View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Timer Sanity Error (2 conflicting timers on a dual-dish/dual-tuner system)

29-12-16, 12:12
I have seen other posts on this but I am still confused as to why I am seeing this error. I have a dual-dish system, one fixed (pointed at 28.2E) and one motorised. I am trying to set 2 timers on Friday, one on Hotbird 13.0E from 5:57 to 7:05 and one on Astra 28.2E from 6:27 to 7:05. The one on Astra is a weekly repeated timer.

Those are the only two timers set to record on that day. The one on KBS HD would start first, so that should take control of my tuner connected to my motorised dish, leaving my other tuner to use my fixed dish, as NHK World HD is on 28.2E... so that can use either tuner.

I have recorded multiple programmes at the same time before and it usually results in me being forced to watch one or the other while it is recording. I'm not sure what's causing this conflict, or how to avoid it. It's almost as if the NHK World HD timer has claimed one of the tuners and can only use that tuner. I have no preferred tuners set up, it is set to auto, which is why I presumed it would know what to do in instances like this.

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what might be the cause of the problem?

Rob van der Does
30-12-16, 05:42
Does setting up the two timers (after deleting them first) in a different order make any difference?
And is the conflict that shows actually a conflict between only those two timers, or is an other timer being mentioned? I ask, because what you describe also happens when a timer conflict already exists (for whatever what reason). And if that's the case deleting that 'strange' timer does the trick.

30-12-16, 11:55
I ended up waiting until I was on my way to bed and then changing the current channel to NHK World HD, which forced Tuner B onto that channel. I figured that there was no way it was going to switch Tuners to record the channel it was already on, meaning Tuner A (my motorised dish) would be guaranteed to be free. At that point, it let me set the timer for KBS HD with no conflict.

Here's a screengrab of my timer list as it currently is, you can see the completed timer at the bottom. I always manage my recording times to guarantee that there is only 1 programme recording at any one time, to allow me to add a second timer should I need to do so. NHK World HD repeats every programme 4 times over a 24hr period, so it's easy to do.

The only possible reason that I could see to cause this conflict, is that the system had allocated Tuner A to that repeated recording at some time in the past and had based the next recording on those conditions, thus preventing Tuner A from being allocated elsewhere.

Deleting the timers and recreating them may have worked, but as a software developer, I tend to try and diagnose things to death before taking what might seem like the obvious solution. Old habits I'm afraid... So for now this problem has been bypassed but I am none the wiser as to why it occurred in the first instance.


Rob van der Does
30-12-16, 13:41
Deleting the timers and recreating them may have worked, but as a software developer, I tend to try and diagnose things to death before taking what might seem like the obvious solution. Old habits I'm afraid...
I understand and agree with that. But sometimes finding the cause of an issue isn't very easy.

30-12-16, 15:02
I understand and agree with that. But sometimes finding the cause of an issue isn't very easy.

I agree and that's why I would rather try and give you more information about the problem, than taking the easy fix.

Because the timer that caused a conflict is a repeating timer, it means that it is still there ready for next week. So later on I will try and set the same pair of timers, and see if that causes the same problem. If it doesn't, then maybe my theory about the system pre-allocating a tuner based on the previous recording conditions, might be a possible avenue to look into. Last time it recorded it might have used Tuner A, this time I forced it to use Tuner B.

Unless of course you would prefer I simply let this thread disappear, seeing as I resolved the issue... that's entirely your choice.

Rob van der Does
30-12-16, 16:49
Nope: please keep us posted on how you go on with this.

30-12-16, 20:36
Okay... I can't set the matching timers yet as the KBS HD schedule doesn't go far enough into next week, however, I have been able to test with other timers earlier in the week.

On Wednesday there are two existing repeat timers set, one at 03:27 and another at 06:27. both on NHK World HD. On KBS HD, there is a programme starting at 02:40 and another at 06:20.

