View Full Version : [OS-mini] Box stuck in Boot mode on reboot.

19-01-17, 14:02
Got a month old Mini OS (twin Sat) running 4.2.026.

During record last night Tuner B stopped working, no signal being received. Recording stopped 10 mins into Match of the Day and the recording of the next program just didn't happen. The box was in standby & only set to record one channel. It had been showing a 50%+ input strength on both signals, when checked last night when only one input was working it was showing a signal strength of 95% on Tuner A (any idea why this should be?)

I've rebooted this lunchtime and the box has stuck in BOOT mode.

I've switched the box off using the physical power button and it has now rebooted. Both Tuners are back.

Last time I did a full reboot it also got stuck in boot mode & needed to be unplugged to work again.

I've checked the crash logs and I have 44 new files between 12.13 & 12.22pm today, I've done a screenshot of so you can advise which you'd want uploaded.

(Assuming I'll need to reflash how do I save my settings to reinstall? I have the box making backups twice a week)

Any advice?


19-01-17, 14:06
The small log @12.14.22 might show up something.

19-01-17, 14:12

19-01-17, 14:23
Same happened to mine continual bootloop until i pulled the plug.
I restored to 021 and it's been fine since.

19-01-17, 14:34
It looks like the graphics card/frame buffer isn't being found.

19-01-17, 16:09
Is that a hardware or software problem?

19-01-17, 16:20
Good question. Could be either, I guess.

Hardware might, for example, only work in 021 because later releases of the software conform more strictly to some protocol or other.

19-01-17, 19:28
So what should I do about this issue?

19-01-17, 20:12
Hope someone comes up with the answer - if the box is too unstable, try 021 and at least see if the issue goes away.

25-01-17, 12:13
I found 026 very unstable on the os-mini. Tried it three times but always went back to 021. I upgraded to 027 last night too early to tell if its any better.

25-01-17, 14:22
.027 has at least allowed a clean reboot :thumbsup: