View Full Version : Idiot Guide Needed For Remotely Accessing OpenWebif (Watch TV Outside Of My Home).

29-12-16, 19:25
Hullo everyone,

Firstly, if I'm posting this in the wrong area of the forum, please forgive me - I have no idea where to start.

I have to spend a lot of time in hospital, and if anyone has this misfortune, they will know how rubbish and expensive watching TV in hospital is!

At home, I have a Vusolo2 box installed, along with a high speed Virgin Media connection.

On my tablet at home, I can connect to the Vusolo2 via my WIFI and can watch any of the channels anywhere within the WIFI range.
(I use the address then the number my box is assigned to, then use the OpenWebif page to select a channel, which then opens with VLC).

What I'm hoping to do, is to simply connect to my Vusolo2 when I'm not at home, example being - watch any of my channels when I'm in hospital.

I seriously have no idea on how to accomplish this, and dare not try anything in case I mess up badly.

If anyone can provide me with an idiot proof guide - Step 1, Step 2 etc on how to do this, I would be a very happy person, armed with my tablet for my next round of hospital tratment!

Fingers crossed, and best wishes,


29-12-16, 21:03
I would recommend setting up a VPN. Take a look here >> Private Internet Access Open VPN Setup


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03-01-17, 15:25
Hello Andy,

Thank you for your reply, my apologies for the delay, in hospital again I'm afraid.

When I said I needed an idiot guide, I really meant it - I have looked at your link and whilst it may be easy for someone to acheive, it looks incredibly difficult for me - is there not a simpler way to do this.
I only wish to connect the same way I can coonect when I'm using my home network.

Fingers crossed there i s a simpler way to do this.
Many tahnks for your help anyway, really appreciated.

03-01-17, 17:15
Is there not a simpler way to do this.

Another way would be to assign your STB a static IP then setup port forwarding for port 80 on your home router to point to the STB's IP. Then you could simple put the your WAN IP assigned from your ISP into your bowser and away you would go.

That's probably the simplest your going to get however there would be a number of security issues that would come with doing it this way.

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03-01-17, 17:24
Another way would be to assign your STB a static IP then setup port forwarding for port 80 on your home router to point to the STB's IP. Then you could simple put the your WAN IP assigned from your ISP into your bowser and away you would go.

That's probably the simplest your going to get however there would be a number of security issues that would come with doing it this way.
Make sure you read the last sentence. This is as insecure a solution as you'll find.

03-01-17, 18:19
How about downloading MOBDRO to your tablet - you can stream all popular channels (bbc, itv ect) plus many more including live sports. Just used it very successfully in Madeira over the new year.

03-01-17, 19:06
Make sure you read the last sentence. This is as insecure a solution as you'll find.

So ... Thanks for the reply - now to show what and idiot I am in all things technical.

1) I'm guessing my STB is my VUSolo2 Box ?

2) How would I assign it a "static IP" ?

3) Is there a simple way I could combat any security issues, ie: put in a really stromg username / password to my router so that anyone would need to log in ?

Really sorry if I appear ignorant here, the truth is, I am!

Any help with the above would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

03-01-17, 19:12
How about downloading MOBDRO to your tablet - you can stream all popular channels (bbc, itv ect) plus many more including live sports. Just used it very successfully in Madeira over the new year.

Hi, many thanks for your message - is this available to use on a PC, my "tablet" is a Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10.

04-01-17, 13:52
So ... Thanks for the reply - now to show what and idiot I am in all things technical.

1) I'm guessing my STB is my VUSolo2 Box ?

2) How would I assign it a "static IP" ?

3) Is there a simple way I could combat any security issues, ie: put in a really stromg username / password to my router so that anyone would need to log in ?

Really sorry if I appear ignorant here, the truth is, I am!

Any help with the above would be very much appreciated. Thank you.Hi, I was only commenting on how insecure the suggestion could be.
I've never (needed to) set up a box to be accessed securely from the outside world.
It can be done, but it's not easy if you're not technically minded. Someone else needs to advise you.

04-01-17, 13:57
1) I'm guessing my STB is my VUSolo2 Box ?

2) How would I assign it a "static IP" ?

3) Is there a simple way I could combat any security issues, ie: put in a really stromg username / password to my router so that anyone would need to log in?

1. Yes your STB (set top box) is your VU Solo2.

2. I would recommend assigning it a static IP using the DHCP reservation option on your router.

3. Enable HTTPS for OpenWebif and assign a username and a strong password. I would also change the port from 80 to something else!

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04-01-17, 20:08

Big thanks for your reply.

So I guess I can figure out The DHCP part.

Forgive my ignorance, but how would I enable https for Openwebif, and how would I go about enabling the port etc ?:confused:

Many thanks in advance.

04-01-17, 20:51
3. Enable HTTPS for OpenWebif and assign a username and a strong password. I would also change the port from 80 to something else!

and yet still the stream will be unencrypted and the box would be open to a hijack - so a tad pointless.

better solution as recommended would be VPN, personally haven't found an idiots guide either.

04-01-17, 21:43
At the right time we should also mention DDNS.

05-01-17, 12:17
Maybe this may help the OP


01-02-23, 13:30
Late answer but since no one has posted it I do :)

Login to your router

Portforward ports 80 and 8001 (in my case the box have internal ip so I portforward to that IP these ports).


adduser admin -h /dev/null -H -s /bin/false -G root
(admin can be something else too, its your username so choose something you remember)
You will now be prompted to add new password (Here you choose some difficult password that you remember)

Start your box and tv. Go to menu, plugins. Openwebif,
Enable webif
Enable HTTP Authentication
Enable HTTPS
Enable HTTPS Authentication
Enable Authentication for streaming
Add service name to stream information

Start webbrowser and surf to www.whatismyip.com
Copy the Public IP and start using!

This works in computer and also with "DreamDroid" mobile app!

This should do it and please, this is not secure do so be careful and use only for fun purposes with receivers you dont care so much if somebody hacks them since your box is now open to internet!!!!!

Hullo everyone,

Firstly, if I'm posting this in the wrong area of the forum, please forgive me - I have no idea where to start.

I have to spend a lot of time in hospital, and if anyone has this misfortune, they will know how rubbish and expensive watching TV in hospital is!

At home, I have a Vusolo2 box installed, along with a high speed Virgin Media connection.

On my tablet at home, I can connect to the Vusolo2 via my WIFI and can watch any of the channels anywhere within the WIFI range.
(I use the address then the number my box is assigned to, then use the OpenWebif page to select a channel, which then opens with VLC).

What I'm hoping to do, is to simply connect to my Vusolo2 when I'm not at home, example being - watch any of my channels when I'm in hospital.

I seriously have no idea on how to accomplish this, and dare not try anything in case I mess up badly.

If anyone can provide me with an idiot proof guide - Step 1, Step 2 etc on how to do this, I would be a very happy person, armed with my tablet for my next round of hospital tratment!

Fingers crossed, and best wishes,


17-02-23, 19:42
Very useful thread - I kept getting an error using a VPN and found out that I had not got https turned on. All now working after 15 years of ignorance!

Many thanks

18-02-23, 01:22
this is not secureSo why are you recommending it then?

The only reason I can think for someone to recommend this is because they have no clue how to do it properly.

For anyone considering following this advice, you need to know your box WILL get hacked with 100% certainty, and that will comprimise every device on your network, every PC, NAS, mobile, tablet, router, switch, access point, even printers.