If I set a timer to record the programme at 02:40, the timer sets with no problem. If I try to set a timer for the programme starting at 06:20, I get a Timer Sanity Error. So that's two timers on the same two channels, with different results.

Here's where it gets a bit interesting... the programmes on the first timer I can set, start at different times and end at different times. The second timer I can't set, start at different times but end at the same time. 07:05 for both programmes.

The previous timer conflict... also started at different times but ended at the same time. Interestingly, both timers that caused a conflict ended at 07:05 but that might be just coincidence. All my timers have a pre-start period of -3 minutes and a post-end period of +5 minutes. I did consider that it might be an issue with the start times but after changing the start time of the programme at 02:40, to take it closer to the repeat timer's start time, it still set with no problem.

The next logical test will be to find two programmes on the same satellite that end at the same time, to see if they cause a conflict. But at this point, all evidence found so far, seems to indicate the end times being the same, as possibly contributing to (or directly causing) this problem.

30-12-16, 20:55
If it doesn't, then maybe my theory about the system pre-allocating a tuner based on the previous recording conditions, might be a possible avenue to look into. Last time it recorded it might have used Tuner A, this time I forced it to use Tuner B.What happens if you set your preferred tuner to tuner B? That should mean that A is only used when B can't be.

30-12-16, 22:19
What happens if you set your preferred tuner to tuner B? That should mean that A is only used when B can't be.

After the testing that I posted about in the post just above yours, I am now convinced this isn't tuner related at all. I now suspect this is purely down to how the system is evaluating the timer events and is flagging a conflict where one doesn't really exist.

I have a habit of speculating out loud, and at the time I said that, I had nothing else really to go on. I just throw ideas out there, just in case it triggers something with someone. :)

30-12-16, 22:28
After the testing that I posted about in the post just above yours, I am now convinced this isn't tuner related at all. I now suspect this is purely down to how the system is evaluating the timer events and is flagging a conflict where one doesn't really exist.Well, as has been noted elsewhere, if there was already a timer conflict somewhere else (from an Auto Timer, say) then an apparently incorrect conflict will be reported as each new timer is added.

30-12-16, 22:30
Well, as has been noted elsewhere, if there was already a timer conflict somewhere else (from an Auto Timer, say) then an apparently incorrect conflict will be reported as each new timer is added.

I only ever use manual timers, either single event or repeating. I have no autotimers or power timers. All you see in that image I posted, is every timer I have in use in the whole system.

30-12-16, 23:38
I hate my brain sometimes. :D I'm walking round in GTAV trying to test some mod code changes in two different mods I'm writing, along with some website issues I need to deal with on my own website and this keeps nagging away at the back of my mind, just to add to the confusion.

I said I was convinced that this wasn't tuner related but I'm now thinking, if that's the case, why did changing to NHK World last night cure the problem with the previous conflict?

31-12-16, 00:04
The next logical test will be to find two programmes on the same satellite that end at the same time, to see if they cause a conflict.You can set a timer tot start and stop at any time. Just press Add in that Timer Overview menu and adjust start/stop times.

31-12-16, 00:11
Because the timer that caused a conflict is a repeating timer, it means that it is still there ready for next week.A repeating timer is still just one timer. But it's set up such that when it completes it sets another timer for the next time...
However, the conflict timer code does have to cater for this, as you could have a daily one set -up and it would need to know that there will be a timer there tomorrow.

So later on I will try and set the same pair of timers, and see if that causes the same problem.A screenshot of the timer conflict resolution screen when it occurs might be helpful.

Last time it recorded it might have used Tuner A, this time I forced it to use Tuner B.Which is why I suggested you see what happens if you set your preferred tuner to B. I don't think you've reported back on that yet?

31-12-16, 01:00
A repeating timer is still just one timer. But it's set up such that when it completes it sets another timer for the next time...
However, the conflict timer code does have to cater for this, as you could have a daily one set -up and it would need to know that there will be a timer there tomorrow.

