View Full Version : silverfox0786 Channel List

09-01-11, 19:39
Started using this the other day must say its great , but is it possible to remove the empty channels e.g 1-100 before 101(BBC1) and others in between channels (coming soon ones)


09-01-11, 19:43
no mate those cant be removed or the channel numbers will not reflect the sly hd box they are place holders to keep the numbering system correct

09-01-11, 19:44
You can with DBedit but if you do and you press 101 it will not go BBC1 as before if this is not an issue make sure that in dbedit options advanced tab allow duplicate entries is unchecked then ftp the bouquet to the duo

09-01-11, 19:47
no mate those cant be removed or the channel numbers will not reflect the sly hd box they are place holders to keep the numbering system correct

ok not a prob , Thanks anyways keep up the good work : )

10-01-11, 01:35
i asked the same thing not long ago would be nice to get rid of all them blank channels but its something you will get use to. still it would be great to get rid of them all maybe just maybe mite be possible silverfox0786?

10-01-11, 08:10
if i got rid of them then the channel numbers would be all wrong

pressing 101 would not be BBC1 and 301 Movies and 401 Sports etc

they are place holders to keep the numbers in order and at prescent enigma does not have a way of hiding channels in the background