View Full Version : Surround Sound?

04-11-16, 11:40

I hope someone can shed some light. Got my Solo2 yesterday and love it so far. Managed to set everything up, Skin, Services, Picons etc etc... there is just one thing I can't figure out.

I cannot get 5.1! The Solo2 is feeding a Denon AVR via optical and is set NOT to downmix in the AV settings page. When I go tot the Audio section in Openvix while a channel is running it state the channel is Stereo. I have tried loads of HD channels that should be DD channels/progrmmes.

Any advice would be great.


05-11-16, 09:23
Try the green buton on the dennon remote set it to multi surround sound thats what i do on my dennon avrx 4200 receiver



05-11-16, 12:49

I hope someone can shed some light. Got my Solo2 yesterday and love it so far. Managed to set everything up, Skin, Services, Picons etc etc... there is just one thing I can't figure out.

I cannot get 5.1! The Solo2 is feeding a Denon AVR via optical and is set NOT to downmix in the AV settings page. When I go tot the Audio section in Openvix while a channel is running it state the channel is Stereo. I have tried loads of HD channels that should be DD channels/progrmmes.

Any advice would be great.


On channels such as BBC 1 HD its only a minority of programs that are 5.1. On satellite (Freesat) , Openvix will state AC3 Dolby but my AV identifies most of this as Prologic 2. Something like the dancing program on Saturday peak time viewing on BBC 1 is likely to be DD5.1. My AV amp switches automatically between the two encoding methods depending on what is being broadcast and often its very noticeable (sound wise) when this happens.

If its UK terrestrial (freeview) Openvix will state AAC-HE but most of the HD programs are encoded AAC 2.1 rather than AAC 5.1

There is/was also a problems on some channels where the switching between adjacent programs using different audio encoding caused sound glitches and to get over this the broadcasters left the 5.1marker permanently on even through they may have been transmitting 2.1, and leaving the customers AV amps to automatically decode the content.

06-11-16, 17:28
Thanks Adm! Seems I had it right all along just hadn't seen any DD programmes. Works perfectly. Nice!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

06-11-16, 19:09
They are getting rarer, I have seen premier league matches on SS1HD that havnt been 5.1 and I thought it was my amp at first.

Rob van der Does
07-11-16, 06:10
Must be a UK-issue; on the continent the number of services with (real) DD is still rising.

07-11-16, 08:10
I agree, There used to be a lot on the BBC, but as OP has pointed they are few and far between now, Due to the BBC operating terms they have to offer the same service on all platforms, so if they are squeezed for bandwidth say on T2, every other platform has to suffer.

07-11-16, 09:10

Due to the BBC operating terms they have to offer the same service on all platforms,
who wrote this stupid operating terms? This kills progress.