It's confusing the thread by picking snippets of quotes and then dealing with them out of context. My reference about the repeating timer was simply to state that I wouldn't have to re-create the timer, as it was still there because it was a repeating timer. Thus making it easier to test the same situation, as the same programmes would be on at the same time next week.

A screenshot of the timer conflict resolution screen when it occurs might be helpful.
Do you mean this screen as the timer conflict resolution screen or do you mean another screen?


You also picked out this quote
So later on I will try and set the same pair of timers, and see if that causes the same problem. but I had already dealt with that when I said
I can't set the matching timers yet as the KBS HD schedule doesn't go far enough into next week. So the image I have attached is from yesterday's conflict.

Which is why I suggested you see what happens if you set your preferred tuner to B. I don't think you've reported back on that yet?
I haven't reported back on that tuner setting simply because I see no reason why it would only occur on one particular timer out of two that I tried to set. If there was a tuner conflict, it wouldn't have let me set the first timer, because it was using the same pair of tuner configurations. This is the thing that is making this so confusing to track down, in theory it should have caused an error with both timer attempts but it didn't. It only caused the error with the second timer.

And just to go back to your previous quote
You can set a timer tot start and stop at any time. Just press Add in that Timer Overview menu and adjust start/stop times.

As I said previously
I did consider that it might be an issue with the start times but after changing the start time of the programme at 02:40, to take it closer to the repeat timer's start time, it still set with no problem.
I am familiar with manually changing start and end times but adjusting them doesn't seem to have any effect on whether it either sets, or generates the error. Either that or you have to change them by a significant amount and I just haven't changed them by the right amount. But adding an extra 10 minutes to a conflicting timer end time had no effect.

If you have questions about what I have posted, it makes it much easier if you not only treat them in context but also in chronological order. I am trying to help diagnose this but I do also have at least two coding projects and a website on the go. If I have to answer questions out of order, the whole thread loses any sense of progression, which just makes it harder for anyone else to follow. And it also means I end up with a spaghetti multi-quote like this one, that is simply quoting previously stated information.

If you have a set of steps you believe will help, then please post them but please do so having taken into account any information I have already posted, that might cover any of the steps you suggest. My PC is upstairs and my satellite is downstairs, so I have to stop what I am doing to test things. So I need to do them all at once, so I spend as little time going up and down stairs as possible. Age hasn't been kind to my back and legs, stairs are hard work sometimes. :(

31-12-16, 01:31
Do you mean this screen as the timer conflict resolution screenYes - that's the one I meant.

I haven't reported back on that tuner setting simply because I see no reason why it would only occur on one particular timer out of two that I tried to set.Well, if I'm reading things correctly (in post #7) then the one which worked went channel only on tuner A, then channel on A or B while the one which produced a conflict did the channels the other way around.

31-12-16, 01:36
Well, if I'm reading things correctly (in post #7) then the one which worked went channel only on tuner A, then channel on A or B while the one which produced a conflict did the channels the other way around.

No, in post #7, the channels were identical. Both situations had a timer already existing on NHK World HD and I was trying to set a timer for a programme on KBS HD. A programme at 02:40 on KBS HD set correctly, a programme at 06:20 on KBS HD caused the conflict. Same channels, same tuners, different times.

The existing schedule is in the first image I posted.

31-12-16, 02:54
No, in post #7, the channels were identical......but the order of recording starts was not.

On Wednesday there are two existing repeat timers set, one at 03:27 and another at 06:27. both on NHK World HD. On KBS HD, there is a programme starting at 02:40 and another at 06:20.

So in the first case you have a recording on KBS (tuner A) followed by an overlap with NHK (A or B), while in the second you have a recording on NHK (tuner A or B) overlapping with a later start on KBS (needs tuner A).

