View Full Version : Open Webif Question

22-12-16, 00:25
This question is with regards to the Open Webif interface that is accessed on the windows computer when your computer is connected to the VU box Via the same internet router that is also connected to VU box, in this case right now via an ethernet cable although I have another computer that accesses openWebif and the same box wirelessly too.

I am wondering if this is just a sheer coincidence of never noticing this before or if its maybe because I didn't use OpenVix until more recent times (using Version openvix-4.2.021) (See Attachment).

Question :, the two tuners are connected correctly on the box with both LNB feeds (if that makes a difference ?), When the VU box is switched on in the living room I can also see that its switched on in the Open Webif interface too on the computer.

Now, I can honestly say that I have never noticed this until now, if I switch the VU box off in the living room using the computers Open Webif interface to do so then yes it switches the VU box off obviously, but that's no good, I want to be able to maybe watch another channel from the VU on the computer and the wife wants to watch a movie or another channel, so I can't figure out how this is done.

Please try and remember that since I bought the box back in late 2010 I think it was, I only ever used one feed/one tuner as the wife was happy to view a freesat box which used the other sat feed, so this is all quite new to me in respect of what I have just explained.

The box is set up 100% perfectly as far as I am concerned, I had help when switching to OpenVix as I was unsure of using it and someone basically took me through it step by step etc.

But, I am almost positive that the previous image I used didn't have this same type of thing going on, I can't be 100% sure but I am just sure I can remember when using openpli that I was able to see the box was off in Open webif on my computer while the actual VU box was physically on in the living room, as I say, I can't be 100% sure though, so I could be wrong and this may be nothing more than something that I have just noticed after all these years, seems strange.

Plus the fact, how the heck can I pick one channel on the computer while the wife watches another, thats another one thats confusing me :confused:


abu baniaz
22-12-16, 00:42
If you put the receiver into "deep standby", it cannot be used.

If you put it in "standby" or it is "on", you can stream from it.

Plus the fact, how the heck can I pick one channel on the computer while the wife watches another, thats another one thats confusing me

If you click on the channel name, you change the channel on the receiver
If you click on the little computer icon, you begin streaming without affecting main picture from the receiver.

I use VLC on my PC as the default media player.

22-12-16, 01:16
If you put the receiver into "deep standby", it cannot be used.
If you put it in "standby" or it is "on", you can stream from it.
If you click on the channel name, you change the channel on the receiver
If you click on the little computer icon, you begin streaming without affecting main picture from the receiver.
I use VLC on my PC as the default media player.

Thanks abu baniaz

I use VLC too, Snap :) EDIT : just checked, its defo VLC I use for viewing with open webif.

I can stream from the VU to the computer, that is not a problem, never has been, and when the wife isnt watching the
VU box and its on standby then I can still stream to the PC, that isnt the problem mate, its just like I described above.
ohh, and its never in deep standby mode either mate.

If I change a channel using open webif on my computer then it changes in the living room too, and vice versa, if the
box changes channel in the living room it changes on open webif on the computer too, how come ?

I know what you mean with clicking on the little computer icon on the computer screen in open webif.
EDIT: hmmm, wait, maybe I aint using VLC player for Viewing more I think about it now, do you see the open
webif in VLC player mate ?
Either way, Open webif has the little computer icon thing your talking about anyway, I dont know if this is different in
VLC player though, is it ?

All I have is the open webif screen, thats all.
EDIT : just checked, its defo VLC I use for viewing with open webif.

Surely like for example just now she is watching another channel and I want to watch another channel on the
computer, surely I must be able to do that ?

Isn't that what these boxes are all about, you can watch two channels on different sources, in my case on the computer and
also the living room tv at same time while she watches something else, or am I getting mixed up with watch one and record another ? even at that I still cant figure that part out.

And what about how I can see the box is on in open webif on my computer, I am sure with the old openpli image the wife could have the VU box on in
the living room watching something and on the open webif on my computer in the other room I could see that the open webif reported the box as being
off, as I say, I could be wrong, I am not 100%.

abu baniaz
22-12-16, 01:40
If you click on a channel name, you will change the channel on the TV. Don't click on the the channel name. As I said before, click on the computer logo.

The old openwebinterface used to look like this



You have two tuners, you can record/stream/watch/from two transponders. If you try to access a service on a third one, it won't work.

22-12-16, 03:26
If I change a channel using open webif on my computer then it changes in the living room too, and vice versa, if the box changes channel in the living room it changes on open webif on the computer too, how come?Because you've changed channel....
So, as Abu says, don't change channel.
Just stream the one which you want to watch.

