View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] download

30-12-16, 21:14
Hi guys. I’ve got an openvix zgemma box. I want to install iptv but when I try to download im not getting any options. Please can you help?

abu baniaz
30-12-16, 21:16
We do not support your manufacturer. Read rule 19.

Install a supported image for your receiver.

30-12-16, 21:45
Sorry dude but you won't get any support here for a zgemma. There dangerous counterfeit boxes and best avoided.

31-12-16, 00:00
That's plain bullshit. Even OpenPLi makes images for ZGemma boxes.

To put it in simple words: OpenViX doesn't make official images for them. Any OpenViX for ZGemma was compiled by a 3rd party, not OpenViX.
Preferably use some image where the image team officially supports the box.

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Rob van der Does
31-12-16, 06:18
Even OpenPLi makes images for ZGemma boxes.
It is correct that PLi builds images for these clones, but that won't change our stance.

31-12-16, 07:13
That's plain bullshit. Even OpenPLi makes images for ZGemma boxes.

To put it in simple words: OpenViX doesn't make official images for them. Any OpenViX for ZGemma was compiled by a 3rd party, not OpenViX.
Preferably use some image where the image team officially supports the box.

Gesendet von meinem Siemens C25 mit Tapatalk

Pli are free to support any manufacturer they choose as are ViX. Zgemma are made by a notorious clone manufacturer the same ones who mass produced the Vu+ solo and xp1000 clones that eventually lead to those boxes being discontinued from ViX support as they were abusing the image feeds with their cloned boxes and images.

so call it bullshit all you want it wont make any difference, they still wont be supported here.

31-12-16, 11:09
Whilst I understand the stance of this forum regarding clones can I just say that boxes like the Zgemma should be given some credit for advancing 'the cause'. I started with one because they were cheap and I had absolutely no idea regarding Enigma2 & openvix but took the plunge because of the relatively cheap cost.

When I realised that I could actually get a box up & running and as my knowledge increased I wanted something better and bought an official Solo2+ from WOS and so have several other people I know. So it's not all bad.

31-12-16, 11:32
Whilst I understand the stance of this forum regarding clones can I just say that boxes like the Zgemma should be given some credit for advancing 'the cause'. I started with one because they were cheap and I had absolutely no idea regarding Enigma2 & openvix but took the plunge because of the relatively cheap cost.

When I realised that I could actually get a box up & running and as my knowledge increased I wanted something better and bought an official Solo2+ from WOS and so have several other people I know. So it's not all bad.

There cheap because there mass manufactured with zero zero safety checks and no quality control.

There are plent of other cheap boxes out there that have at least been tested before going to the customer. These things are a genuine health hazard and I'm amazed no one has been killed because of one of them yet.

31-12-16, 11:33
So a "Zgemma" isn't all bad when they are a known fire hazard that don't conform to regulations?

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31-12-16, 11:46
So a "Zgemma" isn't all bad when they are a known fire hazard that don't conform to regulations?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The box is not the hazard but some mains leads, or is there something I don't know about?

31-12-16, 12:07
The box is not the hazard but some mains leads, or is there something I don't know about?

Just look on the forums, they regularly fail due to shoddy manufacturing and even shoddier internal components and even the fuse in the plug is fake meaning you have zero in the way of surge protection.

31-12-16, 12:11
Anyway regardless of safety what I was trying to say is in the end these cheap boxes help increase sales of official boxes as people move on from them fairly quickly.

31-12-16, 12:29
Pli are free to support any manufacturer they choose as are ViX.
Any image team is free to support or not to support any box for any reason they deem fit.
I wouldn't buy one either, as they are extremely low end and they look like crap already.

I just wanted to remark that those ZGemma boxes are not clone boxes.
The definition of a clone box is quite clear: A box that attempts to appear as some other box (Probably one with a high reputation) without actually being that other box, e.g. the Meelo SE that simulates a Vu+ Solo².

31-12-16, 12:46
I think asked before but are they supposed to be a clone of? Beyond Vix if you look at the description of updates you'll see references to fixes for these zgemma boxes so somebody in the overall development circle categorises the boxes differently.

31-12-16, 12:50
Any image team is free to support or not to support any box for any reason they deem fit.
I wouldn't buy one either, as they are extremely low end and they look like crap already.

I just wanted to remark that those ZGemma boxes are not clone boxes.
The definition of a clone box is quite clear: A box that attempts to appear as some other box (Probably one with a high reputation) without actually being that other box, e.g. the Meelo SE that simulates a Vu+ Solo².

They may not necessarily be clones in the true sense of the word but there still a poorly built and very dangerous piece of shit sold to unsuspecting customers on the false promise of ViX support solely to generate revenue. (pardon my french or not !!).

I could tolerate them if they only adhered to real safety checks and not just a fake arsed sticker smacked on its arse, only barely tolerate them mind.

31-12-16, 12:55
Anyway regardless of safety what I was trying to say is in the end these cheap boxes help increase sales of official boxes as people move on from them fairly quickly.
I doubt that :)

Anyways, at least the following images are officially available for ZGemma boxes:
- OpenATV
- Egami
- OpenHDF
- OpenPLi
- OpenSpa

If someone wants a specific image, he would have to check before for which boxes it gets built for.
Someone who desperately wants OpenHDF can not buy a new Vu+ model for example.