Rob van der Does
31-12-16, 05:39
@LeeC22: indeed both screens you posted now (timer overview & timer conflict manager) are important to post in case of issues.
Please be aware that 'Preferred tuner' and 'Preferred tuner for recordings' are separate settings and that you must have a good reason and know what you're doing when changing them. In case of unexpected/unexplainable results you'd best set/leave them to default values. There is seldom any reason to set those values, as E2 has sufficient build-in intelligence for tuner management.
But I realize that your original issue was with default values.

31-12-16, 12:06
...but the order of recording starts was not.

So in the first case you have a recording on KBS (tuner A) followed by an overlap with NHK (A or B), while in the second you have a recording on NHK (tuner A or B) overlapping with a later start on KBS (needs tuner A).

That's not what post #7 says at all, both KBS starts are earlier than the NHK World starts, it's getting a but frustrating to keep reposting information... so let me clarify this.

This timer sets with no problem, the KBS HD programme starts first.
KBS HD - 2016 KBS Drama Awards Start - 02:40 - Finish 04:30
NHK HD - Science View - Start 03:30 - Finish 04:00

This timer causes a conflict, KBS HD programme starts first.
KBS HD - First Love Again - 06:20 - Finish 07:00
NHK HD - Samurai Wheels - Start 06:30 - Finish 07:00

And to add one more pairing that causes a conflict.
KBS HD - Pops in Seoul - 06:00 - Finish 06:30
NHK HD - Samurai Wheels - Start 06:30 - Finish 07:00

In no situation is there ever an NHK World HD programme starting first... which is exactly what post #7 said.

31-12-16, 12:20
Okay, now I can get round to posting some new information.

Setting the preferred tuner settings (either of them) has no effect on a conflict happening or not. Just one point on this, my settings were at auto and none respectively, I don't remember changing them at any point but can you confirm if that is the default setting please?

Setting a recording on any Astra channel that ends at the same time as an existing NHK World HD timer causes no conflict.
Setting a timer on another satellite (HotBird or 19.2e) that ends at a time that overlaps an existing NHK World timer causes a timer conflict.
Setting a recording on 19.2e that ends at the same time as an existing NHK World timer, also causes a conflict.

I have noticed that there is an option to turn off timer conflict messages. So what I am going to do next, is to set a timer on NHK World for a random programme over the weekend and then to set a matching timer on another satellite that would cause a conflict... that is to identify a clashing programme. I will then go and turn that setting off, set the conflicting timer again and see what the end result is for both timers.

All of this could be a glitch in the conflict detection code and it could be throwing up false positives for timers the system is more than capable of dealing with. The worst case scenario is two random programmes don't get recorded. But the best case scenario works out if the conflict is genuine and causes a problem or not. As I think of more scenarios to test this problem, I will try them and report back on the results.

31-12-16, 12:53
In no situation is there ever an NHK World HD programme starting first... which is exactly what post #7 said.Apologies. Somehow I read post #7 differently. I can't see how I did.....

31-12-16, 13:43
Sorry again. I've only just noticed the version you are using. I thought you were on a recent release...
There is an issue in the conflict code (see this thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?49866-TimerSanityCheck-can-report-a-failure-when-it-should-be-OK)) which has been fixed.
The fix went into version 4.0_002.

If you want to confirm this fixes your problem the TimerSanityConflict.py file hasn't changed from 3.2.033 until now (apart from this fix), so perhaps your 3.2.032 is the same. So you could put the *.py file from this:


into /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components (but first take a backup copy of TimerSanityConflict.pyo from there) and check it fixes the issue.
Or upgrade to the latest release.

Rob van der Does
31-12-16, 14:26
Sorry again. I've only just noticed the version you are using. ....
Ahh, good catch, I didn't notice that either :o
We should not be chasing shadows by looking into possible issues in ancient builds.
So indeed: please flash a recent build and see how you go from there.

31-12-16, 17:22
Ahh, good catch, I didn't notice that either :o
We should not be chasing shadows by looking into possible issues in ancient builds.
So indeed: please flash a recent build and see how you go from there.