22-12-16, 03:36
Thanks abu baniaz, I will need to try this out tomorrow as shes away to bed ages ago and the VU box is in the other room, so it saves me going back and forth if she can tell me what is happening.

I also did notice that Open Webif has been updated now too, looks much much better I am happy to say :)

I never click on the channel name, I have always clicked on the little computer screen icon that you show in your photo, what then happens is it asks me to save a file which I always save to desktop, for example, its called 'stream (3).m3u', so I save that file and click on it to play the channel, only takes like a second anyway, no big deal.

But, thats the way its always been since as far back as I can remember, and I am almost 90% sure earlier that when I was doing that it was also changing the channel on the VU box in the living room too because I was wanting to watch one thing and she wanted to watch another, so I just gave in and let her watch whatever she wanted and I gave up.

Hmmmm :confused:

as you can see its the the new edition of openwebif I have in the attached photo.


abu baniaz
22-12-16, 03:52
Forget openwebif for now, we'll get back to it later. Can you record one channel and watch another?

22-12-16, 03:56
Maybe we are all getting mixed up because of my original first post of my thread here as it is kinda confusing, I dunno man, I am still :confused: though, hmmm, but hey, I have the greatest of respect for any of you guys that can and do try help, so don't think that I don't appreciate it, I do very much :thumbsup: (its just me that's obviously AGAIN doing something wrong).

22-12-16, 04:12
Forget openwebif for now, we'll get back to it later. Can you record one channel and watch another?

I can't test the recording feature yet mate as I have not yet backed up my full image etc which should be done a.s.a.p and will be, the backup image file is saved to the main hard drive on the VU so I will need to get a FULL COPY of that including Everything should anything go wrong, so I don't even want to touch recording yet just in case I some how record over that file (dont want to risk it as its all set up perfect), I hope and am sure you understand.

When I do back the backup the Entire Full Image including every single thing as it is now, I will be doing it directly from the VU box to the computer here (ethernet cable to computer) and then saving the file to various backup drives including usb stick etc, hopefully I can get all that into the normal "vuplus" flashing file so that its directly flashable via usb.

abu baniaz
22-12-16, 04:23
Post a picture of your tuner configuration for tuner a

Post a picture of your tuner configuration for tuner b

22-12-16, 08:01
Have you got zap before stream enabled?
If so turn it off.

23-12-16, 00:50
Have you got zap before stream enabled?
If so turn it off.

dont know, whats the pros and cons of that and if its all cons then I will switch it off if you tell me
where to find it on the menu please ?

23-12-16, 00:57
If you click on a channel name, you will change the channel on the TV. Don't click on the the channel name. As I said before, click on the computer logo.

The old openwebinterface used to look like this



You have two tuners, you can record/stream/watch/from two transponders. If you try to access a service on a third one, it won't work.

yes, it works mate as you said, I tried tonight as I was able to ask her to tell me whats happening on the main tv while I watched another channel on the computer :)

Cheers mate ;)

I guess all the years that went by just using one single feed in one tuner stopped me doing this, so this is MUCH better now :thumbsup: and I guess that's why I was getting confused with this, easy mistake to make when your not used to these things, learn something new everyday as they say :)

23-12-16, 06:30
Glad you got it sorted, no need to upset the wife so close to Christmas. :thumbsup:
The zap before stream i mentioned , if you are streaming and it is enabled it will change the box to that channel, it should generally be left off, i think, i don't know it's nearly here, just need some snow.

25-12-16, 06:30
Glad you got it sorted, no need to upset the wife so close to Christmas. :thumbsup:
The zap before stream i mentioned , if you are streaming and it is enabled it will change the box to that channel, it should generally be left off, i think, i don't know it's nearly here, just need some snow.

so should this zap thing defo be on or off I wonder ?

Where do I find it on the menu either way ?

25-12-16, 12:25
so should this zap thing defo be on or off I wonder ?It should be off.

26-12-16, 15:22
It should be off.

Thanks mate, but just for the sake of looking and checking, where is it in the menu please, or any other forum user if birdman isn't around, cheers ??

Also, noticed somethinsg else happening that is very strange to me, while she is watching a tv channel on the VU box in the living room and I am on the computer and I maybe dont even have the Open Web interface open, she shouts to me a lot that "she is not able to turn the volume up and down" and the tv remote control has no effect over the tv as it should do.

