View Full Version : Vu Duo. Moving from vix4.1 to 4.2

12-11-16, 21:51
Apologies if this is in the wrong section.
As I understand moving from vix4.1 to 4.2 requires a flash as opposed to a software update.
Normally a Vu box is updated from a usb port. But can it be done without usb.

So can I ask....if i just ftp the new image to the normal image backup folder on my hdd can I simply use the

blue/vix/image manager/

and select the image to "restore" which actually would be the new 4.2 image as opposed to simply a backup.
So firstly would this work.
And secondly can I then use the backup manager to restore my settings from the old image.


12-11-16, 22:19
You can download 4.2.013 from within image manager and then restore it, without the need to ftp, but you can't restore settings/plugins when moving from 4.1 to 4.2

12-11-16, 22:51
ok cheers pal.....its just you get it setup all nice and sweet. Then wipe the thing and start afresh. I get OCD over setting stuff up just right.
Ill take the plunge