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View Full Version : Softcam-feed will not install openATV 5.3

06-12-16, 14:31
I have tried to install the .ipk into the latest OpenATV 5.3 for the Miraclebox Premium Mini and it just wont have it, fustrating aint the word. I am converse with both manual install and cmd and whenever I try it does not show. I tried to install the mgcamd 1.35 via download plugins section and it doesn't install either.
I have tried every .ipk in the book with no luck. When I tried to install with telnet cmd it just says already installed but it doesn't show up in plugin removal or in the extensions folder via FTPing.

Please try it , fresh install then try to install either the softcam-feed or a mgcamd1.**.ipk via the /tmp folder or telnet and it wont happen. If I use OpenATV 5.1 it works first time.
If you can do it please firstly explain how to remove the softcam panel that telnet tells me is installed but doesn't appear anywhere on the box and which and how to install either softcam panel or mgcamd.

I will be reverting back to 5.1 till someone explains how as I personally think its a big problem with an older box

06-12-16, 14:52
If i remember rightly softcam panel and softcam feed are 2 seperate ipk's on ATV, you can only control softcam's via the panel which have been downloaded from the feed (i think).
It confused me when i was using it on my Solo4k before there was a VIX image but i got it sorted in the end... but i can' remember how, it was just perseverance (sorry).

Rob van der Does
06-12-16, 22:01
I have just freshly installed an ATV 5.3 image using the 'secret feeds'. After an E2-restart the cams show as downloadable in the pluginbrower. Once a softcam has been installed, the softcampanel shows up as well.

21-12-16, 02:59
Please explain how you to access secret feeds?

Rob van der Does
21-12-16, 05:07
Once the IPK has been installed, you'll see softcams as downloadable in the plugin browser. After installing one, their 'Info panel' will have extra options to handle the softcam.

21-12-16, 07:39
Also after installing feed ipk, then installing softcam, you have to go into card reader, highlight slot 1 and press right arrow till your installed softcam appears, then press ok.
I'm doing this from my currently medicated memory, please don't flame lol.

Rob van der Does
21-12-16, 07:43
I have no idea what you mean to say.
Anyway for me it was straight forward: install Oscam, FTP my configuration, activate Oscam in Info panel.

21-12-16, 08:12
Also there are 2 secret feeds, one for mipsel, one for arm :)

21-12-16, 10:42
Is there not 3? I have run it on sh4 box as well.

21-12-16, 12:54
Is there not 3? I have run it on sh4 box as well.
Could be ..... and once you know the url etc just notepad and copy into etc/opkg ...no need for the ipk