View Full Version : [DVB T] Sudbury region issues

09-12-16, 13:13
I downloaded & installed OpenVix 4.2.21 on my XTrend 10K with 3 T2 tuners yesterday and after scanning with ABM have the following anomalies:

* There are two bouquets for HD channels with slightly different names but same contents (in a slightly different order IIRC).
* A local programme on LCN 8 appears in the EPG with apparently correct data, but is not actually available
* Film4 +1 appears at LCN 45 without a name, but apparently works correctly.
* EPG for an unnamed channel appears at LCN 60, but attempts to view this channel give a tuning failure message.
* EPG for an unnamed channel appears at LCN 74, but attempts to view this channel give a tuning failure message.
* Community appears as LCN 793 with no EPG information, and attempts to view this channel give a tuning failure message.

My transmitter is Sudbury, and the two lamedb files are attached.



09-12-16, 13:59
I have my own script to produce bouquets, but I did fire up a new ET8000 recently and got this to use ABM.

The scan (across all channels rather than just my transmitter-specific ones, I think) found a signal on 626MHz (C40) which had 4 odd channels (Kix, True Crime, Cambridge TV and True Christmas).
Perhaps you had something similar....signal found so ABM filled in what what it could.

As for Community on 793 (and, indeed, anything on 7xx) this is where the old version channels go when they move muxes. They often contain a "re-tune" banner, and eventually they disappear. I suspect this has recently disappeared.
I just leave them out of my bouquets.

True Christmas is 74 and True Crime is 60.
Or they were at some time - I can't see them being broadcast at the moment.
Likewise, there is no transmitter on ch40 that I should pick up.

Perhaps someone is doing some testing...or reverted to an old backup.

09-12-16, 14:45
This is a total guess but the next DVB-T retune is starting next Year in some areas, with the 700 MHz band being cleared. Maybe the C40 signal is a test somewhere in advance of that

abu baniaz
09-12-16, 19:05
* There are two bouquets for HD channels with slightly different names but same contents (in a slightly different order IIRC).

One bouquet is the official Freeview HD bouquet. The other is the ABM HD bouquet. There is also the ABM FTA HD bouquet.

Can you please stop referring to bouquets as EPG. Doing so causes confusion for others.

EPG is not bouquets. To prove my point, disable all EPG readers, delete EPG data. Do you have EPG in your bouquets? Does disabling EPG affect bouquets? They are different items. The fact that we enable several EPG readers by default makes it difficult for people to accept the two are different.

abu baniaz
09-12-16, 19:15

The symbol shows the location of the Sudbury (Suffolk, England) transmitter which serves 440,000 homes. The bright green areas shown where the signal from this transmitter is strong, dark green areas are poorer signals. Those parts shown in yellow may have interference on the same frequency from other masts.

Did you manually scan these frequencies or perform a UK/Europe scan?

t:eeee0000:1047:233a,t:658000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:2001:233a,t:634000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:3006:233a,t:770000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:4083:233a,t:682000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :1:0
t:eeee0000:5040:233a,t:786000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:6040:233a,t:754000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0

If not manually, can you please stop enigma2 with "init 4", delete lamedb and lamedb5, rescan the frequencies individually and upload them again.


10-12-16, 04:59
EPG is not bouquets.As I read his usage the bouquets were the channel lists, while the EPG was the programme data associated with the channels. And that's how I've understood it.
Is that wrong?

10-12-16, 10:50
One bouquet is the official Freeview HD bouquet. The other is the ABM HD bouquet. There is also the ABM FTA HD bouquet.

But if they are all the same, it just confuses newbies like me, and makes extra work deleting them.

Can you please stop referring to bouquets as EPG. Doing so causes confusion for others..Sorry - I did not intend to refer to bouquets as EPG - I raised the problem of multiple bouquets and separate problems of data in the EPG in this thread thinking that scanning and ABM are related.

10-12-16, 10:56

The symbol shows the location of the Sudbury (Suffolk, England) transmitter which serves 440,000 homes. The bright green areas shown where the signal from this transmitter is strong, dark green areas are poorer signals. Those parts shown in yellow may have interference on the same frequency from other masts.

