View Full Version : Positioner Fine Movement

03-12-16, 19:10
Can anyone tell me about the Service searching/positioner setup/fine movement

If I adjust for best SNR & AGC does it effect only the satellite I am tuned into or does the adjustment effect all satellites?

Are the adjustments auto saved or not saved at all?

I am using openvix-vuduo-4.1.016-20160810_091856.zip


03-12-16, 19:34
Depends how you are adjusting and if you are saving. You need to give more info.

03-12-16, 21:28
Can anyone tell me about the Service searching/positioner setup/fine movement

If I adjust for best SNR & AGC does it effect only the satellite I am tuned into or does the adjustment effect all satellites?

Are the adjustments auto saved or not saved at all?

I am using openvix-vuduo-4.1.016-20160810_091856.zip


Hi mate ,if you use motorise system and you ready have choose USALS (Universal Satellites Automatic Location System )
And you using the longitude and latitude of your location,and as long as the sat installer have installed the motorise system correctly,you dont need to adjust to the left or right for the best signal the motor,cause that's you use USALS can calculate the position of the various satellites, and move the dish to the satellite you choose. buy adjust left or right of course loosing signal from some one sat and you giving to other one more signal,but i am curios for what satellite you doing this ,some one like Nile sat cause very hard to get best signal ,if you trying to adjust for this 28.2 east -or 19.2 east -or 13 east etc,your dish need alignment no adjust left or right ,

regards Nick

04-12-16, 12:25
Hi and thanks for your reply.

The reason I am asking is that for 4 years my setup (which I installed myself) has worked perfectly with no adjustments required to access all the satellites I require including 23.5E. In past week to obtain 23.5 I need to use the fine tuning and BBC 1 HD specific transponder is also occasionally in need of fine tuning as is is missing whilst other 28.2 stations i.e. BBC 2 HD are still present!

If this is what I need to do ok but I would still like to know the answers to my original question exactly what the functionality of the positioner adjustment is.

I am beginning to wonder what is the life of a dish motor and if certain gears have become worn!


04-12-16, 12:45
maybe try to play a bit with usuals settings.Did that also here and no more need to finetune if the dish is a bit offline.

04-12-16, 13:21
Hi and thanks for your reply.

The reason I am asking is that for 4 years my setup (which I installed myself) has worked perfectly with no adjustments required to access all the satellites I require including 23.5E. In past week to obtain 23.5 I need to use the fine tuning and BBC 1 HD specific transponder is also occasionally in need of fine tuning as is is missing whilst other 28.2 stations i.e. BBC 2 HD are still present!

If this is what I need to do ok but I would still like to know the answers to my original question exactly what the functionality of the positioner adjustment is.

I am beginning to wonder what is the life of a dish motor and if certain gears have become worn!


Hi Ted,sorry to bother you , what kind of motor you using and what size dish you use , and on tuner configuration you have choose USALS to drive the motor ,you can do this way , like you said the motor use to be fine before,i think you maybe use Technomate motor,
some time motor using for long goes of alignment little of line from orbit,what you can is ,press menu-setup-services searching-positioner setup-and highlight Goto-then press green button ,this moment the motor will drive to zero degrees,make sure if you have free space to to zero 00 ,is not a wall one way and motor will crash on the wall , what i mean the limit of the motor east to west isn't nothing in way,some time's we put limit , like from 42 east to 4.8 east , cannot pas 4.8 east cause is the wall in way, as soon nothing on way,then you can do what i saying to you ,as soon motor is stopping 0 degrees ,then you can take off coaxial cable from satellite box ,leave it for 30 seconds ,press all exit all main menu on tv screen,the re-plug again the coaxial cable on the satellite box , the give command to motor to go where you want,like choose hotbird -astra1 astra3 ,the try if is ok 23.5 east , this is all if the motor haven't move from T&K Brackets or wall brackets you fix it ,if wind have move the motor from the poll the ,you need sat meter , or do how you fix on beginning,
The life of a dish motor goes till 5-7 year dipendet how much you use it , i got stab hh 100 use it 10 year nothing prob,

regards Nick

04-12-16, 14:40
There does not appear to be a facility for saving!
Adjusting one channel with fine tuning does seem to effect all channels.
As I can tune to all Sats using positioner I am presuming some 'slack' in the motor has appeared, I cannot think of another explanation.

04-12-16, 18:06
@Hmmnd - you haven't answered the question in post #2. How is your tuner / motor set up? Are you using USALS (where you put in your latitude and longitude coordinates)?
The short answer is; if you are using USALS then no fine adjustment is possible, other than adjusting your longitude settings to compensate for a motor which has moved on the pole and you are unable to move it back.
The fine adjustments are really for use with a non-USALS motor where the satellite positions are stored internally in the motor and you reference them in the receiver by number - 1, 2, 3 etc. If you are using this method, then you can save adjustments back to the motor but you must use the relevant position number. You can't mix both methods.
So - which method are you using?

06-12-16, 12:06
I am using USALS it has worked perfectly for 4 years
I have no reason to believe the dish has moved so thanks for telling me that fine adjustment is not for USALS system owiosithe.
My frustration comes from the sudden inability to receive BBC 1 HD or BBC2 HD on 28.2 and yet I can received BBC 1 & 2 HD Scotland with SNR 78% and AGC 78%
If I adjust the fine tuning however I can receive them, why is this if from same satellite?
In addition my 23.5 stations are no longer available. 19.2, 13 and 0.8W are all very good reception.
@Hmmnd - you haven't answered the question in post #2. How is your tuner / motor set up? Are you using USALS (where you put in your latitude and longitude coordinates)?
The short answer is; if you are using USALS then no fine adjustment is possible, other than adjusting your longitude settings to compensate for a motor which has moved on the pole and you are unable to move it back.
The fine adjustments are really for use with a non-USALS motor where the satellite positions are stored internally in the motor and you reference them in the receiver by number - 1, 2, 3 etc. If you are using this method, then you can save adjustments back to the motor but you must use the relevant position number. You can't mix both methods.
So - which method are you using?

06-12-16, 16:24
Hi Again
This seems to have worked
Thanks Nick

09-12-16, 12:37
Hi Again
This seems to have worked
Thanks Nick

What seems to have worked? Tweaking your longitude settings?
How big is your dish? I found that, when I had a 1.1m dish some years ago, I had to compromise settings to get all transponders on the Astra/Eutelsat constellation on 28.2 and 28.5. Peaking my reception on 28.2 meant a drop in signal on the weaker Eutelsat transponders on 28.5. Since I replaced with a smaller 80cm dish (I'm getting too old for messing with big dishes on the top of a ladder!) I get more uniform reception from the Astra constellation, although I've lost Badr on 26E, due to the strong interference from Astra.

09-12-16, 19:06
Probably because Eutelsat left that slot almost 2 years ago.