View Full Version : Struggling to Connect to OpenWebif from remote location

10-11-16, 19:37
I want to be able to check epg has been updating and possibly add timers while I am overseas. Based on exhaustive reading of previous threads I've configured OpenWebif on the Duo2 as shown, with listening port allocated as 5678


Then I've set up port forwarding on my home router as shown, with port range set as 1234


Then in my browser I enter NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN:1234 (where the Ns specify my external IP address)

But all I ever get is the browser message
"Can't establish a connection to the server at NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN:1234"

Would be grateful for any guidance on what I'm doing wrong.

(local browser access to works fine)

11-11-16, 17:41
The forwarded port in your router should also be 5678 to the local IP of your box, and the ip address you enter when in the outside would should be http://NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN:5678
So any internet access requests on port 5678, get redirected to 5678 on IP

11-11-16, 19:08
The opening of ports on your router is not recommended. They are people out there who will be looking for open ports and eventually find them and log onto your network.
Why don't you create your own OPENVPN config on your router and then you don't have to open any ports.

11-11-16, 19:40
The opening of ports on your router is not recommended. They are people out there who will be looking for open ports and eventually find them and log onto your network.
Why don't you create your own OPENVPN config on your router and then you don't have to open any ports.
This is a far safer way of obtaining the same results [emoji106]
I saw a thread today where someone suspects a third party is playing with theirs.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

12-11-16, 19:30
Thanks Mucus. Can't quite see the logic of setting Port Forwarding parameters on my router and then entering the same number for the port to be forwarded as the port to be reached. Anyway I tried it but got the same message "Can't establish a connection to the server at NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN:5678"

Meanwhile thanks also Ashley69. I'll go away and swot up on how how to do it via OPENVPN. Although if anyone can spell out how to do it or point me to an idiot's guide I'd be very grateful.

12-11-16, 19:39
What it is is that you set the port for accessing the webif app on your sat box which has its own ip.
In your router you are telling it when it gets an access request on that port from the outside world, forward it to that local ip address (which the outside world can't see)
You could have a web server, so forward port 80 perhaps in your router to the local ip address of your web server, and the list could go on.
I hope that makes some sense. 👍

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

12-11-16, 22:10
I'll go away and swot up on how how to do it via OPENVPN. Although if anyone can spell out how to do it or point me to an idiot's guide I'd be very grateful.

This is super important if you don't want to be hacked....

there are two other options

get a router with VPN capability
OR setup Plex

12-11-16, 22:19
It's me again. I've had an initial (2 hour) trawl through threads on how to set up and use OPENVPN on my Vu+ Duo2. So far all I've managed to do is download and setup OpenVPN on the Duo. I'm stuck on downloading and tailoring configuration files. Part of the problem is that the web is littered with guides dating from 2010 through to 2015 (with nothing later). Most seem to say different things. I've gravitated towards openvpn.net as being somehow definitive and I can see their sample config files but only as text on a page (not downloads). So, 3 questions:
1. Is openvpn.net the definitive and most up-to-date place to be doing my research?
2. For their sample config files should I just copy and paste the contents into files I create?
3. Having already set up OpenVPN on the DUO do I need any of the download executables from the openvpn.net site?

Any guidance on these 3 questions would be gratefully welcomed and allow me to plough on reinventing the wheel.

12-11-16, 22:22
You set your openvpn on your router. Your router will create the OPENVPN config files. Once its set up on your router you don't need to worry about any devices on your network as it will protect all of them.
Go to the vpn menu on your router.

12-11-16, 22:36
Thanks Ashley. Forgive my newbieness. I've set up the VPN on my router as the server. and created an OPN file for export. Do I now just need to put OpenVPN on my travelling laptop (client) and export the OPN file to it? And is it irrelevant that I occasionally connect my laptop to a paid-for private VPN (to make me look as if I'm in the UK when I'm travelling) or do I need to go via that private VPN?

12-11-16, 23:02
On your router you need to go to VPN menu. Click on the client tab. Add profile. choose OPENVPN TAB. Give it a name(Asus router) put in user name and password. Upload the client.ovpn config file you exported from the router. Save and activate.
If you use iPhone or tablet then you need to email the client.ovpn config file to any devices you may use. You then need to set up openvpn on these devices using the client.opvn config file.. The asus router help in the vpn tab will show you how to do this.
Once this is done and when your are away from home on public network, you can turn on your openvpn on your device and you should be able to access your home network.
Hope this makes sense.

Make sure the Client OPENVPN is always activated on your router before you go way. Mine is permanently on.
This will not affect your paid for private VPN on your device(laptop etc). Just connect as normal. (no need to activate OPENVPN on your laptop/tablet device to do this)

Just a footnote. To test this works you need to be away from your home network. `it will not work whilst on your home network.
If you have a mobile then set it up on phone(download OPENVPN app) To test it works turn of your wifi on the phone and test it on your 3g/4g network)

12-11-16, 23:11
Brilliant. Thanks Ashley. I was already on that path but once again you've moved me there much quicker. I'll test it when I'm on the hoof tomorrow and report back (hopefully to sign off) but given the time I've spent wandering in the dark I'll try to put together an idiot's guide for anybody who might be following me.

11-12-16, 20:23
hi Im2020

Im trying to work out how to set the openVPN up on a BT Hub6 has anyone done a idiot guide to do this please ? And what software would u use on a android phone ?



11-12-16, 20:51
Sorry I can't help here as I have never had a BT hub.

28-02-17, 13:53
Once i have set up VPN would i be able to stream and transcode tv using the xtrend app or dreamdroid app?
Because i currently can do this with port forwarding but i am looking down at the VPN route but was wandering if it works the same way.?