So I then pull up Open Webif on the computer screen and turn the open webif volume up from there and it allows me to control the volume on the tv, that's good and fine but surely there is a way to lock the volume on Open Webif to for example 90% and that's it, its then locked and everybody is happy ? If not then that is going to be a heck of a pain in the neck very much so.

I know for a fact that cannot be right as that has never happened in my life before with boxes.

So as well as the question with regards to "Zap", what would be the answer to this volume control one, could anyone
tell me please, thanks ????? :confused:

26-12-16, 17:47
Thanks mate, but just for the sake of looking and checking, where is it in the menu please, or any other forum user if birdman isn't around, cheers ??It's an option on OpenWeb IF. Open that, go into Settings and you'll see it.

26-12-16, 17:55
Also, noticed somethinsg else happening that is very strange to me, while she is watching a tv channel on the VU box in the living room and I am on the computer and I maybe dont even have the Open Web interface open, she shouts to me a lot that "she is not able to turn the volume up and down" and the tv remote control has no effect over the tv as it should do.

So I then pull up Open Webif on the computer screen and turn the open webif volume up from there and it allows me to control the volume on the tv, that's good and fine but surely there is a way to lock the volume on Open Webif to for example 90% and that's it, its then locked and everybody is happy ? If not then that is going to be a heck of a pain in the neck very much so.

I know for a fact that cannot be right as that has never happened in my life before with boxes.

anyone ?

26-12-16, 20:29
We'll need a description of your set-up.

...while she is watching a tv channel on the VU box in the living room and I am on the computer and I maybe dont even have the Open Web interface open, she shouts to me a lot that "she is not able to turn the volume up and down" and the tv remote control has no effect over the tv as it should do.When she says that she is "not able to turn the volume up and down" does that mean:

pressing VolUp/Down has no noticeable effect at all
it does have an effect, but there is a report on the TV that the volume is fixed
the TV reports a volume change, but there is no actual volume change.

Do you have external speakers connected to your TV and, if so, how are they connected. Does the TV volume control normally work for them.

So I then pull up Open Webif on the computer screen and turn the open webif volume up from there and it allows me to control the volume on the tv, that's good and fine but surely there is a way to lock the volume on Open Webif to for example 90% and that's it, its then locked and everybody is happyYou're probably not, but you shouldn't use the OpenWeb IF volume control to control the volume for you on your PC - you should use the volume control in whatever you are using to view (or the PC volume itself).

26-12-16, 21:52
We'll need a description of your set-up.

When she says that she is "not able to turn the volume up and down" does that mean:

pressing VolUp/Down has no noticeable effect at all
it does have an effect, but there is a report on the TV that the volume is fixed
the TV reports a volume change, but there is no actual volume change.

Do you have external speakers connected to your TV and, if so, how are they connected. Does the TV volume control normally work for them.

You're probably not, but you shouldn't use the OpenWeb IF volume control to control the volume for you on your PC - you should use the volume control in whatever you are using to view (or the PC volume itself).

No others speakers attached to the TV.

Yes, when this happens she see's the TV's onscreen volume bar go up and down when she uses the volume control on the tv remote, the onscreen bar shows on screen going up and down but there is no change to the actual tv volume apart from what it is at on Open Webif.

I dont use open webif to control what I am viewing from the vu on the computer, I never have done, not ever.

And living room tv has always been the same too.

Its strange because I just asked her to test it AGAIN because usually when she uses the tv remote volume control to turn the tv volume up and down I can usually watch the little volume control slider go up and down on Open Webif on the computer, but not this time for some strange reason, the open webif volume just stayed fixed, its as if this happens sometimes, not all the time, I cant understand it, strange thing, P.S, thats me testing it with watching a vu channel on the computer and not too.

Seem's to be intermittant :confused:

27-12-16, 03:47
Its strange because I just asked her to test it AGAIN because usually when she uses the tv remote volume control to turn the tv volume up and down I can usually watch the little volume control slider go up and down on Open Webif on the computer,That would mean that the TV is forwarding the volume controls to the box (over HDMI). You don't want/need to do this. So change the TV to not send them, then the TV VolUp/Down will just change the TV volume.
You can configure the box to forward volume controls to the TV (in teh HDMI_CEC menu). That way the box volume can be left at 100% (probably..) and it's always the TV volume which changes, even if you use the volume control on the box remote.

abu baniaz
27-12-16, 03:57
The issue of volume being effectively muted in openwebif has been reported several times. I cannot recall if specific to the Duo though.

It is an odd and sporadic occurrence. If someone knows how to recreate the issue without fail, maybe it can be looked at?

