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View Full Version : Problem with reciever

17-01-17, 00:40
I have a TM-Nano2 Super, working with a motorised dish

Reason I'm posting is that the shop I bought the system from has ceased trading, and there's a message coming up on the system, and it tells me that I should post it to the openpli forums for help!

I have absolutely no idea how this thing works, other than how to install channels on various satellites. 99% of the time it just points at the English satellite. I have no Linux knowledge whatsoever, so please be gentle if you are going to ask me to do stuff to it! - I will need explicit instruction!

Just keeps restarting and repeating the message below on a green screen.

Component: Enigma2

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 600, in <module> run ScreenTest()

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 441, in runScreenTest nav = Navigation()

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Navigation.py, line 35, in __init__

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py,line 579, in __init__

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py, line 649, in loadTimer

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py, line 807, in Record

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py, line 163, in addTimerEntry

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py, line 202, in calcNextActivation

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/timer.py, line 268, in processActivation

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py, line 592, in dueActivate

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py, line 307, in activate

File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.py, line 255, in tryPrepare

TypeError: in method 'iRecordableServicePtr_prepare', argument 9 of type 'bool'

(exit code 6)

I think its got something to do with recording programmes. We had the hard-drive replaced once after it bust after about 3 months. Been about a year since it came back, and the OpenPli had changed as well - was now something to do with the 10th anniversary edition. We do a fair bit of recording, and I keep on top of deleting the old stuff we've watched. I have a bad feeling its FUBAR but I hope something could be done!

I posted this in the openpli forum as requested by the receiver (above) - I got a slightly snotty response back saying they don't support TM equipment so someone must've uploaded old source code to it and the only way to do this was go to those who installed the program. All I know is that it looks like I've been sold a receiver with non-standard software on it, and it looks like I'm up the creek!

If this is the case, can anyone recommend a good, honest local dealer around the Chesterfield/Sheffield/Derby area of the UK. Looks like I'm shelling out for a new receiver :(

Thanks in advance!


PS - Oh and I've been getting a request to update the EPG as a new version is out - how do I do that? (provided the machine ain't FUBAR!)

abu baniaz
17-01-17, 02:16
The receiver is not knackered, it is just a software problem. The receiver is using a modified version of OpenPLi, it is made by the 4D team. OpenPLi do not support it , so don't go asking about the receiver on the OPenPLI forum.

Moist of us here use OpenVix. It might be an idea to use OpenVix. If you decide to use Openvix, backup any files on the receiver you might want, like softcam config files to allow you to decrypt your card, saves you doing them again. Once you flash an image, all the files on the flash memory are gone.

The inbuilt EPG on OpenVix is fine, you won't need CoolTV guide.

abu baniaz
17-01-17, 02:18
please do not pot in downloads section. I'll move thread.