View Full Version : [ET10x00] Compatible Internet Streams?

George Kildare
13-01-17, 18:26
I am not sure which forum to post this in.

I am trying to find an Enigma-compatible url for the MSNBC stream which I can use to watch MSNBC on my IMac computer.


Using "Ctrl J" when playing this on Chrome I managed to find a stream that played beautifully for about 5 minutes on my Xtrend.

http://snappytvpoc-pmd.nbcuni.com/snappy/video/MSNBC/560/731/n_ruhle_ethicst_170113_1484321721020_928000.mp4?hd nea=st=1484323383~exp=1484323443~acl=/snappy/video/MSNBC/560/731/n_ruhle_ethicst_170113_1484321721020_928000.mp4*~i d=bd8f8cbe-35fb-4245-8456-dbc64958c283~hmac=2b349974fdb7b3ca0583d98821541f6a b5afaae849098c29859397d07987915d

I am very ignorant of the streaming world and "recoding", but I suspect that I am dealing with a segmented flash stream. I have no idea whether such a stream can play on my Enigma 2 box and whether I need to find the index url and convert it into another format in order to play it. I use IDreamx on my Mac to control the box and enter bouquets.

Any help would be appreciated and sorry again if I am submitting this query to the wrong part of the forum. If so, please let me know where would be most appropriate.

Many thanks.

George Kildare
14-01-17, 09:48
Here are some other sites where I can get MSNBC on my computer. I would appreciate advice about whether the (segmented?) stream can be extracted and played by my Enigma box. Many thanks.








14-01-17, 10:02
@George Kildare - suggest you read the following on this forum (especially post #11). I messed around with IPTV bouquets a few years ago and it worked well, but required a lot of maintenance of streams.

You will find that there are rtmp, rtsp and various other types of streams which require slightly different syntax when converting from the web address to something that E2 boxes can stream.

There is another forum where one guy in particular creates IPTV bouquets and has posted tutorials on messing with streams. PM me and I'll give you the site info and his user name.


George Kildare
14-01-17, 18:50
With some difficulty I have managed to find the url using the Firebug add-on for Firefox and looking for the "index" url. The stream works excellently in my Favourites bouquet on my Xtrend.
Many thanks anyway.