View Full Version : Freezing on restore

08-01-17, 14:29
Hi, I'm just bringing my FILs Ixuss zero up to date and I must admit I'm really struggling with a couple of aspects.

1) box crashes following installation of the live football plugin - as it is without upgrade (6.1) or with upgrade (6.9) before reboot - both instances the spinner just spins rapidly upon reboot but never goes anywhere. This is during a fresh installation - no settings restore.

2) box crashes if I starting from scratch, do a basic install of cccam, add my cccam.cfg, setup ABM and search. I then create a settings backup, restore to factory settings and then restore from the recently made backup. in this instance the spinner just locks on reboot

3) If I install HD-Blue, Cccam, kodidirect (but not live football) and then do my own settings for ABM, epg and cccam.cfg it all works fine, but if I do a full backup and restore (whether ftm gui or from reboot) that also crashes (spinner progresses, locks, does a bit more - gave up after 15 mins)

Any ideas?

abu baniaz
08-01-17, 17:29
If you:
1. flash image,
2. setup with no extra plugins,
3. create a settings backup (not image backup),
4. flash image again
5. restore settings from stage 3

Does it work?

11-01-17, 19:25
Sorry about the delay - Box was back at FIL - started locking up after half an hour after setting up the epg to run on the pen drive.

Abu: Now i have the box back I have followed the instructions as described - I have a blinking vix spinner running in the top corner. Started off as spinning fast, now after 20 mins, it is blinking.

One thing I forgot to mention in my initial post - I also tried a full image backup (after installing 'everything bar live football) - it backed up fine, but if I try to restore that backup through the GUI I get the please wait 60 seconds (sorry paraphrasing from memory here) , it counts down to zero and then goes back to choose image to install and I have an additional option called 'imagerestore' which just throws back the wait 60 seconds and back to that choose image screen.

11-01-17, 19:28
I've also tried creating a full image backup after point 2 - restoring from the GUI produces the same behaviour with the countdown and then 'imagerestore'

abu baniaz
11-01-17, 19:47
If you try to restore an official image, does that work or fail?

11-01-17, 21:51
I'm struggling to find what the official image would be - when I bought it from WOS I'm pretty sure it came with openvix.

http://www.ixuss.info/ - has pictures and manuals

http://medialinktv.eu/sub4.htm suggest software but no links that I can find - I cant find any reference on that domain for this model anyhow.

So I tried openatv instead - following your steps. that loads/backs up/restores fine.

I'm going to try some earlier openvix 4.2 /4.1 builds. and see if that makes a difference. I'm rather used to openvix and don't want to change

abu baniaz
11-01-17, 21:59
Sorry I meant an image with nothing added. I.e use Image Manager to download an image, then flash that image. Just need to check if restoring "clean Image" is fine.

If you can flash/install a "clean" image. Issue may be at thr backing up stage.

11-01-17, 22:06
Well, as a test 4.2.001 with 4.2.023 backup settings doesn't work... Lets see how a pure 4.2.001 and following steps 1-5 pans out.

11-01-17, 22:12
didn't spot your post before replying - I will try with the download of an untouched image from image manager. I may have already tried that previously (and worked), but the setting backups I'm using (and failing with openvix) are quite literally just the language/gui/internet/28.2e setup from a brand new install

11-01-17, 22:23
Right. Now I remember - that didnt work before.

Following your instructions, from image manager, starting using 4.2.001 I've downloaded .026. Tried to restore that - get the backing up then, 'please wait while the restore prepares (countdown from 60) and then get back to image manager with the imagerestore option now added to the list of images I can restore, but the image stays the same 4.2.001 and doesn't reboot

Any ideas?

abu baniaz
11-01-17, 22:33
I want to establish if there is an issue with Image Manage or ofgwrite.

Settings are irrelevant (for this test) and cloud the issue. Do not go to Backup Manager for sake of these tests please.

Definition: Clean image = an image an image team has made with no additions.

So tests are:

1. Using OpenVix: using Image Manger, Restore/flash a clean openvix image. Is target image flashed to receiver?
(Post 10 suggests this has failed)

2. Using OpenVix: using Image Manger, Restore/flash a clean openatv image. Is target image flashed to receiver?

3. Using OpenATV: using Flash local/online, Restore/flash a clean openvix image. Is target image flashed to receiver?

4. Using OpenATV: using Flash local/online, Restore/flash a clean openatv image. Is target image flashed to receiver?

11-01-17, 23:22
Here you go
1 - fails (adds imagerestore added to Image manager screen - goes no further)
2 - fails (adds imagerestore added to Image manager screen - goes no further)
3 - success
4 - success

11-01-17, 23:29
Where are you storing these images/backups?

