View Full Version : [MB Premium Micro] TV button on remote doesn't work in 4.2.xxx

06-11-16, 08:35

I rebuilt my mum's Miraclebox Micro yesterday from 4.1.001 to 4.2.011 (latest) and realised that on the new build the TV button at the bottom of the remote doesn't work for bringing up the list of bouquets and just gives the stop sign / round circle with line through it.

If I use OpenWebIf and press the TV button on the remote in there it works as expected.

I tried various 4.2.xxx builds all the way back to 4.2.001 and it has the same problem.

I then went back to 4.1.016 and it works as expected and I've left it there for now.

I've attached a debug log from where the button isn't working and the keypresses can be seen at the end of the log.

Thanks in advance


abu baniaz
06-11-16, 09:28
There were some driver/kernel changes recently. Maybe these are at play?

Stop enigma2 and run in console mode

init 4 && enigma2

To end, ctrl and C then init 3

What happens when you press the TV button on 4.1 016 ?

My LX3 has this

< 89208.363> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 377 TV

Maybe you can repeat on latest image. It should be 378 if those were the last actions on your debug log

06-11-16, 09:42
Thanks mate - I'm not with the box at the moment but I'll be back down there in a few days so I'll grab some logs off :)

08-11-16, 12:55
Have the same box for my old man, same problem with the TV button, since flashing 4.2. updated build .012 yesterday for him. Doesn't use this box much mind but showed him another way to use for now

abu baniaz
08-11-16, 22:04
Driver issue

12-11-16, 23:06
Thanks Abu mate, I've just been down there today and on 4.1.016 it looks like it was the same response as the LX3 when pressing the TV button:

[InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 377 TV


So does look like the TV key changed to 378 in 4.2.x with that new driver for whatever reason :)

24-11-16, 09:54
Any idea how long this will take abu to fix? cheers

abu baniaz
24-11-16, 15:23
The manufacturer needs to change the drivers. I left a comment on their GitHub commit, there was no response.

Maybe people should start emailing them.

Please try this file. Extract and transfer to /usr/share/enigma2/

Will be in next image.

Attachment removed as included in image now.

27-11-16, 21:27
Thanks, all sorted

12-12-16, 21:42
I finally got around to upgrading my parents MB Micro yesterday to 4.2.021 and it's working a treat now thanks again :)