If this is the problem, it is one that my TVs and older PVR deal with. It does seem an unlikely source of the problems as so few channels are affected.

Did you manually scan these frequencies or perform a UK/Europe scan?


t:eeee0000:1047:233a,t:658000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:2001:233a,t:634000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:3006:233a,t:770000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:4083:233a,t:682000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :1:0
t:eeee0000:5040:233a,t:786000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0
t:eeee0000:6040:233a,t:754000000:0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2:0 :0:0

If not manually, can you please stop enigma2 with "init 4", delete lamedb and lamedb5, rescan the frequencies individually and upload them again.


Will do later in theweekend.

10-12-16, 16:31
... If not manually, can you please stop enigma2 with "init 4", delete lamedb and lamedb5, rescan the frequencies individually and upload them again.


Done manual search as you suggest, and all the oddities in the EPG display information I saw before remain (but see comment on 793 below). I accept however that the EPG may be showing up underlying problems that exist elsewhere, but my knowledge of OpenVix & Enigma2 is insufficient to identify them. Please note I did not delete any bouquets as that was not in your instructions, and left all other settings at the defaults (including not "clear before scan"). The updated files are attached:


With regard to channel 703, I had forgotten that Enigma does not support the digital text that is used to display the message that you need to retune as birdman suggested for the 700 series channels, so the absence of EPG info and a blank picture is correct. However my TVs and previous PVR correctly identify the names of these channels , so 703 & 45 are apparently suffering the same problem - correct operation in all respects except they both have no channel name. There is one aspect that I think may be unique to these two channels - 45 (Film4 +1) is definitely an SD channel on a T2 mux, and I suspect 793 is on the same T2 mux but with no video so Enigma may be reverting to SD by default.


abu baniaz
10-12-16, 23:53
I have two files for you to test one at a time. Please use V1 first please

1. Make a settings backup so you can restore it later if needed, this saves you from having to remake your bouquets.
2. Replace the provider file. Extract and transfer to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers

3 Delete your lamedb file, bouquets files and ABM provider cache file using

init 4 && sleep 10 && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/lamedb* && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.tv && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.radio && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.del && rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers/providers.cache && init 3

4. Run ABM again and check for issues.

If there are problems, repeat 2-4 using V2 provider file. I'll await confirmation as to which file to commit.

11-12-16, 10:10
V1 file doesn't seem to have changed anything. Will try V2 later.


11-12-16, 11:16
V2 is a step forward, in that LCN 45 now works correctly.

Attempting to tune to the unavailable local channel on LCN 7 seems to be inconsistent - I have had "tune failed", blank screen, and BBC1, but seems to have settled down to always give blank screen.

LCN 60 & & 74 (True Crime & Christmas) now display the names, but seem to consistently give "tune failed" messages when trying to watch.

Is it not possible to suppress these channels?

LCN 793 gives "Service not found (SID not in PAT)" message when attempting to tune to it.

The 790 series LCNs are always going to cause problems if the channel handling works in anything like the way I think it does. These come & go with numbers being re-used for different channels, and often (or perhaps always) with no video and just a text message that Enigma2 does not seem to handle. I suspect the only satisfactory solution is to introduce a rule to ignore them completely.

11-12-16, 11:37
While doing above checks, I noticed that at the end of the ABM scan the "please wait" in the top right hand corner of the screen remains after the end of the scan until you tune into a channel - a minor irritation which may have been there before.


11-12-16, 11:49
I'm on Freeview/Belmont and 7, 60 and 74 are working fine. And no LCN's above 734.

EDIT: Just done a rescan to double check, and the above still applies.

11-12-16, 14:19
I'm on Freeview/Belmont and 7, 60 and 74 are working fine. And no LCN's above 734.

EDIT: Just done a rescan to double check, and the above still applies.

