View Full Version : Mgcamd on vu+ solo2

24-10-16, 20:48
Hi Guys,
still enjoying the vu+solo2 that i bought off you but need a bit of help now.
so ive always used cccam and im comfortable with how that works but transitioning to mgcamd 1.38 on my vu+ solo2 i need to know the following:
does a newcamd.list file and mg_cfg file have to be in the same usr/keys folder?

24-10-16, 21:09
Yes. .

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24-10-16, 21:10
You are best learning Oscam imo.

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24-10-16, 21:18
What's the advantage of OScam Andy ?

24-10-16, 21:21
Its regularly updated whereas Mgcamd hasn't been updated in years. What I like about Oscam as well is when you restart GUI you have to press the yellow button to restart Mgcamd whereas using Oscam you don't need to. Well worth the time n effort to learn Oscam imo.

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24-10-16, 21:24
Another note also is if you do go the 4K receiver route which is ARM based not MIPS you need to use Oscam also.

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24-10-16, 21:38
I have got Oscam working on one of my boxes but don't see any advantage in it. Although the extra info thats available is interesting and the ability to 'configure' it more. I tried reading up on it but couldn't make head nor tail of it then somebody sent me a file and I filled a couple of things in and it worked - not sure I've learnt anything though.

24-10-16, 21:55
thanks andy

john doe
25-10-16, 08:23
oscam is definitely the way to go. will take time to setup, but well worth it. as you can amend/update direct from Webif

25-10-16, 12:03
Could someone point me in the right direction where I could read up more on oscam, as my mgcamd and been dropping out etc recently?


25-10-16, 13:04
As above, MGcamd is great on my Solo2 and rarely gives me any bother, as a result i'd become lazy and relied on it. With the Solo4k i've had to learn OSCAM, it's not without it's quirks and i've yet to achieve the same level of stability on it as I have with MGcamd, but it's a very versatile cam and is being actively developed/supported so if you're looking to switch and can afford the time to play about it's probably the better choice right now. If you want a very smooth/easy transition and very few issues then personally i'd say MGCamd is your best option. I've hooked the Solo2 back up while I play with the 4K on another feed - the family didn't take kindly to random cam issues.
I have read a lot about 'having to learn' OScam and the time needed to do it, which put me off somewhat. But as i posted above, someone sent me a file for use on Vix, told me what to put where and I was up and running in about 10 minutes (max). I don't understand it any more now than I did before...........but it's working :-)

02-11-16, 18:58
I really don't know what all the fuss is about with Oscam. I finally got it working with the help of another forum user but it was hopeless.
With mgcamd I get virtually no freezing but lots & lots of freezing with Oscam.
Went back to mgcamd!

02-11-16, 20:00
Random fact: MGCamd now works on ARM in two other images (via emulation).

I had exactly that issue with mgcamd and OSCAM, it took a little while to diagnose, but the issue wasn't OSCAM. It's been virtually perfect ever since and has a *lot* more flexibility.

Can you say what the issue was then to help others?

27-01-17, 12:48
I am new so please bear with me. I got a used vu+ solo2 with Black Hole 0.? (can't see it, not visible on scree). I have got a mgcamd line (sent to me with a mg_cfg file and a channel list). Using Filezilla, I put both files in the var/keys folder (I could not open any of them though).

Now: how do I activate the line on the set? When I press the yellow button it shows that 4x cccam lines are on but I cannot open any of them? What is the process of opening/activating the mgcamd line on the vu+ solo2 (Black hole) image?

2. How can I find out what Black hole image version I have on the set?

3. Is it necessary to update it to the latest image?

4. If I update it will I have to re-install all the plugins that are already on the set?

Your help is appreciated.

Thank you.

27-01-17, 13:59
I am new so please bear with me. I got a used vu+ solo2 with Black Hole 0.? (can't see it, not visible on scree). I have got a mgcamd line (sent to me with a mg_cfg file and a channel list). Using Filezilla, I put both files in the var/keys folder (I could not open any of them though).

Now: how do I activate the line on the set? When I press the yellow button it shows that 4x cccam lines are on but I cannot open any of them? What is the process of opening/activating the mgcamd line on the vu+ solo2 (Black hole) image?

2. How can I find out what Black hole image version I have on the set?

3. Is it necessary to update it to the latest image?

4. If I update it will I have to re-install all the plugins that are already on the set?

Your help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Go back and reread the forum rules, and then you will realise the rule(s) you have broken with this post. No help will be given here. NO LINE/CARD SHARING talk is allowed here.

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27-01-17, 14:59
I really don't know what all the fuss is about with Oscam. I finally got it working with the help of another forum user but it was hopeless.
With mgcamd I get virtually no freezing but lots & lots of freezing with Oscam.
Went back to mgcamd!
I never have freezing with oscam with the servebox or clientboxes. After five years using oscam I`m still happy with it. Please study more how to configure it.