View Full Version : [ET8500] Volume and channel change remote problems

17-12-16, 17:51
An upgrade or 2 ago the volume was very low, even when the tv was turned up very high, not as it was. Same now, but twice I have had the volume up/down not working and also the channel changer on the remote. I notice that no feedback from the led when these buttons are used.

Also have had it so that it won't turn off at night / standby

not too hot on flash and restore etc, so might need help.


17-12-16, 17:55
Remote batteries?

19-12-16, 18:24
changed them

19-12-16, 20:09
Suggest that you do a forum search for your box - fairly sure I read something recently about a driver change for the ET XXXX series that was fixed in 4.2.21 (you didn't put your 4.2 version number in the header, so not sure if you are on an earlier 4.2 image).

Good luck!