View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Service provider channel numbering gone wrong

07-01-17, 11:40
My receiver is edision os mini+ and it up to download epg (crosspeg), bouquets and restart gui every morning, this has been working fine for a couple of weeks now.

However i discovered that i don't get virgin epg, last night i enabled Rytec virgin uk and roi epg, on Crosspeg xmltv providers, i woke up this morning and didn't have any epg both for sky and virgin and also the channel numbering has gone horribly wrong.

I deleted ABM bouquet and all EPG and did ABM scan, downloaded EPG but channels are still messed up


07-01-17, 13:08
looking at that would think something is not correct,i normally use the favorites that abm scan provides to get channel lists ,maybe you have done it but unsure.
sat on 28,2 yes correct for that
virgin cable normally use epg refresh plugin but you need a live cable feed for it to work.
untick the xml file .

forgot to mention on a sat scan in abm choose location where you are,as i reside in irl i would use sky roi in sd.
that scans my lineup in startup in entertainment as 101 and RTE1

abu baniaz
07-01-17, 13:44
Combining two issues in one thread is generally not a good idea. You will get posts addressing different issues in different order. Helps other people with same issue when they search, so best to have one topic per thread if you can.

For your EPG:
1. If you are going to download EPG data from the internet instead of the signal wire, you are better off using xmtlv-importer/EPG importer instead of CrossEPG Downloader. Reason for this is teh guys who maintain the data dislike CrossEPG Downloader. The other plugin does things in the background instead of "locking up" the receiver while processing. The data is the same though.

2. There was a post on the PLI forum that there was server issue, so you will have to wait it out.

3. If you cannot wait, maybe consider using the data from the signal wire/stream instead

For your Bouquets:
Are you using the plugin from Dsayers?
Please attach your debug log

07-01-17, 13:49
Thanks Abu for your response, crosspeg epg has always been working fine until I added the xmltv.
Please what is best setup to get my channel listed properly and epg on both sat and cable.
I'm out now so can't upload log file.

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abu baniaz
07-01-17, 14:12
As I said, the internet EPG data is the same whether you use CrossEPG downloader (internet download method) or XMLTV-EPG importer.

I am getting confused by your subsequent statement of "been working fine until I added the xmltv". Please describe ALL your EPG settings. Even if you think it is not important, please describe it.

I asked if you are using Dsayers's plugin for the mix file. He said he was going to update it on Friday (last niggt). You don't have to answer, but it would help track your issue. If you are using a different mix file, please say so too.

07-01-17, 14:17
sorry abu that was a typo its Sunday night that I will be changing it for virgin movie channel swaps on Monday so there has been no change in the xml file

abu baniaz
07-01-17, 14:23
Thanks @Dsayers

Use the delete bouquets option in ABM, then run again.

07-01-17, 21:10
As I said, the internet EPG data is the same whether you use CrossEPG downloader (internet download method) or XMLTV-EPG importer.

I am getting confused by your subsequent statement of "been working fine until I added the xmltv". Please describe ALL your EPG settings. Even if you think it is not important, please describe it.

I asked if you are using Dsayers's plugin for the mix file. He said he was going to update it on Friday (last niggt). You don't have to answer, but it would help track your issue. If you are using a different mix file, please say so too.

I only had this receiver for about a month, during my initial setup, i used the video guides from openvix (http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/guides-and-tutorials/video-guides/) to set up ABM and 7day EPG with CrossEPG.

This has been working absolutely fine with the channel numbers matching the provider numbers, except that i do not have cable EPG, so last night i went to Menu>Setup>EPG>CrooEPG>XMLTV providers, and selected Rytec virgin UK/Ireland XMLTV.

I pressed the green button to save and yellow button to download, my channel numbers was still ok at the time i went to bed.

Woke this morning and obviously ABM and CrossEPG have done daily update and the channel numbers got messed up.

As per your earlier advice , i have deleted bouquet and scanned again but the numbers are still messed up see screenshot for my EPG setting and Channel list.

i am not using any plugin or mix file.




abu baniaz
07-01-17, 21:33
Let us do you channel list/bouquet first.

Issue this command using Putty. It will delete all channel data, so don't do it if recordings are due. Guide in signature if you need it.

init 4 && sleep 10 && rm -rf /etc/defaultsat.tar.gz && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/lamedb* && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.tv && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.radio && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.del && init 3

Then run ABM

07-01-17, 21:36
do you have 1 or 2 channel and abm lists sat and cable?
i found my favourites were listing cable first and scrolling down further where my sat listings
when on a channel check if its sat or cable.

is the xml file in use a combined sat+cable?

07-01-17, 21:37
Do I need to put the receiver on standby to to that please?

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abu baniaz
07-01-17, 21:39
The "init 4" part of script will stop it anyway.

abu baniaz
07-01-17, 21:45
when on a channel check if its sat or cable.
You can enable the service type icon in the
Menu > Setup > System > Channel selection Setting > Show service type icons

07-01-17, 21:58
Putty command and ABM done



abu baniaz
07-01-17, 22:52
May I suggest you disable the xmltv import and not use it.

If this is acceptable to you...
In CrossEPG downloader, just use OpenTV provider for 28.2.

For the Virgin EPG, get the data direct from the signal stream. It will be only five days though. If this is fine for you, see the following:

If you must use the internet EPG, EPG/XMLTV importer will be better for you.

08-01-17, 00:45
Thanks just done that.
Now I guess is to figure out how to get the channels numbered correctly?

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abu baniaz
08-01-17, 00:49
What is wrong with the numbers?

08-01-17, 00:52
What is wrong with the numbers?
The channel numbers on sky uk starts from 1 rather than 101 and same for virgin uk.

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abu baniaz
08-01-17, 01:13
You need to say no to create main bouquet. If you get stuck show your ABM setup screenshots.

08-01-17, 01:17
From where can I do that please?

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abu baniaz
08-01-17, 01:29
In the ABM providers menu. You have to be in expert menu to see the other options.

08-01-17, 01:37
Sky uk: generate main bouquet = NO.
is that correct?

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abu baniaz
08-01-17, 01:51
Sky uk: generate main bouquet = NO.
is that correct?

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That is correct. You will have to run ABM again

abu baniaz
08-01-17, 01:53
If you have got alternate numbering on, all your bouquets will start at 1. Nothing to do with ABM, it is a setting in image.

08-01-17, 01:55
On channel selection screen press menu then settings change alternative numbering to no.

08-01-17, 02:00
Alternative numbering is set to NO, never changed it.
WILL have to run ABM again in the morning

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abu baniaz
08-01-17, 02:09
If you still have issues, please upload debug log that shows you using ABM.

08-01-17, 15:00
Personally I have the use main bouquet set to only HD, then you get HD channels in 1-99 and the regular channels with proper numbers from 101

08-01-17, 16:54
Without a debug log as suggested it's a guessing game but with him saying that both sky and virgin are starting at 1 I would have thought it was alternative channel numbering as virgin would show 4 digit channel numbers

08-01-17, 23:53
Hello everyone thanks a lot for your help,@abu baniaz am really grateful, even at midnight you were still on truing to help.

Ran ABM today and channel numbers came back to normal, starting from 101 and also have EPG on virgin

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