View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] Epg refresh ipk request

31-10-16, 00:07
Need some help
I've a venton hdx eco+ receiver that no longer receives build updates. Which is fine.

I've had to do a fresh usb install of the last available apollo 73 image (I think it's 73)
Anyway all went well. But as it's an outdated image I can't access the feeds to download plugins.

I've manually got everything I need and installed but I can't seem to find the epg refresh ipk

Can some kind soul post it up for me please. Latest version if possible


31-10-16, 12:16
Really struggling here

31-10-16, 14:31
This for cable? You don't need that plugin. Just sit on a preview channel for 5 mins or create a nightly zap timer to one

31-10-16, 18:40
I prefer to automate it.
Plus I'm having a issue setting a zap timer as it causes the receiver to hang.
I know it's easy enough to sit in one of the channels for a few minutes but I'm not sure my parents will find it so easy.
So trying to keep everything as automated as possible so it's less for them to have to do

abu baniaz
31-10-16, 19:01
The receivers that are no longer supported will still have access to plugin server on the 3.2 image.

31-10-16, 19:09
The receivers that are no longer supported will still have access to plugin server on the 3.2 image.

I can't seem to get to them
I've 2 eco boxes that are no longer supported and a unibox hd2 that still is and has the latest vix image on
I can get the feeds on the one with the latest image
But the 2 3.2 images give an error

abu baniaz
31-10-16, 19:20

abu baniaz
31-10-16, 19:21
But the 2 3.2 images give an error

I don't understand, what do you mean?

31-10-16, 20:10
I don't understand, what do you mean?

Sorry it does look a bit funny.

I can update to the very last 3.2 image dated February 2016 as per your link.

But I cannot access the plugin feeds from within the image to be able to download the epg refresh plugin.

When you go to
Menu--> plugins--> download plugins
It gives an error and cannot retrieve feeds.

Obviously on one of my other receivers that has the latest 4.0 (i forget what it is now) I can access the feeds properly as normal.

What I'm looking for is for someone ki d enough to supply me with the latest epgrefresh plugin in ipk form so I can ftp over and install manually.

It's proving more difficult than I first thought because I can't find it anywhere on the net.

I've found the git but my knowledge of Linux is poor so am unable to build the ipk myself.

The reason I'm trying so hard is I want to automate the process as the receiver is my parents receiver and they would struggle to do it or forget.

Hope that's a bit clearer.
I confused myself reading my last post!

abu baniaz
31-10-16, 20:25
The problem is that epg refresh is compile during the image build process. and takes on the architecture type of the receiver, instead of mipsel32. It won't install on your image.

The only thing I can suggest is to flash opentv image and download the plugin from their plugin server. You can then return to Vix or continue using their image.

31-10-16, 20:57
OK I see
I have a backup with the plugin on but don't want to restore it because I think it restores everything
Which is the reason for the fresh usb flash.

I also have an identical receiver with the same image that has epg refresh is there any way I can copy out the plugin? And put it on the receiver without it?

abu baniaz
31-10-16, 21:01
Option 1. Make an image backup, flash it on the other. You can edit things like IP address later

Option 2. Try transferring the plugin. You should find it in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions
Make sure file properties are the same afterwards

31-10-16, 21:15
Option 1. Make an image backup, flash it on the other. You can edit things like IP address later

Option 2. Try transferring the plugin. You should find it in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions
Make sure file properties are the same afterwards

Might give option 1 a try

I tried option 2 last night but I just got a boot loop and it complaining about the plugin

31-10-16, 22:00
Plus I'm having a issue setting a zap timer as it causes the receiver to hang.
I know it's easy enough to sit in one of the channels for a few minutes but I'm not sure my parents will find it so easy.
So trying to keep everything as automated as possible so it's less for them to have to doWhat about setting a Power timer for ~4am that is set to shutdown after 30mins?
And hope that it's on the right channel...

31-10-16, 22:21
The problem is that epg refresh is compile during the image build process. and takes on the architecture type of the receiver, instead of mipsel32. It won't install on your image.It's entirely Python code.
You could plonk the source code for it in place on any system (it all goes under /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/) and it will be compiled (by python) on access.

