View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Will some features in old builds eventually stop working?

19-01-17, 14:41
I'm running Hades 018. I have everything I want working perfectly (CrossEPG, ABM, DreamPlex, Setting, Custom Skin, RefreshEPG, CAM, PowerTimers, Samba Client/Server ... etc).
The receiver is bullet proof, no crashes, hangs or anything unexpected.

It's been like this for 1.5 years.

I have 2 GigaBlue Quad+ receivers at home. I've recommended the same receiver to others also and I've given them my EXACT image in the knowledge that it will be 100% reliable.

Every now and then I'll do an image backup and take a look at the latest OpenVix build but I normally do see anything extra I want/need over what I have in Hades 018.

How long can I expect Hades 018 to stay working? I don't use the feeds anymore to download plugins since I don't want to change the box.
From what I can tell, the only risk is ABM changes server side that require a client side update. Maybe there's more I'm missing (IMDB possibly too but I don't use that at all ... in fact it's disabled in my custom skin).

20-01-17, 09:11
bump bump bump

abu baniaz
20-01-17, 09:18
Nobody knows the future. Continue using the image you are happy with.

Images/plugins adapt to improve things/overcome bugs and accommodate changes elsewhere.

Dark Cloud
20-01-17, 10:02
good to hear that Abu,....I'm on 4.1.016 and my Solo2 is running like clockwork, no niggles of any sort.:)

23-01-17, 10:21
Great - thanks Abu.

23-01-17, 14:14
good to hear that Abu,....I'm on 4.1.016 and my Solo2 is running like clockwork, no niggles of any sort.:)

Same I used to always update thought it was essential to have it, but I'm on 4.2.016 on my OS mini's and there running great so I've decided as long as it ain't broke don't try to fix it, if there is something really substantial or is truly needed to keep my box working in a future update then I'll update but until then I'm more then happy to stay where I am.

Wild Bill
29-01-17, 17:22

I have a slightly different question along the same lines. I am also running Hades.018 on an Ultimo and would like to upgrade to the latest version of software and then keep my updates current. Presumably I will not be able to automatically load my current settings after I re-flash to 4.2.028. If not, could someone help me with what I should FTP to my Mac and then send back to the box rather than doing everything manually as I have done in the past? I use iDreamX 3.0.18 but mainly only for transferring files to the internal HDD and occasionally changing my Favourites bouquet. Thanks.