View Full Version : Confused on next receiver

06-11-16, 23:03
Hi guys

I am looking fir some advice on next receiver
Current set up spiderbox 9000hd
Motorised system
I get a number of emails around bpnew receivers but want to kniw advantages
He rx i have is old now and i only have one dish
What would you guys recomend the hext to buy
Mutant,xtrend,techonate and then you get to the vu range
Would apreciate guidance

07-11-16, 08:12
As with everything, be it a TV, a car a holiday, the experience you will get depends on how much you would like to spend.

07-11-16, 18:06
Thanks for reply yes i apreciate price always comes into it the spiderbox was ok fir me using the cline method but the box has faults now so wanted get get an idea what we be a decent upgrade from that box

07-11-16, 18:23
You really should read the rules you signed up to my friend - NO LINE TALK

07-11-16, 18:39
Thanks willmore