The source for the current extension is
http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/4.2/inihdx/inihdx/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh-src_2.0+git6152+ab12e1f-r10_inihdx.ipk Whether there have been any changes made since the 3.2 image was built that are incompatible with 3.2 I can't say, but it's quite likely that there haven't been - I think there has only been one in the last 4 years(?) and that was recent and benign.

So, login to the box and:

mkdir work
cd work
wget http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/4.2/inihdx/inihdx/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh-src_2.0+git6152+ab12e1f-r10_inihdx.ipk
ar -x enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh-src_2.0+git6152+ab12e1f-r10_inihdx.ipk
tar xvf data.tar.gx
mv ./usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/ /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/
NOTE the dot then no-dot in those pathnames!!
Restart the GUI.
See what happens.
If it all goes pear-shaped then run:

rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/
When completed, delete the work directory. But save the downloaded extension code somewhere.

31-10-16, 22:41
What about setting a Power timer for ~4am that is set to shutdown after 30mins?
And hope that it's on the right channel...

Would that not just shut the box down if not put on the right channel before you go to bed?

31-10-16, 22:45
It's entirely Python code.
You could plonk the source code for it in place on any system (it all goes under /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/) and it will be compiled (by python) on access.

The source for the current extension is
http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/4.2/inihdx/inihdx/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh-src_2.0+git6152+ab12e1f-r10_inihdx.ipk Whether there have been any changes made since the 3.2 image was built that are incompatible with 3.2 I can't say, but it's quite likely that there haven't been - I think there has only been one in the last 4 years(?) and that was recent and benign.

So, login to the box and:

mkdir work
cd work
wget http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/4.2/inihdx/inihdx/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh-src_2.0+git6152+ab12e1f-r10_inihdx.ipk
ar -x enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh-src_2.0+git6152+ab12e1f-r10_inihdx.ipk
tar xvf data.tar.gx
mv ./usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/ /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/
NOTE the dot then no-dot in those pathnames!!
Restart the GUI.
See what happens.
If it all goes pear-shaped then run:

rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGRefresh/
When completed, delete the work directory. But save the downloaded extension code somewhere.

I'll give this a shot in the morning I think as I have exhausted all other ways I can think of

Abu's tip of making a backup on my identical receiver with the plugin won't restore on the receiver without it but I'm sure that's for good reason
Eg not to brick a receiver

31-10-16, 22:50
By the way the source you posted also downloads an ipk can I not just plonk that in tmp and install local extension?
Or is that ipk just the source
(I know you were talking about calling it from inside the receivers environment using commands)
I'm just thinking outside the box

31-10-16, 23:11
Would that not just shut the box down if not put on the right channel before you go to bed?Sorry - poor description by me.
I meant a PowerTimer to wake it up at 4am just for 30mins.

31-10-16, 23:13
By the way the source you posted also downloads an ipk can I not just plonk that in tmp and install local extension?
Or is that ipk just the sourceThat ipk is just the source, but that's all you need. So it might work (I've never used the mechanism).

I'm just thinking outside the boxActually, in a way, you are thinking inside the box...

31-10-16, 23:33
That ipk is just the source, but that's all you need. So it might work (I've never used the mechanism).

Actually, in a way, you are thinking inside the box...

Haha good pun if it was meant that way!

Right I've loaded the source ipk but from usb and it moaned about not being in tmp.
So will need to try that to make sure it isn't that and I actually need to use the console do do as above.

01-11-16, 00:11
That ipk is just the source, but that's all you need. So it might work (I've never used the mechanism).

Actually, in a way, you are thinking inside the box...

The code Didn't work in the end I got as far as
tar xvf data.tar.gx
Which gave
Can't open data.tar.gx no such file or directory

01-11-16, 00:29
Managed to get the plugin back :thumbsup:

The code above didn't work but I managed to use a backup that was on a old usb I had lying around which just happened to have the plugin on!!!

I'm not sure why copying all the source files into the correct directory didn't actually work as it looks like that's all the backup did

Although I'm not clued up in this area so I'm sure there's a reason even if it was copied from an identical receiver with same image.

01-11-16, 03:16
The code Didn't work in the end I got as far as
tar xvf data.tar.gx
Which gave
Can't open data.tar.gx no such file or directoryTypo by me. Should have been data.tar.gx (or, more usually for me, da<tab> and let the shell do the work).

Anyway, glad you're back in action.