According to https://ukfree.tv/transmitters/tv/Belmont you have 9 muxes, whereas Sudbury (my station) has only six which explains why you see LCNs 7,60 & 74 and I don't. Normal Freeview policy is for all EPG data to be transmitted on all muxes, so my guess is that I get the EPG stream assembled for Tacolneston (which also has 9 muxes) rather than a separate EPG stream for each Tx in the Eastern region. However if the problem was as simple as this there would be many more channels with EPG data but no signal, so ABM & the scanning process must be coping with most of the extra channels somehow - unless it is refusing to recognise the rest when they are really there. @ccs - do you see channels such as QVC Extra, 5USA + 1, FrontRunner?

Warning: In my experience https://ukfree.tv/transmitters/ cannot be trusted to be 100% accurate in terms of channels being broadcast and mux allocations, particularly when changes have occurred recently.

The logic somehow needs to cope with the satellite "Freeview Light" TV stations which only transmit 3 muxes (e.g. https://ukfree.tv/transmitters/tv/Aldeburgh) if they also are broadcasting the full EPG. Is there anyone reading this who is using one of those satellite stations?

With regards to the lack of 793 at Belmont, I am not surprised as I think the community channel has moved onto one of your 3 extra muxes.


11-12-16, 14:23
What do you mean 'satellite freeview light'?

abu baniaz
11-12-16, 14:37
The 790 series LCNs are always going to cause problems if the channel handling works in anything like the way I think it does. These come & go with numbers being re-used for different channels, and often (or perhaps always) with no video and just a text message that Enigma2 does not seem to handle. I suspect the only satisfactory solution is to introduce a rule to ignore them completely.

You are correct on this.
Can you update the config files and try again.

ABM uses the data on the Mux/Transponder. Sometimes there is a mismatch, this is whey we add the custom transponders. Some regions will have a local channel on LCN 7. The datat for my region doe snot have this. Yours seems to have it, but the channel is not available. If we blacklist it, there will be an adverse effect for those who should have them. I suggest people in such areas use a custom file to omit them. The custom file will not be overridden by system updates.

11-12-16, 14:39
@ccs - do you see channels such as QVC Extra, 5USA + 1, FrontRunner? No,Yes (but not transmitting until 6pm), Yes.

11-12-16, 14:57
What do you mean 'satellite freeview light'?

Freeview Light, perhaps


11-12-16, 16:07
Oops - yes ccs is right - the "satellite" got left in when I rewrote that bit.


11-12-16, 16:56
Can you update the config files and try again.

Sorry to be thick, but which files and what changes?

ABM uses the data on the Mux/Transponder. Sometimes there is a mismatch, this is whey we add the custom transponders. Some regions will have a local channel on LCN 7. The datat for my region doe snot have this. Yours seems to have it, but the channel is not available. If we blacklist it, there will be an adverse effect for those who should have them. I suggest people in such areas use a custom file to omit them. The custom file will not be overridden by system updates.

1) I was only suggesting the blacklist for the 790-9 channels. Looking at "terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml I see 790 is on the blacklist, so the precedent has been set and it would appear to be just a matter of adding 791 ... 798 to the list. Perhaps this is what you were referring to above.

(2) Is the config information really regional, or is it transmitter specific? (In my terminology PIDs for BBC1 & ITV are region dependent, frequencies are transmitter dependent, often with 10 or more Tx per region). Everything in "terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml" seems to be transmitter specific. Where and how is LCN 7 suppressed for your region?

(3) If I really do have to generate a custom file, where do I find instructions on how to do so?

However what continues to puzzle me is that the bouquet generation process does not check whether a channel has been detected.

Finally I see that in your latest "terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml" file, 658 MHz appears against Sudbury in both the standard and custom sections - is this right?


abu baniaz
11-12-16, 17:30
I've already added the 793 to the blacklist section. In the ABM menu, there is an option to update config file. This downloads the latest file from GitHub.

The data in the xml is for the transponders/multiplexes. We did find teh Network ID, but did not add it to ABM process. It will be an impossible task to get people to provide them. This thread started two years ago and we still don't have all the HD details. I suppose they could be added in the future for those who have them. Can you upload a raw transport stream recording?

With regards to the custom file, add this extracted file to the custom folder. /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/custom/
Amend it as required (after updating config file). More details here

We cannot blacklist 7 for everyone., some people will need it.

Hope you have seen the Hide dotted line for this service feature. If not, press channel up, then press menu.

