View Full Version : Iptv

20-10-16, 20:50
As above gents. I don't tend to visit that much as my vu+ cams work, they can see my network server and play stuff but after a troubleshooting visit last night (thanks very much to all that helped) I would say I'm a bit behind on "cool stuff" to install....first of the block is iptv stuff...can anyone point me in the right direction for getting something installed??


20-10-16, 21:07
IPTVPlayer usually works pretty well.
Telent into the box & issue:

wget http://iptvplayer.pl/iptvinstaller.sh -O - | /bin/sh

20-10-16, 21:14
Cheers... I'll try that now.... I'm guessing that's just the installer... Does it work like kodi and need plugins?

Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk

20-10-16, 21:17
When you launch it for the first time (blue button -> IPTVPlayer) it will ask you to install all the bits you need, just follow the defaults.

20-10-16, 21:20
Thanks very much - stb is just awaiting a reboot but just nerding it up watching halt and catch fire.


21-10-16, 10:28
Well, i got it all installed. First and foremost as soon as i installed the software on the vu - my firewall on my laptop lit up.....as soon as i dropped the firewall with wireshark running it was about 30 seconds before someone made an attempt at a remote desktop connection....everything is passworded with regards to accounts and access to my laptop so it wouldnt have worked....im guessing the access to the iptv services "put my head above the parapit...." interesting none the less though....

21-10-16, 11:12
Never had any such issues. Have you opened ports on your modem/router?

21-10-16, 11:30
Yes - there are ports opened on the router but everything is secured. Ive got a hp server running ilo with relevant ports opened but ilo is secured (ironically its interesting looking at the logs as most of the attacks are from the chinese and russians!)

There are some ports forwarded to the server itself for remote desktop (not standard microsoft RDP but a 3rd party) but again these are secured. The attack was directed at my laptop and not the server though....just seemed a bit strange how literally minutes after i installed the iptv software the laptops firewall started logging events....

My networking skills arent the best but it seemed like a socket type attack...not like where something like vnc broadcasts on a certain port and then you connect to it but more like...and this is while im typing this what it could be but not sure how, is, i did leave an install of teamviewer on there as i was helping a friend out remotely on his machine earlier on in the week - i normally uninstall the software when im finished so could have gotten in that way but, then team viewer is secured with a numeric code as well so that may be a bit of a red herring....i dunno - when i get home from work im gonna leave it on all night running wireshark and see what happens...might have been a one off...dunno...

21-10-16, 12:08
There was lately issue with TeamViewer which allowed bad guys to intrude into your system and therefor it was suggested to uninstall it. Might be related? There is always possibility that some bugs or "features" are included in whatever software. And it is not surprise that you see attacks from there what you see in your logs. You are not the chosen one ;)

You can always use portable version of TeamViewer if needed to which doesn't run all time like installed versions tend to even if by your thoughts you closed it.

21-10-16, 12:28
I never said i was the chosen one....far from it. I totally understand that most attacks are in blank form and usually a scatter gun approach (i work in an IT department myself and we see it all the time) It just seemed highly coincidental that it happened at the same time, nothing more. I dont make a point of using team viewer myself but my mate seems to like it as it saves him time and hes lazy and doesnt want to set his router up correctly...