I won't be able to do that until in the new year. Historically, flashing to a recent build has sometimes left me with more problems that an older build and at this time of year, I have to minimise any kind of problems... that's a long and complex "personal issues" story that you don't want to hear. :( So if using that fix, or in fact turning off the timer conflict warnings solves the problems, I'll have to go with that for now.

Once I get the next couple of weeks out of the way, then I can look at doing an update.

But as for this part directly:

We should not be chasing shadows by looking into possible issues in ancient builds.

Rolling the dice on a new version, isn't a reliable way to deal with isolated issues in an older version... ViX doesn't have a history of reliability that makes that a valid option. Every new release carries with it an opportunity for something that does work, to turn into something that doesn't... and that's usually what I have found to be the case. On more than one occasion I have updated, then rolled back within a day or so. I don't need that level of hassle for a single module of faulty code. I have my own projects to write and test, I don't have the time to be a tester on other people's software as well, at the possible expense of my satellite receiver not working as it should. So when an older build has a proven history, that's the version I update to.

I know some people don't like dealing with users of older versions but that's the cost of releasing constantly updating software... in fact, it's the cost of being a software developer. Not everyone chooses to jump into the boat the minute a new version of anything appears. With the software I write, I respect the user's choice to use whatever version they choose to use and will support them 100% with any problems they have. That's just 30+ years of ingrained mentality... I can't operate any other way than that.

Anyway, I really do have to concentrate on the three projects I have ongoing, so I am happy to consider this resolved with that python module that birdman provided. I will try that and unsubscribe from the threads so that it can be left to sink.

Rob van der Does
31-12-16, 19:40
.... On more than one occasion I have updated, then rolled back within a day or so. ...
I really can't believe that to be true. Being a tester here I update to every single beta-version for my main household box, which means an update virtually every day, and it very seldom (if ever) happens that I need to roll back (to which I'm prepared, as I always make a full backup when updating).
So that's quite contradictory to your statement. And then you only use updates we release as we tested them to be working fine...
And besides: if that would be true, the forum would be overloaded with issues.

Anyway: we're only maintaining and developing from the last version, not old builds. And switching off conflict management isn't a good idea.....

31-12-16, 21:56
No offence but what you believe has no bearing on how I maintain my system but I do take offence at being told what I say is untrue, when you have no proof or justification to determine otherwise.

How you use your system is in no way a reflection of how I use my system. How you have your box configured is no reflection on how my box is configured. Basically, your experience with your boxes is totally irrelevant with respect to my box. Do you know how long I have had my box? Do you know how many times I have updated? Do you know what my criteria is for being satisfied with the performance of a piece of software? Of course you don't, yet you still decide to judge my statement and credibility... which I find harsh (and ironic) considering two testers took over 20 posts to notice the version I was using.

I've been on these forums long enough to see the "It works fine for me, therefore it must work fine for you" consensus that seems to be thrown out there. That is the main reason I try as much as possible to sort my own problems out, or simply roll back, rather than bring issues up on here and have to get faced with that. But I don't call people on here liars and I don't expect to get that back in my face. If you don't believe something, that's fine but don't insinuate that people are lying, when their experiences don't match up with yours. What I find particularly abhorrent, is how you have jumped on my back for saying "On more than one occasion"... more than one means more than one, not ten, not five... just more than one. And yes, it has happened on more than one occasion.

The fact is, I put a fair amount of effort into trying to diagnose this problem, which took me away from what I really should have been doing. I was trying to let this thread go as the matter seems to have been resolved. I suggest you show people the deserved respect when they put that effort in and you learn to respect their opinions on how they handle their own equipment.

I am going to request an admin lock this thread as I really don't have time to engage in an insinuation war. I've got six hours of coding ahead at least, so I'd like to get that done if at all possible. I tried to unsubscribe but my settings said I had no subscribed threads, so I will have to use the link in the last notification email. Failing that I'll have to rely on my ignore list... I'd prefer it if people just left it alone.