View Full Version : [ET10x00] Software upgrade does not seem to be working

George Kildare
21-11-16, 19:06
I made upgraded to version 4.1.16 from version 3 last June by re-flashing. Previously I was able to go to software upgrade and automatically upgrade to the latest version. When I do this now, I get the message that there are no new packages, although there seems to be later versions of Openvix available on this site. Do I now need to re-flash every time I upgrade or is there something wrong with my installation?
Very many thanks for everybody's efforts.

abu baniaz
21-11-16, 19:20
The most recent version of 4.1 image is 4.1 016. It is also the last in the 4.1 series. If there was a newer one, you could have updated.

You cannot update to a different image series. i.e from 4.1.016 to 4.2.016. You will have to flash the 4.2 imaeg if you want to use it.

Ordinarily, you can create a settings backup, flash new image and restore the previous settings and automatically install the plugins you had before. This is not possible for the 4.2 image as we wanted to eliminate a longstanding issue with dependencies being listed as separate plugins.

You can manually add your old timers and most of you settings to the newer image.

21-11-16, 19:23
Hi - you can normally upgrade using software upgrade when it is a minor upgrade - like you would have done when going from 4.1.15 to 4.1.16. However every so often the team release a major upgrade - usually a change to the underlying Linux image/kernel itself to introduce new or improved features (and fix any bugs that may have arisen). The current version is coincidentally 4.2.16 - note the "2" in the middle.It came out in August (according to my system info) and it was necessary to do a fresh install and re-key in all your choices. No restores possible. But since then, I've upgraded online successfully. Only takes about 30 mins tops and most of that is the channel scan! You should download 4.2.16 and either flash from USB or Image Manager. But keep a record of all your settings that you may have changed in menus.

George Kildare
22-11-16, 11:12
Many thanks. If I refresh to 4.2 can I add my existing bouquets from IDreamX? Also, will I need to rescan the channels on all the satellites?

abu baniaz
22-11-16, 16:45
When you transfer your bouquets, you also transfer your channel data too. This applies to all images.

So what you should do:

Failsafe stuff
1. Make a full image backup and save to your Mac/PC. This is so we can flash the current image back if things go pear shaped.
2. Make a settings backup and save to your Mac/PC

Normal stuff
3. Save the softcam/emulators you have to Mac/PC. They are in /usr/softcams.
4. Save your cam config files
5. Receive the bouquets/channels from receiver and save to Mac/PC
6. Save your autotimers.xml and timers.xml files to your Mac/PC. They are in /etc/enigma2
7. Save the file called settings to Mac/PC. It is also in /etc/enigma2

{Info: all of these files (3-7) are backed up in step 2}

8. Flash image
9. As soon as you get to first install wizard, halt enigma2 with "init 4" command.

Transfer the following files back
10a. Softcam/emulators. You must change file properties (CHMod) to 755
10a. Cam config files
10b. timers.xml and auto timers
10c. settings file
10d. Transfer your bouquets/channel data back.

11. restart with "init 3" command

12. Install any other other plugins you want
13. Tweak any other settings that are not right

If you experience problems, repeat everything from stage 8 but skip 10c.

George Kildare
23-11-16, 09:14
Many thanks for such a detailed description. One question I have that I know is a bit subjective. Is there a big enough difference between Openvix 4.1 and 4.2 to make this worth while, or should I wait for 4.3 or 4.4? Everything in 4.1 seems to be working for me, although occasionally it hangs up, e.g. in streaming sites where the address no longer works.

abu baniaz
25-11-16, 19:20
Unzip/unrar this file and use for step 10C.

It is from the other thread of yours.

George Kildare
26-11-16, 12:38
Very many thanks Abu. Much appreciated. I will postpone the upgrade until the holidays, when I have more time.