Menu/Setup/Vix/Image Manager ==> shows you the device location at the top of the screen.

11-01-17, 23:31
/media/hdd (although it's a pen drive, not a proper hard disk)

11-01-17, 23:37
.... is there enough space left on it? My last post to show device location also gives free space available.

11-01-17, 23:45
937MB space left!

11-01-17, 23:46
Following your instructions, from image manager, starting using 4.2.001 I've downloaded .026. Tried to restore that - get the backing up then, 'please wait while the restore prepares (countdown from 60) and then get back to image manager with the imagerestore option now added to the list of images I can restoreWhat do you mean by "the imagerestore option now added"?

11-01-17, 23:46
937MB space left!
...should be enough! :)

11-01-17, 23:47
basically at the image manager screen i get a selection of image.zip files (openatv/openvix etc) - if I select one, I get a pop up saying backing up settings, then the please wait while restore prepares (countdown from 60). when it hits zero, I get the image manager screen, but now with an additional entry below the image.zip files called imagerestore (no extension)

12-01-17, 01:28
Duplicated below...

12-01-17, 01:35
... when it hits zero, I get the image manager screen, but now with an additional entry below the image.zip files called imagerestore (no extension)That sounds as though the partition on which you have your imagebackups directory doesn't have sufficient free space to unzip an image, but you say there is >900MB.

Something is going wrong with the unzip, though. Do you have debug logs running (if not, enable them and try again) and what do they show?

12-01-17, 01:39
That sounds as though the partition on which you have your imagebackups directory doesn't have sufficient free space to unzip an image, but you say there is >900MB.

Something is going wrong with the unzip, though. Do you have debug logs running (if not, enable them and try again) and what do they show?

Also sounds like an issue we had in the past with some boxes not being added to image manager. Would reach the timeout with extracted image but not flash it.

12-01-17, 02:22
Also sounds like an issue we had in the past with some boxes not being added to image manager. Would reach the timeout with extracted image but not flash it.The supportedMachines list only has effect when you try to get a list of possible images to download. 'ixusszero' : 'Medialink-IXUSS-ZERO' is on it anyway.

A restore from an exisiting image file "just" unzips then runs ofgwrite on the result.
Hence any debug log might be useful...

12-01-17, 18:40
here you go

I attempted to restore the downloaded 026.zip from imagemanager
Got the imagerestore listed as described above
attempted restore of imagerestore folder
got back to image manager screen with imagerestore folder listed (no change)

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 18:45
Can you issue the following command and post back results please?

cat /proc/mtd

12-01-17, 18:49
Thanks for the log. It contains this:

< 423.555> [ImageManager] running commnd: /usr/bin/ofgwrite -rmtd2 -kmtd1 /media/hdd/imagebackups/imagerestore/medialink/ixusszero/
< 423.556> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
< 423.558> [eMainloop::processOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 32(16)
(the second run is the same).

It looks as though ofgwrite isn't working?

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 19:02
We have confirmed ofgwrite works by using it in OpenATV.

In OpenVix, Image Manager sends the parameters to ofgwrite. This is what needs to be adapted or maybe in another file that supplies the values. There are a couple of threads in the Developer section.

12-01-17, 19:06
We have confirmed ofgwrite works by using it in OpenATV.

In OpenVix, Image Manager sends the parameters to ofgwrite. This is what needs to be adapted or maybe in another file that supplies the values. There are a couple of threads in the Developer section.Do you mean that ofgwrite works when given the correct parameters, but OpenVix isn't sending those correct parameters?
If so - do you know what the correct ones are? And why they are different for this box (as that means that night be different for other boxes too).

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 19:11
This is why I asked the OP to run the cpommand
cat /proc/mtd

The following threads in the bug section may help to get to the solution. These links are not available to non-staff members


12-01-17, 19:13
Can you issue the following command and post back results please?

cat /proc/mtd

Sorry - am I doing this from a telnet window of from the box itself

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 19:17
Telnet window.

Can you also confirm the contents of the extracted folder in the image restore folder please?

12-01-17, 19:29
telnet it is...
mtd0 07a00000 00020000 rootfs
mtd1 00400000 00020000 kernel
mtd2 00100000 00020000 complete

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 19:33

Try running Image manager, then post screenshot of the image restore folder please.

