View Full Version : Missing epg

09-12-16, 15:29
Can anybody help me. I have a eta1000
And seem to have lost epg. Tried everything
But do not seem to be able to get it back.
Hope someone can help thanks.

09-12-16, 15:36
Hello,where do you store epg?..usb or hdd

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-12-16, 16:02
when you say you have tried everything, like what?
try deleting the current epg.dat file from wherever its being saved to and check its being saved to,like Goosegog has said either hdd or usb is fine . .

and have you followed the video tutorials on the OPENVIX.co.uk tutorials page, i bet you havent.

09-12-16, 19:21
Good advice. Apart from getting corrupt here and there it should be relatively straight forward. If sky use open tv provider. If virgin use OTA service via a pvr channel snap....

10-12-16, 11:50
yes i had the same issue with my et 10000 but was just a case of updating suppliers and setting up open tv on a reformatted and iniatialized usb and downloaded it again updating every night now has full epg listings.:thumbsup: