View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Solo2 - sluggish slow from 4.2.003 onwards

14-01-17, 12:53
Vu+ Solo2 only using for 2-Sat-television (19.2 + 28.2), with Foreca Plugin for weather and EPG data, and SWAP-file active (though it seems not to used, as always max. amount available).

Until version 4.2.002, with swap running, it was reacting quickly with what I use it for (change channel - go up/down in EPG - make (image)back-up).

Ever since 4.2.003 it became sluggish and slow,
- pressing up/down to go through EPG there is a delay of 2 -3 seconds before you see the bar moving, but then it has already moved 5 - 15 channels up or down. As I use EPG quite often, this is incredibly irritating.
To be able to control it (a bit), you need to be press the up/down button very short so only 1 channel per press will go up/down.
- also other actions through the menu or doing a back-up are slow and the std.VIX or FHD2-skin logo spinning repeatedly before anything is done or can be chosen.

I have always gone back to 002, and tried updates, as well as fresh flash without restore (till version 021). Then fresh flash to 023, and update to 026, yet everytime it continues to go slow.
I repeatedly checked entries here to see if anyone else had/has the same, but found nothing.
So, currently I am again back to 002 again.

Has anyone noticed this too, or maybe even found a setting or other remedy to solve this ?

14-01-17, 13:11
SWAP FILE?!? No no no no. No wonder it is sssllluuugggiiissshhh!
I would reflash your Solo2, setup everything as new and WITHOUT a swap file.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-01-17, 14:21
Thanks for the quick reply.
OK will do that, and check again.
I always thought the SWAP file was to make it quicker.

14-01-17, 19:32
Solo 1 yes

Sent from my VF695 using Tapatalk

14-01-17, 21:06
Partially solved !
Done all anew as mentioned, and EPG was quicker until ... I set the Service Title mode to show Service Number + Service Name
So, for whatever reason, this setting influences the speed of, at least, going up or down in the EPG-list

14-01-17, 23:23
I use Service Name & Service Number on all my receivers including the Vu+ Solo2 and no issues. Have you changed the batteries in the remote?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rob van der Does
15-01-17, 03:36
I use Service Name & Service Number on all my receivers including the Vu+ Solo2 and no issues.

No such issues here either.
I would suggest OP to reflash without installing any plugins (apart from a softcam) and see how you go from there. If no success either, I would reflash and setup fresh (no restore at all).

15-01-17, 14:58
@Andy Hazza - batteries were replaced some 4 -6 weeks ago, so still fresh
@Rob van der Does - as mentioned, and requested by Andy before, I did a reflash, from scratch with the downloaded 026 image file, without restoring anything.
I don't even use a softcam (FTA only). Only plugins I use are Foreca (weather) and the weather componenthandler for the weather info on the FHD2 skin.

Difference between Service Number + Name or Service Name only is noticeable on my Solo2, and I checked it 3 times back and forth. Maybe because I normally use it a lot, it irritates me more then someone using it once or twice a day.

Name only and going down in EPG, pressing 2 seconds, I can see the bar move channel for channel, approx 6-7 down..
Number + Name and going down, again pressing 2 seconds, there is bit of lag, then I see the bar go 2 channels down, disappear, and reappear 6 -7 channels down.
Name only again, and the "normal" behaviour occurs again.