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 19:41
Should be fixed in next image. Andy just committed the following.

You must perform an online update/flash by USB until you are on 4.2 027 or newer.

12-01-17, 20:07
Should be fixed in next image. Andy just committed the following.
https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/commit/8e01ac2dcc1f668790e752abc1ff083c2acf7300Given that mtd knows where the partitions are, why are they given as parameters to ofgwrite, rather than just let it use what it finds?

12-01-17, 20:17
and a screenshot - note that the problem with the device message is only because I removed the pen drive to get the log files

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 20:28
Please check issue when next image is released.

12-01-17, 21:12
Thanks for all your work on this guys - admittedly I'm not sure how this strand of investigation fixes my main two problems.

1) box crashes following installation of the live football plugin - as it is without upgrade (6.1) or with upgrade (6.9) before reboot - both instances the spinner just spins rapidly upon reboot but never goes anywhere. This is during a fresh installation - no settings restore.

2) box crashes if I starting from scratch, do a basic install of cccam, add my cccam.cfg, setup ABM and search. I then create a settings backup, restore to factory settings and then restore from the recently made backup. in this instance the spinner just locks on reboot

Image install from the GUI was just another avenue I was going trying to a make a working box that I can give back to my FIL

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 21:26
In scenario 2. why are you creating a settings restore and applying it?

I'll test the football plugin tomorrow

12-01-17, 21:33
Because I didnt want to keep on setting up the box from scratch when I had a problem with the box. I was testing the settings restore to see if it saved me time with the problems I was having, but because settings restore was crashing as well I was hitting a dead end.

The box seemed to be stable (with just cccam the settings , HD-red skin installed and epg and ABM setup), but after an hour I found it freezing and wouldnt boot up properly (fast moving spinner eventually locking)

12-01-17, 21:45
Given that mtd knows where the partitions are, why are they given as parameters to ofgwrite, rather than just let it use what it finds?And if they are there for a sanity check, then the failure should be reported to the user. This is what ofgwrite reports when given the wrong device info:

Found /proc/mtd entries:
Device: Size: Erasesize: Name: Image:
mtd0: 1ff00000 00020000 "complete"
mtd1: 00600000 00020000 "kernel" <- Error: Selected by user is not a rootfs mtd!!
mtd2: 1f900000 00020000 "rootfs" <- Error: Selected by user is not a kernel mtd!!
mtd3: 00080000 00010000 "cfe"
mtd4: 00200000 00010000 "splash"
mtd5: 00080000 00010000 "macadr"
mtd6: 00080000 00010000 "nvram"
mtd7: 00040000 00010000 "bootconfig"
mtd8: 00040000 00010000 "facconfig"
Using kernel mtd device: /dev/mtd2
Using rootfs mtd device: /dev/mtd1
Error: User selected mtd device cannot be used!
I'd expect that last line at least to end up being shown to the user. Perhaps it is, but then ofgwrite immediately exits so the user gets taken straight back to the imagemanager screen and loses the error message. Perhaps ofgwrite needs to add a wait after all of its error reports....currently there are none.

abu baniaz
12-01-17, 21:46
In a nutshell, would you say that installing the football plugin causes the issue? Maybe filling flash memory?

If so ,we can let author know and he can improve it.

12-01-17, 21:47
and a screenshot - note that the problem with the device message is only because I removed the pen drive to get the log filesBetter to shut the box down before removing the USB stick. Or just FTP the log file off the box.

12-01-17, 21:58
Better to shut the box down before removing the USB stick. Or just FTP the log file off the box.

will do that next time

12-01-17, 22:49
In a nutshell, would you say that installing the football plugin causes the issue? Maybe filling flash memory?

If so ,we can let author know and he can improve it.

It definitely was one of the scenarios which triggered a crash. After installing the plugin, the box upon reboot locked with the fast spinner. This does not happen with openatv.

However, the boot also crashed with a settings restore with absolutely no plugins installed - only the initial first time boot screens completed and then straight to backup settings. settings backed up, but regardless of whether I started with a fresh image or simply did a restore factory settings if I tried to restore the settings backup (containing no more than 28.2e, internet, HDMI) that also crashed with a fast spinner - Irrespective of the live football or any otherplugin.

13-01-17, 09:33
@insertusername - just a thought - as you have restored factory settings at least once, have you then flashed the latest bootloader for your box before flashing the latest image? Also, the symptoms you describe make me think that something is writing to flash memory and filling it - maybe EPG? I would also check the mounts settings of your storage devices.

Good luck!