View Full Version : lcd1 image

11-12-16, 21:20
hi all i cant find this so sorrys if its been covered already

is it possible for the left hand screen just to show the channel itentifier nothing else .. eg BBC ITV ITV2 etc as a picture which changes every time i change channel i think it would look great , at the moment its showing a small
picture of the channel the time the tuner etc

hope this makes sense


11-12-16, 21:35
You can use the plugin LCD4linux to set what ever you want on the screen.

11-12-16, 22:47
cheers i have been playing with that but its a bit click it and see ... will kjeep playing

11-12-16, 23:36
you just choose the picon in 'set on' and rezize it to the full size of the screen, turn all the other stuff off and make sure you save it.