View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Delete error

14-11-16, 22:39
Good evening

For the last ten days I have had a rather annoying issue keep cropping up. I tried to update from 010 to 013 but still there. So the issue is that when I delete a recording it goes into the delete folder but then goes back into the media list. I have tried deleting the second it goes into the delete folder which it disappears but then after exiting it comes back again arrrggghhhh...

Any suggestions would be very grateful.


15-11-16, 21:41
Still happening tonight, any advice or there lol..

15-11-16, 22:14
What's the "remove items from trash can after (days)" set to? (Movie list setup).


Is this any help.... http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?34784-Can-t-delete-any-recordings&p=262492&viewfull=1#post262492

15-11-16, 23:01
Cheers buddy, yes same problem as in that thread. However I do have tsmedia but have never downloaded anything but there was about 25 pages of softcam check in progress and some other stuff. Not sure what is trying to download but I haven't set anything to do this. Anyone able to let me know how I would check what's downloading next time it happens?

17-11-16, 15:35
This is a common problem, with no known explanation that I have seen so far.

The solution is to use an FTP program to delete the movie file and the associated management files from the /media/hdd/movie/ folder

17-11-16, 15:51
This was mentioned in another thread on here a few days ago.
I forget the exact details, but just because you haven't downloaded something doesn't mean that tsmedia itself isn't downloading something, and the result is you have a pending background job(?) that is messing things up.

18-11-16, 22:53
if auto update enabled from settings of TSmedia three or four small files are added to tasks manager when TSmedia opened,these files include last updates and not interfering with any system file and not occupying significant space