz
25-01-17, 23:48
I tried crossepg without enabling csv import and it only scanned 256 channels whereas it should scan 900+

Then it only found that number of valid services in your lamedb file.

26-01-17, 10:13
I have tried this morning using an older VIX image from August 2016 openvix-4.2.001 and it seems to work fine. Seems like the newer images have a different way of setting up as they have slightly more features and options. I am hoping i could probably get away with using this old image constantly.

26-01-17, 10:16
You shouldn't be saving to Internal Flash so hopefully you are now saving to the HDD as per Abu's instruction? It will be a simple setup error on your part as CrossEPG & OpenTV Sky UK works flawlessly here on all my receivers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26-01-17, 22:31
Hi Abu I have tried all and everything and cannot seem to upload EPG at all.Do you do home visits? I am based in South London. Probably better someone showing me where i am going wrong. :(

abu baniaz
26-01-17, 22:40
If Cross EPG downloader only found 256 services, you need to update your channel data.

By the way, the latest version of CrossEPG has fewer options and simpler. We have removed some the satellites that are not configured and changed the order of the menus to simplify them. Still a desire to hide the online stuff unless a person wants them.

You said you are using an older image. You are jumping around instead of being methodical. It is very difficult to help people who jump around different things. When you are ready to follow advice given to you, please say so.

26-01-17, 22:59
Abu I have gone back to using newer image as older image worked fine for cross epg however when I did try tk scan receiver the receiver froze and vix image just going round and round

26-01-17, 23:00
I have tried everything updating rytec providers

abu baniaz
26-01-17, 23:15
I have tried everything updating rytec providers
Where in the video/pdf does it show you updating Rytec providers? You are doing something you should not but not saying what. You will keep going around in circles like that.

Please start again and do just what is shown/said.

Good luck.

26-01-17, 23:17
As previously said in have tried all and everything advised to me in this forum and videos. Please be patient with me I am new to this sort of thing and never really encountered such issue so I am sorry if you have to get annoyed with me.

27-01-17, 10:57
Morning Abu. Just a question having tried all recommendations for EPG i have one more question. I am using quite an old channel listing. By me running an ABM and then running EPG will this solve my problem you think? Are the 2 linked in someway?

abu baniaz
27-01-17, 12:11
EPG will only be obtained for the channels you have.

8. to keep things simple, do a non-ABM scan of 28.2. How many channels do you get?