View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] Feeds

01-11-16, 12:31
Just noticed the post regarding feeds for 3.2 receivers that support ended at 3.2.

The post said the feeds should still be available for said receivers a although I've not been able to access them.
Which is why I posted my other topic.

Should the feeds still be available for the ventonhdx eco+

Or has it now gone offline?

If they should still be available can you advise how to connect

01-11-16, 14:08
It may be quicker (though appreciably not easier) to manually add whatever it is you want to install the old fashioned way?

I would usually agree but after the PITA it turned out to be to get the epg refresh plugin working I'll try avoid that as much as possible!

Although when running the vix image there are certain parts of the image that need a connection to the feeds
For example cron timers won't run because there's no feeds.

I appreciate once support it dropped for whatever reason the receiver becomes obsolete.
It would just be nice to have maybe a form of legacy feed available to keep the main core features of the image running.
But can appreciate this would obviously become none cost effective on the server side.

The fact I've only had these specific "second receivers" a few months also plays a part.

If the vix images weren't by far and away the best images around I suppose it wouldn't matter

01-11-16, 14:58
Latest images are available for most of the boxes, why not just update?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

01-11-16, 15:41
Just been trying the openatv image
Its OK but obviously English isn't the native language so some of the translation isn't great.

The other problem with that image is that abm is causing a crash everything I configure it.

So I'm not sure that will be the go to image.

What is the image you mention?

abu baniaz
01-11-16, 15:59
ABM crashes first time you configure it after install if you do not restart after install.

Please do not discuss Anthony's image here.

01-11-16, 16:08
ABM crashes first time you configure it after install if you do not restart after install.

Please do not discuss the Anthony's image here.

Sorry I completely forgot it wasn't a vix image.

02-11-16, 16:15
I don't think it was ATV that Abu was getting at, mentioning it like BH or PLI is fine, it's the other ViX based image that can't be mentioned.

What strikes me as unfortunate in all of this, is the reason for the feeds being pulled was given as abuse/high bandwidth from cloned/unsupported hardware. That seems perfectly reasonable, why should WoS pick up the bandwidth bill for cloned/unsupported hardware using it's images? Then I had a quick look on a forum with a section devoted to unsupported hardware... they have a current version of ViX with working plugins and have done so for weeks :(

Yeah I can completely understand the stance and the guys put a lot of hard work in for free to produce these images.

You always get the other side of it like you say with the clones.

I still have and use a dm800 clone from years ago before I knew better.

But ppl just piggyback of other people hard work