27-12-16, 19:27
The Misses --->>>>> :sofahide::lol3::lol3::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:: lol3::lol3::sofahide:

Regarding the sound issue guys, lol, you honestly wont believe this, something so simple that I completely overlooked and you guys probably did too, I forgot there is a volume control on the actual VU remote control, lol.

So I turned it on today and I was thinking to myself, why the heck is there no sound out of the tv now :confused: and I didn't even have the computer on or anything, so I was really scratching my head big time :confused:, lol.

I looked closely at the VU remote and it WAS THEN I SPOTTED IT HAS ITS OWN VOLUME CONTROLS, lol, hahahahahaha.

The Volume was turned right down to Zero on it, so I turned it up full and that was the TV back to normal.

However, the misses isn't home yet for me to ask her did she touch it which the answer will be "no" to anyway, lol, so when she does show
Remote control for volume !

I honestly cant believe all these posts about this sound issue and that is more than likely the answer all along, LOL, , crazy eh , lol :roflmao:

Soon as its fully tested later we shall see though.

27-12-16, 19:53
Might as well ask this question while I wait on the misses coming home to get the final tests done with this sound thing.

Heres another question for any you guys in the know about Open Vix.

I delibrately left the VU box on last night, I knew I did because I was just trying something out, so I left it sitting on a random channel and I looked at the VU display and it stated the name of the channel, so then I switched the TV off, checked the VU box display again and it still said the name of the channel, then I went to bed.

When I got up today I looked at the LED display of the VU box and noticed it said on it "Standby", so I was like what the heck :confused:, I have never seen that before, does it maybe just go into a very very lite standby mode or something like that when the tv is switched off for so many hours or something like that maybe ?

Soon as I switched the Tv back on the channel appeared on tv screen and also on the VU display too but now that I try and think about it I cant honestly remember if there was anything else showing on the screen that I maybe had to exit out of using the VU remote, hmm, wish I could remember but being honest I cant remember if anything was onscreen I had to exit out of.

Anyway, its something I have not seen before, new to me.

27-12-16, 20:22
I looked closely at the VU remote and it WAS THEN I SPOTTED IT HAS ITS OWN VOLUME CONTROLS, lol, hahahahahaha.

The Volume was turned right down to Zero on it, so I turned it up full and that was the TV back to normal.

I honestly cant believe all these posts about this sound issue and that is more than likely the answer all along.

Probably because you answered the question yourself when you first mentioned the problem.....

.....So I then pull up Open Webif on the computer screen and turn the open webif volume up from there

27-12-16, 21:15
Probably because you answered the question yourself when you first mentioned the problem.....

no mate, that was open webif, this was the actual VU remote control, not webif.

As I said, I completely forgot about volume buttons on the VU remote control, when this was all happening I was using the open webif volume slider control on open webif because she was shouting that she wasnt getting sound etc, but all along the volume was somehow turned right down (wasnt me), I guess extremely easy mistake to make as I never ever use the physical VU remote OR the VU remote on Open Webif either (not for sound anyway), I dont know what happened but for some reason the box volume was turned right down, thats all I know.

Anyways, so shes home now and I showed her how it works and that is hopefully an end to it thank goodness, lol.

(either that or she may not be admitting to possibly pressing the volume buttons on the VU Remote control when shes been changing channels and stuff etc, again, another easy mistake to make, its hard to say.).

27-12-16, 21:16
Heres another question for any you guys in the know about Open Vix.

I delibrately left the VU box on last night, I knew I did because I was just trying something out, so I left it sitting on a random channel and I looked at the VU display and it stated the name of the channel, so then I switched the TV off, checked the VU box display again and it still said the name of the channel, then I went to bed.

When I got up today I looked at the LED display of the VU box and noticed it said on it "Standby", so I was like what the heck , I have never seen that before, does it maybe just go into a very very lite standby mode or something like that when the tv is switched off for so many hours or something like that maybe ?

Soon as I switched the Tv back on the channel appeared on tv screen and also on the VU display too but now that I try and think about it I cant honestly remember if there was anything else showing on the screen that I maybe had to exit out of using the VU remote, hmm, wish I could remember but being honest I cant remember if anything was onscreen I had to exit out of.

Anyway, its something I have not seen before, new to me.

27-12-16, 22:14
no mate, that was open webif, this was the actual VU remote control, not webif.I know, but they both control the volume of the box in exactly the same way.
So when you said OpenWebif fixed the problem, it was reasonabe to assume that the remote would have as well.

27-12-16, 23:40
Personally I would pair your Vu+ remote to your TV.

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