View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] plugins missing, cannot update.

03-01-17, 21:46
Hi, I am a novice/beginner, I was virtually given the vu+solo2 receiver nearly 2 years ago, but lately things have started to go missing. i.e, plugins, imdb, no updates. Cannot remember the last time the green vix icon was flashing. Can anyone put me in the right direction to rectify these faults, preferably from scratch if possible. Thanks.

03-01-17, 22:10
download the new image and flash



there nice and easy

03-01-17, 23:54
I will take a look and keep you posted.

04-01-17, 06:54
What version of ViX are you currently on? To check press Menu > Information > About

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04-01-17, 12:31
What version of ViX are you currently on? To check press Menu > Information > About

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Apollo 165, Can i still flash the new image with all the original settings still in place from the apollo version, or will I have to back up settings. what is the best way to back up settings. Thanks.

04-01-17, 12:34
You would need to flash and setup as new, no settings or plugins will be restorable unfortunately.

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04-01-17, 12:40
Once I have flashed the image, what is the next step, is it pretty straight forward or is there still plenty to do

04-01-17, 12:46
If you have any softcam config files you want saving, you are besting FTP'ing them to your computer. Then when flashed you would need to setup your ABM, CrossEPG and settings etc to get back to where you were most likely. All good fun. [emoji4]

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04-01-17, 12:51
If you know how to access your box via FTP then you can backup to USB stick/HDD or your laptop/pc, the timers, autotimers and basic settings.

This isn't as good as a backup settings restore but should still work.

You need to FTP into your box, then you need to backup the following files from "/etc/enigma2":-


Once, you have flashed a brand new image then add plugins you had installed on your old image (if still available) and then FTP these files back to "/etc/enigma2"

Some files maybe open so ideally you should put box to sleep using telnet/putty command "init 4" first before backing these files up and restoring. Use "init 6" to restart box. If you don't have telnet/putty then try with box on standby but there is still no guarantee that a file is open this way.

04-01-17, 12:52
If you have any softcam config files you want saving, you are besting FTP'ing them to your computer. Then when flashed you would need to setup your ABM, CrossEPG and settings etc to get back to where you were most likely. All good fun. [emoji4]

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It is good fun when you know what you are doing, Is there a dummy guide, or a step by step instruction page that can help me through it, it seems there is a lot to learn. I am all for learning new stuff. thanks

04-01-17, 13:06
Guides can be found here >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/guides-and-tutorials/
Images can be found here >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/
Couch Flashing is a good way to flash an image via IM (Image Manager)

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04-01-17, 13:18
Guides can be found here >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/guides-and-tutorials/
Images can be found here >> http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/
Couch Flashing is a good way to flash an image via IM (Image Manager)

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Thanks andy, I'm gonna give it a go now.