31-12-16, 12:58
I doubt that :)

Anyways, at least the following images are officially available for ZGemma boxes:
- OpenATV
- Egami
- OpenHDF
- OpenPLi
- OpenSpa

If someone wants a specific image, he would have to check before for which boxes it gets built for.
Someone who desperately wants OpenHDF can not buy a new Vu+ model for example.

In the same way that ViX do not and never will (Opinions may have changed within the team since I left but I doubt that) support any receiver with the SH4 architecture.

31-12-16, 13:41
They may not necessarily be clones in the true sense of the word but there still a poorly built and very dangerous piece of shit sold
I happen to be a real electrician and a collector of historic home computers (Amstrad CPC :) ). I guess you are viewing this from a British point of view.

World-wide it's common to have proper circuit breakers for the electric circuits inside the house. That concept might be surprising to Britons, as is having only one water tap for cold and hot water (plus a one hand mixing battery) instead of heaving two different ones as distant from each other as possible.

US and Euro installations have
- One selective RCD (Residual Current Device) protecting the whole installation.
- Separate RCDs (Since 2008 at least three different ones), each for one or multiple circuits in the house, all circuits operatable by laymans have to pass one.
- One MCB (miniature circuit breaker) for each electric circuit in the house
(The last two devices may also be a combined RCD/MCB, one for each cicruit)

New as of 2016 (In the USA since ages):
- AFDD (Arc Fault Detection Devices) in sleeping rooms, rooms for storage of burnable materials, any room in buildings made from burnable material, ...

RCDs are dimensioned to break the circuit if a current larger than 30mA takes any way that is not the way of normal operations.
Your "fuses inside the plug" are not capable of protecting any human, let alone animals. 2A can kill. 500mA can kill.

Fuses do not protect lifes. Neither do MCB. They protect wires or devices.
The wires however are sufficiently protected on the installation side in nearly every country of the world.

Devices nowadays are usually protected by thermal switches inside the power supply, they disconnect the power supply from mains if an overcurrent appears and reconnect when they have cooled down.

So back to the fake fuse you discovered:
I bought some of my Amstrad CPCs from the UK. The UK was - besides France *g* - the country where they sold best, so the largest availability of Amstrad CPC stuff was/is on ebay.co.uk and ebay.fr.
The power plugs were quite obviously (Not even the same colour as the cable) not factory fitted. It more looked like the monitors were shipped with blank wires for the customer to fit a plug himself or the importer did it, technically bad.

So obviously not even a British company could make the Chinese makers of the stuff they sold put "ready to plug" connectors for the UK on the cable ends ... in Germany and France, the same devices were sold with properly casted Euro plugs.

So for the plugs I would guess
They probably weren't even added in China but by the importer in the UK, blame him for putting the wrong fuse inside.

to unsuspecting customers on the false promise of ViX support solely to generate revenue. (pardon my french or not !!).
Uhm ...
For some strange reason that might apply for OpenPLi (But they make images for the ZGemma), but OpenViX?
I do not understand why anyone would insist on using OpenPLi, but I could actually observe that happening.

I could tolerate them if they only adhered to real safety checks and not just a fake arsed sticker smacked on its arse, only barely tolerate them mind.
See above.

el bandido
31-12-16, 21:06
Selling a Vix image on Ebay that is not a Vix image? This should be stopped!

United States Link:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/OpenVIX-image-firmware-for-Zgemma-Star-S-with-plugins-/302147847246?hash=item46596a444e:g:pIwAAOSwXeJYD87 K

U.K Link

31-12-16, 21:52
@spacerat - What is it that you want? That the VIX team spend their own money and buy some zgemma shite so they can build an image for it with their own time and own expense (and host feeds for it) or is just that you want them to support those who spent their money elsewhere buying crap and can't get a hacked image to work right? Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

zgemmas do not contribute to the satellite scene - they are generally flogged by the card sharing leeching scum that are killing the hobby for everyone.

31-12-16, 22:07
I just pointed out they are not clones.
I also said that any team can decide on its own which boxes it wants to support and which ones not.

Gesendet von meinem Siemens C25 mit Tapatalk

31-12-16, 22:13
Zgemma manufacturer, in past, may have supported clones but the zgemma range of boxes are not clones. They are officially supported by many image teams (except OpenVix). They even have their own drivers.

I could tolerate them if they only adhered to real safety checks and not just a fake arsed sticker smacked on its arse...You could say that about a lot of electronics these days some of which are really expensive to buy and not clones but still potentially dangerous (phones and other electronics to name a few).

zgemmas do not contribute to the satellite scene - they are generally flogged by the card sharing leeching scum that are killing the hobby for everyone.I admit i'm not familiar with how it works with E2 manufacturers but do these manufacturers not support (albeit very little) to the image teams in some way or another or do they keep all the money they receive for themselves?

Anyhow, the sponsor does have cheap E2 boxes (albeit not as cheap as zgemma range) for those wanting to use OpenVix officially.

Rob van der Does
01-01-17, 07:22
It's quite simple really: Zgemma has been a counterfeit clone manufacturer for a long time. Even if they would now be designing their own hardware, they can only do so because of the money they 'earned' with their previous illegal activities. And this behaviour is
more than enough for the ViX-team not to support them, and not even thinking about that.

And for the record: can you point me to any non-dodgy wholesaler/importer of the 'brand' Zgemma?