I will be moving several posts to a new thread on its own. The thread was intended only for adding HD regions.

abu baniaz
11-12-16, 17:33
Where and how is LCN 7 suppressed for your region?

This is not present on the signal stream for me as far as I can tell.

11-12-16, 18:08
I've already added the 793 to the blacklist section. In the ABM menu, there is an option to update config file. This downloads the latest file from GitHub.You could blacklist 790+. They are all for channels that have moved and the "real" one is elsewhere.

We cannot blacklist 7 for everyone., some people will need it.So some mechanism for blacklisting by transmitter is needed? ABM also gives me a Ch7 - but it's not broadcast by Sandy Heath.

abu baniaz
11-12-16, 18:11
We used to have blacklist by ranges when we had zoomzoomluke's file. That does not seem to work any more. If it becomes a problem, I will add those numbers individually.

11-12-16, 23:21
Can you upload a raw transport stream recording? Sorry you have lost me again - is this some special type of recording (in which case where are the instructions on how to do it?) or will any (preferably short, I assume) recording do?

With regards to the custom file, add this extracted file to the custom folder. /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/custom/
Amend it as required (after updating config file). More details here
A quick look at that looks to be more work than simply deleting the offending channels using OpenWebif. It is therefore only a useful solution for me if it is going to be valid for several scans, but I only expect to rescan when there are Freeview channel shuffles of the type that look likely to need a new custom file. However I would be more than happy to put extra work in to find a solution from which all Sudbury users would automatically benefit, especially if it could be readily translated to other such transmitters.

Thanks for your help.


abu baniaz
11-12-16, 23:58
Terrestrial channels do not change frequently, so no point running ABM regularly if you only use terrestrial.

That delete function in the custom file will apply every time ABM runs. It is not specific to transmitter.

Don't worry about the transport stream recording. It is raw data, not a normal recording. Interrogating the data could have led to finding a solution if/when someone wants to look at it.

Files from my region taken not long ago is here should anyone else wish to interrogate it/them.

mega:#!nl5Ehb5J!laYyyMO9p8RDEsIcq9n_OputpjHK_5_lmO P6DgVEafo

mega:#!7wQTnbIR!DJJDMRVchXWMhJ237JzRnZJ_81SEe67x52 uqYvz1qP8

12-12-16, 10:29
Terrestrial channels do not change frequently, so no point running ABM regularly if you only use terrestrial. Depends on your definition of "frequently" - several times a year if my memory serves me correctly.

That delete function in the custom file will apply every time ABM runs. It is not specific to transmitter. I think you have misunderstood me. I am happy to spend time pursuing a general solution that will work for everyone. However a custom file to be installed by everyone in the transmitter areas affected by this problem doesn't sound like the sort solution I would like to see, particularly if that file has to be updated several times a year. I think there is also a potential problem resulting from the low transmitted power of some of the local muxes, so even if you receive signals from a station transmitting the local mux that is no guarantee that you will be able to view the local mux channels.

Don't worry about the transport stream recording. It is raw data, not a normal recording. Interrogating the data could have led to finding a solution if/when someone wants to look at it.

Files from my region taken not long ago is here should anyone else wish to interrogate it/them.

mega:#!nl5Ehb5J!laYyyMO9p8RDEsIcq9n_OputpjHK_5_lmO P6DgVEafo

mega:#!7wQTnbIR!DJJDMRVchXWMhJ237JzRnZJ_81SEe67x52 uqYvz1qP8

I might well take you up on that if/when I have more time, and if I cannot think of a simpler, but general, solution based on information already available in the lamedb files etc.


12-12-16, 14:40
In the last section of "terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml", is it possible to make a condition that includes the transmitter name? I have in mind something like:

IgnoreStreamList = [sudbury____________:3277,AnotherTx_______:1234, etc ]
if ({transmitter name} + ":" + service["transport_stream_id"]) in IgnoreStreamList:
skip = True

as this would provide a solution to remove the non-existent channels for all Sudbury users that could readily extended to cover any other transmitters with similar issues.

If this is possible, what do I put in place of "{transmitter name}" in the above code?