View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Data Error on some channels

30-11-16, 23:18
Is anyone else seeing errors in the History EPG. My sources are Rytec & HMLTV. I update daily using EPG Importer and CrossEPG Downloader. I also use AutoBouquetMaker to update weekly. As I have my own order of channels etc I use IDreamX to import my preferred bouquet format. Whether or not I do the latter the errors are there. Any help appreciated.

abu baniaz
30-11-16, 23:27
Is your problem ABM or EPG?

What do you mean by "data error"?

01-12-16, 09:27
Why are you using ABM if you are not happy with the bouquet format?

01-12-16, 11:54
Why are you using ABM if you are not happy with the bouquet format?

It isn't that I am unhappy with ABM it's just that I have not yet worked out how to organise my ABM to the way I want for my channels. My "old bouquets" have unwanted channels removed and then channels grouped together under one heading, even though they may use a different satellite. I want to move to ABM because I understood that it updates changes to transponders etc, I read somewhere that EPG Importer and CrossEPG Downloader don't. If nobody is seeing the data error issue then clearly it is related to my setup. Regards Frank :confused:

01-12-16, 12:02
Is your problem ABM or EPG?

What do you mean by "data error"?

I assume the problem is with EPG although not sure. Any suggestions on how I can test my setup are welcome. I have tried just updating the EPG or just updating the ABM, it seems to make no difference. The "data error" I see is the EPG shows a programme that is not being transmitted/ Strangely not all entries are wrong. I hope I'm not doing something dumb!! Regards Frank

abu baniaz
01-12-16, 14:33
Post a screenshot showing what you mean.

01-12-16, 16:23
As requested screen shot. When I select History +1 Pawn Stars doesn't show it is a different programme but same channel. On further experimentation it appears the following programme plays ie Flipping Boston. I checked my box is showing the correct time and it is. The info box OSD still says Pawn Stars. Strangely it isn't all channels and not all the time. Is it now clear? I will continue to investigate and check frequencies etc when the problem is there. I'll keep you posted as I discover things. Frank


abu baniaz
02-12-16, 10:19
To rephrase the problem.... "The EPG data is not correct for the service"

AutoBouquetsMaker does not acquire EPG data.
Maybe the following is helpful for you? http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?51808-EPG-Channels-and-Bouquets&highlight=bouquets+epg

You have not mentioned how you are acquiring your EPG data. Most people use CrossEPG Downloader (OpenTV EPG for 28.2), others use EPG/XMLTV importer (internet based download)

You can try the following:

1. Delete the EPG data using teh load/save delete option
2. Re-acquire your EPG data

If that doesnot work,
1b. Try this: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?52890-Remove-EPG
2b Re-acquire your EPG data

02-12-16, 10:24
To rephrase the problem.... "The EPG data is not correct for the service"

AutoBouquetsMaker does not acquire EPG data.
Maybe the following is helpful for you? http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?51808-EPG-Channels-and-Bouquets&highlight=bouquets+epg

You have not mentioned how you are acquiring your EPG data. Most people use CrossEPG Downloader (OpenTV EPG for 28.2), others use EPG/XMLTV importer (internet based download)

You can try the following:

1. Delete the EPG data using teh load/save delete option
2. Re-acquire your EPG data

If that doesnot work,
1b. Try this: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?52890-Remove-EPG
2b Re-acquire your EPG data

Thanks Abu I use both CrossEPG Downloader and EPG/XMLTV importer at separate times in the day, maybe that is the cause of the problem. I have used this setup for some time but never seen the current problem before. I will try the various suggestions and post my findings. Time to go back to school and read the referenced articles again. Cheers Frank :)

abu baniaz
02-12-16, 10:27
You need to say how you are obtaining your EPG data. No point people guessing.

Thread will be moved out of ABM section.

02-12-16, 10:54
You need to say how you are obtaining your EPG data. No point people guessing.

Thread will be moved out of ABM section.

Hi Apols for any confusion but I had mentioned CrossEPG Downloader and EPG Importer in the first post along with Rytec and XMLTV. I didn't mention that I used OpenTV EPG for 28.2E. I'll do the reading and start from new following the advice. Thanks again. Frank

abu baniaz
02-12-16, 11:33
Do not use more than one source for the same provider. i.e don't obtain 28.2 EPG data from Cross-OpenTV and EPG/XMLTV importer. One will overwrite the other.

There is very little debug in these plugins, and it is sometimes like getting blood out of stone getting details from people. Have a look at this guide:
The video version is here

08-12-16, 11:05
Do not use more than one source for the same provider. i.e don't obtain 28.2 EPG data from Cross-OpenTV and EPG/XMLTV importer. One will overwrite the other.

There is very little debug in these plugins, and it is sometimes like getting blood out of stone getting details from people. Have a look at this guide:
The video version is here

Hi Abu I have set up my EPG from fresh having read most of the referenced articles. The problem has gone away, I think, but thought it might be useful to post some thoughts/observations. I tried moving over to CrossEPG Downloader only and found that my box froze on several occasions and it took an age to finish. I then moved to only EPG Importer to update with Rytec as the source. Of course I also formatted the USB used for my EPG storage. I have stopped using the Cross-OpenTV EPG for 28.2E and use RytecUK instead. Not sure if the helps or makes any sense. I wait to see how things progress. A final question, did I see a post saying there is/are new plugins for downloading the EPG data? Cheers Frank :):)

abu baniaz
08-12-16, 11:28
If you are happy using XMLTV/EPG importer, then continue using that on its own.

I've been using Cross EPG for 28.2 for several years with no problems.

There is no new plugin as far as I know. Just a new XML file for the data for Sky and Virgin to go beyond 7 days.

There was a plugin to convert opentv EPG to radio times EPG, but that did not take off.